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Conditional Purchases 1st January - 31st March 1864
Votes and Proceedings of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly 1865 pages 445 - 452
From the originals in the Dixson Library, University of New England, Armidale.
Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 1999 "TABULAR RETURN shewing the names of all Persons who have purchased Land conditionally, under the Land Alienation Act of 1861;... the quantity of Land in each purchase; the name and class of District wherein the Land is situated; the amount of money received on each lot; the balance remaining to be received; the date when the balance of the purchase money shall be payable."The index is arranged alphabetically by surname and gives the Conditional Purchase register number for each purchase.
- Abbott Robert Palmer CP64/69
- Alexander Francis CP64/137
- Allen George CP64/167
- Anderson James CP64/21
- Anderson William CP64/231
- Arber John CP64/175
- Astill Isaac CP64/564
- Atkinson Joseph CP64/342
- Bailey Edward CP64/145
- Baker William minor CP64/366
- Banfield George CP64/17
- Barber George CP64/334
- Barry Martin CP64/302
- Bassingthwaite William CP64/51
- Bateman John junr CP64/158
- Batten John CP64/311
- Beh Charles CP64/25
- Beh Charles CP64/74
- Bell Henry CP64/270
- Bell Henry CP64/341
- Bellamy James CP64/419
- Berry Thomas CP64/463
- Best Samuel CP64/592
- Bingham Charles CP64/151
- Binns Christopher CP64/570
- Blanch Alfred John CP64/75
- Blanch John CP64/45
- Blayney Charles CP64/179
- Blayney John CP64/179
- Boles John CP64/368
- Boothe Joseph CP64/584
- Bowning James CP64/497
- Boyd William CP64/531
- Boyle Fargil CP64/180
- Brandon Michael CP64/344
- Bransby Spencer L CP64/181
- Brennan Anna Maria CP64/287
- Brennan William CP64/351
- Brennan William Francis CP64/244
- Brett William CP64/465
- Bridge Joseph senior CP64/580
- Briggs Sarah CP64/56
- Brogan Thomas CP64/57
- Brooker Richard CP64/212
- Brooks George CP64/141
- Brown John CP64/112
- Brown John CP64/247
- Brown John CP64/355
- Brown John CP64/477
- Brown William CP64/93
- Browning James CP64/44
- Browse David CP64/26
- Bruce Alexander CP64/610
- Bruce Thomas CP64/364
- Bruce Thomas CP64/624
- Bruce William CP64/625
- Bruggy Jeremiah CP64/154
- Buchanan John CP64/8
- Budge Joseph CP64/565
- Burke Thomas CP64/545
- Burley John Balfour CP64/616
- Burns Huston CP64/502
- Burns James CP64/19
- Burns John CP64/225
- Burnside James CP64/229
- Burt James CP64/450
- Busby Alice Maude CP64/96
- Busby Frances Mary minor CP64/98
- Busby William minor CP64/97
- Busteed Michael CP64/29
- Butler William CP64/107
- Byrne Charles CP64/338
- Caithness John CP64/310
- Callnane John CP64/613
- Cameron Alexander CP64/478
- Cameron John CP64/309
- Cameron John CP64/400
- Camor Jeremiah CP64/159
- Campbell Hugh CP64/430
- Campbell John CP64/281
- Campbell John Edward Robert CP64/521
- Campbell John Edward Robert CP64/524
- Carey John junr CP64/118
- Carroll William CP64/474
- Carter Charles Lovell CP64/589
- Carter Richard CP64/33
- Carter Richard CP64/80
- Casburn John Charles CP64/356
- Caslic William CP64/81
- Cassidy James junior minor CP64/373
- Chambers Robert C CP64/556
- Charlesworth David CP64/316
- Charteris W Newall Maxwell CP64/549
- Chatfield Charles Allan CP64/313
- Chegston Robert CP64/590
- Childs Edward CP64/78
- Childs Edward CP64/172
- Christ Johann Karl CP64/526
- Christ Johann Karl CP64/578
- Churchill Charles CP64/551
- Clarke James CP64/326
- Clarke Lewis CP64/133
- Clayton Roger CP64/299
- Cleghorn William Garibaldi CP64/409
- Clune James CP64/42
- Coleman Frederick William CP64/3
- Collins John CP64/187
- Commins Patrick CP64/249
- Commins Thomas CP64/250
- Commins Thomas CP64/298
- Condon Michael CP64/34
- Cone Samuel CP64/130
- Cooper George CP64/506
- Cordeaux William John CP64/2
- Core John CP64/516
- Corrigan Edmund CP64/192
- Couch William Henry CP64/622
- Cox Daniel CP64/518
- Cox Edward King CP64/173
- Cox James Charles CP64/77
- Cox Richard CP64/76
- Creer Edward CP64/228
- Creer Henry CP64/228
- Creswick Charles CP64/58
- Crichton George Waterhouse CP64/268
- Crocker John CP64/328
- Croese Charles CP64/519
- Crofts Richard CP64/10
- Cronan Thomas CP64/552
- Crossman George CP64/379
- Cummings Patrick CP64/525
- Cummins Thomas CP64/605
- Curren Nicholas CP64/501
- Dangar Frederick Holkam CP64/634
- Dangar Lucy CP64/636
- Davis Joseph CP64/510
- Davy John CP64/147
- Dawson Henry CP64/493
- Dawson Isaac CP64/514
- Dennis George CP64/14
- Dennis John CP64/89
- Denton George CP64/304
- Devereux James CP64/473
- Dewey Andrew CP64/491
- Dight John CP64/184
- Dollin Henry CP64/350
- Donelly James CP64/285
- Dougharty James CP64/608
- Dowd Edward CP64/127
- Dowling William CP64/354
- Dowsett Thomas CP64/197
- Driver David CP64/174
- Drury William CP64/155
- Duff James CP64/438
- Dunn Francis CP64/443
- Duross John CP64/140
- Dwyer Timothy CP64/143
- Dwyer Timothy CP64/272
- Eather James CP64/246
- Eaton John CP64/422
- Ebzery Henry CP64/94
- Edgworth Thomas CP64/336
- Egan James CP64/532
- Elliott William CP64/265
- Enright John CP64/32
- Eslick Simon CP64/561
- Evans Robert CP64/540
- Eve Samuel CP64/563
- Farquhar John CP64/479
- Farrell John CP64/259
- Farrell Thomas CP64/439
- Feeney Daniel CP64/241
- Fennell Hannah Matilda CP64/297
- Fergus Charles CP64/7
- Ferguson Alexander CP64/586
- Fishlock Michael CP64/38
- Flemming John CP64/62
- Fletcher Charles CP64/109
- Flood Nicholas CP64/627
- Foley James CP64/53
- Ford Michael CP64/54
- Ford Michael CP64/188
- Forsyth Joseph CP64/569
- Foster Robert CP64/146
- Fox Alfred CP64/345
- Francis John CP64/327
- Franey Martin CP64/323
- Fraser Lachlan CP64/168
- Freehill Patrick CP64/365
- Freeman James CP64/126
- French Henry CP64/261
- Frossil George CP64/528
- Frost Alfred CP64/37
- Frost Michael CP64/41
- Gambell John CP64/308
- Gamble Mary Ann CP64/258
- Gannon John CP64/434
- Geartey John CP64/623
- Gee William CP64/224
- George John Joseph CP64/594
- George Joseph junior CP64/596
- George Richard Henry CP64/508
- George Richard James CP64/597
- George Thomas Richard CP64/595
- Gerohty Thomas CP64/242
- Gibson Ebenezer Campbell CP64/279
- Gibson Frederick CP64/335
- Gilchrist George CP64/20
- Gilchrist William CP64/305
- Giles John CP64/31
- Gillard William CP64/274
- Gillespie Daniel CP64/111
- Gillespie James CP64/492
- Golshy Edward CP64/331
- Goodfellow James CP64/503
- Goodwin James junr CP64/183
- Goodwin John CP64/535
- Gordon David CP64/489
- Gordon George junior CP64/252
- Gould William CP64/122
- Gowman William CP64/488
- Graham Robert CP64/35
- Grant Frederick CP64/470
- Grant James CP64/283
- Green Daniel CP64/495
- Green Jesse CP64/626
- Green John CP64/319
- Gregory George CP64/82
- Greig James CP64/417
- Greig James CP64/593
- Greig John CP64/216
- Grenfell John CP64/254
- Hallam John CP64/389
- Hallinan Thomas CP64/370
- Halpin James CP64/152
- Hamilton Joseph CP64/321
- Hammond John CP64/573
- Hammond John CP64/631
- Hancock Mark CP64/6
- Handebo Charles CP64/496
- Hannam John CP64/43
- Harn William CP64/46
- Harper John CP64/457
- Hart John CP64/509
- Hart Peter CP64/359
- Hartigan Jeremiah CP64/435
- Haynes John junior CP64/399
- Hays Francis Somers CP64/99
- Hayward Thomas CP64/164
- Headland George CP64/296
- Heath William CP64/547
- Heffernan Dennis CP64/291
- Heffernan Michael CP64/529
- Herreran Patrick CP64/367
- Hewitt Cornelius CP64/83
- Hewitt George Henry CP64/123
- Hinds Thomas CP64/215
- Hinkelbeen Peter CP64/129
- Hogan Timothy CP64/120
- Horseman James Kirkan CP64/507
- Huggett Thomas William CP64/414
- Hume Andrew Hamilton CP64/601
- Hunt Joseph Able CP64/436
- Hunter William CP64/269
- Hurkett Henry CP64/559
- Hurst John CP64/581
- Hutchinson John CP64/271
- Huxley Samuel CP64/382
- Ireland James Edward CP64/209
- Jackes Franklin CP64/264
- James Eliza CP64/289
- Jauncey John senior CP64/353
- Jones John CP64/484
- Jones John CP64/542
- Jones William CP64/585
- Kelly Alexander CP64/284
- Kelly Jerry CP64/170
- Kelly Patrick CP64/125
- Kemp James Lofty CP64/360
- Kennedy Angus CP64/177
- Keogh James CP64/47
- Keogh James CP64/329
- Keogh Michael CP64/218
- Keough Dennis CP64/307
- Kervin Philip CP64/612
- Kirk Alexander CP64/221
- Kirk David CP64/204
- Kirk Samuel CP64/71
- Landrigan Michael CP64/86
- Landrigan Michael CP64/196
- Last George William CP64/358
- Laurence Charles CP64/169
- Lavender Richard CP64/381
- Lavender Richard CP64/572
- Law Charles CP64/361
- Lawrence George CP64/205
- Lawson Adam CP64/230
- Leacy John CP64/290
- Leahy Richard CP64/411
- Lee Emma CP64/65
- Leplan John CP64/200
- Lethbridge John CP64/566
- Livingstone Colin CP64/306
- Lofts Wm CP64/556
- Long William CP64/632
- Longfield William CP64/226
- Lowe Alfred Major CP64/330
- Lown William CP64/513
- Luckie Margaret CP64/260
- Lusted Charles CP64/104
- Lutwyche Brereton CP64/556
- Luxton Charles CP64/115
- Luxton John CP64/114
- Lynch Patrick CP64/482
- Macansh William CP64/203
- Macansh William CP64/245
- Macfarlane Howard CP64/70
- Mackay William CP64/219
- Mallard Robert CP64/558
- Marshall Catherine CP64/375
- Marshall Thomas CP64/437
- Martin Edmund Arbon CP64/182
- Martin Thomas CP64/303
- Martin William CP64/456
- McAughey Hamilton CP64/88
- McAughey James CP64/87
- McBeath John CP64/64
- McBeth John CP64/568
- McCann Isabella CP64/515
- McCawley Robert CP64/588
- McClymont Andrew CP64/5
- McCoote Niel CP64/113
- McCrystal Francis CP64/63
- McDonald Allen senr CP64/30
- McDonald Angus CP64/428
- McDonald Farquhar junr minor CP64/149
- McDougall Archd Campbell CP64/483
- McEntyre William CP64/426
- McGlynn John CP64/171
- McGregor John CP64/629
- McGuinness John CP64/138
- McGuire Patrick CP64/544
- McInnes Hugh CP64/288
- McIntosh James CP64/579
- McIntosh James CP64/628
- McIntyre John Patrick CP64/447
- McKay Charles CP64/60
- McKay James Alexander K CP64/598
- McKell William CP64/132
- McKenna James CP64/371
- McKenzie Charles CP64/106
- McKenzie James Mattheson CP64/599
- McLeod Donald James CP64/339
- McLeod George CP64/603
- McMahon Michael CP64/68
- McMahon Michael CP64/385
- McMillan Alexander CP64/322
- McMillan Alexander CP64/408
- McMillan Alexander CP64/458
- McNamara John CP64/211
- McQueen Allan CP64/150
- McRae Christopher CP64/567
- Mcleod Roderick CP64/604
- Mehan Jeremiah CP64/530
- Merchant James CP64/377
- Millane John CP64/630
- Millane John junior CP64/451
- Miller Francis CP64/12
- Milson Edward CP64/357
- Mitchell James CP64/425
- Mitchell James CP64/490
- Moffatt Josias CP64/527
- Moore Henry CP64/11
- Moore Michael CP64/85
- Moore Paul CP64/609
- Moore Terence CP64/536
- Moreland John CP64/550
- Morris John CP64/487
- Morton David Piper CP64/576
- Moxworthy William Henry CP64/386
- Mullins John CP64/176
- Munro James CP64/562
- Munro John CP64/369
- Murphy John CP64/55
- Murphy John CP64/600
- Murray John James CP64/468
- Musson Henry CP64/372
- Naylor William John CP64/523
- Nelson Thomas CP64/485
- Newman Frederick CP64/286
- Nichols Gabriel CP64/332
- Nichols Gabriel CP64/538
- Nolan Catherine CP64/620
- Nye George CP64/423
- O'Brien Daniel CP64/480
- O'Connor Patrick CP64/607
- O'Donnell Garrett CP64/486
- O'Heir James CP64/185
- O'Heir Joseph CP64/186
- O'Loughlin Thomas CP64/467
- O'Rourk William CP64/282
- O'Rourke Michael CP64/378
- O'Rourke Michael CP64/522
- O'Sullivan Michael CP64/1
- Odell Thomas CP64/73
- Oxman Joseph CP64/198
- Palmer George CP64/275
- Palmer James CP64/615
- Palmer John CP64/223
- Parnell Montague CP64/314
- Parr Joseph CP64/418
- Paterson Margery CP64/263
- Paterson Margery CP64/317
- Patten David CP64/178
- Payne George CP64/539
- Payne William CP64/337
- Payten Alfred Andrew CP64/163
- Payten Edward CP64/161
- Payten Nathaniel Thos CP64/162
- Pearse James CP64/276
- Pendergrass William CP64/466
- Percival Thomas CP64/383
- Peters Richard CP64/349
- Phillips John CP64/546
- Phillips Spencer Pointz CP64/292
- Phillips Spencer Poyntz CP64/293
- Pierce James CP64/410
- Piper Alexander CP64/575
- Piper William John senior CP64/574
- Pitman Hugh CP64/191
- Plant John CP64/148
- Pocknall James CP64/534
- Porter William CP64/135
- Poulton Benjamin CP64/48
- Poulton Joseph Robt CP64/49
- Power Michael CP64/444
- Pratt James CP64/494
- Price joseph senior CP64/618
- Pruss John CP64/476
- Purcell James CP64/262
- Purcell John CP64/455
- Purcell Patrick CP64/84
- Purcell Patrick CP64/165
- Pusell James CP64/52
- Quinn Patrick CP64/210
- Ramsay William CP64/13
- Rankin George CP64/189
- Rawson Richard CP64/108
- Redman George CP64/376
- Reeves Patrick CP64/553
- Reeves William CP64/554
- Rind John CP64/208
- Robert Aris CP64/507
- Roberts James CP64/222
- Roberts Joseph CP64/40
- Roberts Richard CP64/606
- Robson Adam CP64/571
- Rogers George CP64/387
- Rose Jonathan CP64/256
- Ross James CP64/206
- Ross John CP64/207
- Ross John CP64/461
- Rourke James CP64/39
- Rowles William CP64/548
- Rushby Elizabeth CP64/67
- Russell Robert CP64/9
- Ryan Edward CP64/505
- Ryan James CP64/195
- Ryan James Tobias CP64/257
- Ryan Margaret CP64/416
- Ryan Mary CP64/472
- Ryan Michael CP64/95
- Ryrie John Kenneth CP64/348
- Sadler Edward CP64/541
- Scott Charles CP64/36
- Scott George CP64/347
- Setzor John CP64/394
- Shanahan Matthew CP64/117
- Shanahan Thomas CP64/318
- Sharkey Denis CP64/424
- Sheedy Mary Anne CP64/50
- Shippley William CP64/333
- Short Michael CP64/560
- Smith Francis CP64/23
- Smith James CP64/166
- Smith John CP64/194
- Smith Mark CP64/591
- Smith Matthew CP64/374
- Smith William CP64/433
- Smith William CP64/448
- Smith William Henry CP64/144
- Soley Edward CP64/555
- Southey Thomas CP64/72
- Speares Charles CP64/201
- Spraile Joseph William CP64/4
- Spurgin John CP64/449
- Stewart William CP64/243
- Stork George Joseph CP64/128
- Stott Elizabeth CP64/121
- Striener Christian CP64/278
- Sullivan John CP64/621
- Sullivan William CP64/160
- Swales James CP64/398
- Sykes Thomas CP64/420
- Sykes William CP64/343
- Taylor Andrew Boyd CP64/633
- Taylor Charles CP64/110
- Taylor Charles CP64/421
- Taylor Joseph CP64/464
- Tennant James CP64/24
- Thee John Henry CP64/91
- Thomas Annie C CP64/453
- Thomas Annie C CP64/499
- Thomas Caroline Frances May CP64/405
- Thomas Charles Henry CP64/401
- Thomas Henry Arding CP64/267
- Thomas Henry Charles Saumarez CP64/407
- Thomas Ida Cordelia May CP64/402
- Thomas Mary CP64/454
- Thomas Robert William CP64/406
- Thomas Wm Gilbert Arding CP64/320
- Thompson Joseph CP64/273
- Thompson Manwell CP64/134
- Thompson William CP64/587
- Thornberry John CP64/251
- Tom William CP64/520
- Toohey William CP64/452
- Tuchin John CP64/429
- Tully Martin CP64/390
- Tully Michael minor CP64/391
- Tully Owen minor CP64/392
- Tully Patrick junior minor CP64/395
- Tully Peter minor CP64/393
- Turnbull Archibald CP64/266
- Turnbull Archibald CP64/459
- Upstead William CP64/614
- Vauttomrigh Bartholomew CP64/404
- Vauttomrigh Henry George CP64/403
- Vitnell William CP64/66
- Waddows Albert CP64/124
- Walker James CP64/362
- Walker James CP64/431
- Walker Robert E CP64/363
- Walker Robert E CP64/432
- Walker William CP64/277
- Wall Christian CP64/199
- Wall John CP64/440
- Wall Michael minor CP64/441
- Wallace John CP64/139
- Wallace Robert CP64/220
- Walsh Matthew CP64/153
- Walsh Michael CP64/442
- Walsh Patrick CP64/18
- Waterford Hugh James CP64/237
- Waterford William junior CP64/232
- Waugh James CP64/61
- Webb Charles CP64/462
- Webb James Thomas CP64/324
- Webster Thomas CP64/255
- Webster William CP64/105
- Weiman John Horatio CP64/415
- Wesley John CP64/346
- Wessell Anthony CP64/79
- West William CP64/136
- Wharton William CP64/131
- Wheeler Charles CP64/190
- White Samuel CP64/312
- Whiteley George CP64/512
- Whitton Richard CP64/475
- Wilcox Henry Robert CP64/611
- Williams William CP64/533
- Williamson David CP64/397
- Wills John CP64/396
- Wilson Patterson CP64/583
- Wilson Samuel CP64/582
- Wintle Abraham CP64/617
- Wiseman Richard Alexander CP64/15
- Wood Edward CP64/325
- Wood George CP64/500
- Wood William CP64/213
- Woods William CP64/577
- Wren Erasmus CP64/511
- Yabsley Henry CP64/102
- Yabsley Thomas CP64/101
- Yabsley William CP64/100
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