The Chalker/Charker Society of
(Established in 1988)
This family society mainly consists
of descendants of William Charker, also known as Chalker, who at the age of
25 years was convicted at
In 1803, William received permission
to marry an ex-convict, Mary Kearns, to whom he had been assigned. Mary had
been convicted of theft in
In 1808, William met and formed a
lifetime liaison with Elizabeth Shackle (sometimes spelt Sheckle) soon after
she arrived on the “Speke”.
William and Elizabeth had 8 children
before he died at the age of 48 years in 1823.
b.1806 married Jane Welch/Welsh/Walsh
b. 1809 married Mary McGlynn
William James
b. 1810 married Eleanor Anderson
Maria b.
1811 married Charles York
Joseph Henry
b. 1813 married Eleanor Kelly
John b.
c1815 married (1) Priscilla Plowman
Sarah Houghton
James b.
c1817 married Sarah Welch/Welsh/Walsh
Mary Anne
b.1818 married (1) Robert Walker
(2) Thomas McGlynn
(3) James Williams
b. 1821 married Mary Greenwood
William was known both as a Charker and a Chalker. He used and signed his name Charker for all official documents, but others frequently used the name Chalker. Most of his descendants used the Chalker name but the family of his son William James still generally use the name Charker.
The name Charker was used at Williams’s baptism in
DANIEL - | Dowling, Hambridge, McGlynn, Gustafson, Triggs, Moore, Nicholson, Dobbie, Currey, Rutter |
EDWARD - | Newman, Webster, McGarr, Fitzroy, Saunders, McKinnon, Middleton, Head, Baller, Watt, Duggan, Williams, Donnelly, Day, Pinnell |
WILLIAM JAMES - | Ryan, Rushton, Hereford, Turner, Neilson, Armstein, Auld, Morphett, Richards, Comans, Luke, Petith |
MARIA - | York, Ryan, Dempsey, Evans, Josephson, Brown, Kable, Tindall, Ferguson |
JOSEPH HENRY - | Power, Berrigan, Shanley, Belcher, Reardon, Aver, Bottin, Curtis, Ridgewell, Moon, Venables, Gottaass, Sheldon, Feeney, Phillips, Sloan, Johnson, Eccleston, Whittaker, Delany, Crowe, Hyles, Dinnen |
JOHN - | Kelly, Clack, O’Brien, Hannen, Kerin, Simpson, Selmes, Wheeler, James, Hurst, Taylor, Bell, Verrender, Duck, Gobert, Trainer, Brown |
JAMES - | Jones, Mitchell, Smith, Donnelly, O’Malley, Wild, Shea, Fitzgerald, Pitts, Muller, Battam, Bye, Turner, Buie, Dawson, Baily, Wharton, Cronin, Angove, McLoughlin, Cook |
MARY ANNE - | McGlynn, Wilkins, Sheather, Caites, Wright, Russell, McGrath |
GEORGE - | had no issue |
The objectives
of the Chalker/Charker Society of
There are four meetings of the Society held throughout the year. The venue for these meetings vary as three of the meetings are held in the homes of our members, with the fourth meeting being the AGM, which is usually held in Mittagong, NSW.
A nominated member of each branch
of William and
Membership is open to any person interested in furthering the Society’s objectives, even though you may not be descended from William Charker/Chalker and Elizabeth Shackle/Sheckle.
For further information on the Society,
its aims and the annual membership subscription, please contact our Secretary:
Mrs Thelma Scanes
E-mail address: