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Ministers of Religion 1912
NSW Government Gazette 1912 pp 625 - 645
Reproduced from the originals in the Dixson Library, University of New England.Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2003
Church of England
Diocese of Sydney
- Alkin,Thomas Verrier-Crotty,Edward Cassian
- Dalrymple,Frederick Matthew-Maxted,Spencer Edward
- Middleton,George-Waddy,Percival Stacy
- Wade,Arthur Leslie-Young,Joseph
Diocese of Newcastle
- Beeman,Francis Joseph-Stretch,John Carlos William
- Tollis,Walter-Wright,Edwin Henry
Diocese of Goulburn
- Ashworth,John Frederick Charles-White,William Montague
Diocese of Bathurst
- Alldis,John-Dunstan,Ephraim
- Dunstan,Tristam David-Wiltson,Henry John Gillet
Diocese of Grafton and Armidale
- Abbott,Thomas Kingsmill-Lilley,Henry
- Lloyd,Nathan Middleton-Woodger,Roland
Diocese of Riverina
- Beer,William Henry-Winn,James Lacy
Roman Catholic Church
Arch Diocese of Sydney
- Barlow,Thomas-Colgan,James
- Collins,Joseph-Moriarty,John
- Morrell,Francis-Woulfe,Richard
Diocese of Maitland
- Bannon,William-McAuliffe,Florence Duggan
- McAuliffe,Michael Francis-Ward,Henry
Diocese of Goulburn
- Bonnar,John-Vaughan,Martin
Diocese of Bathurst
- Barry,John-Ryan,James
Diocese of Armidale
- Burchell,Samuel Stanislaus-Walsh,Patrick
Diocese of Wilcannia
- Barron,Michael Joseph-Hennessy,Daniel
- Hughes,John Joseph-Zundolovich,Paul Ephrem,Paul Ephrem
Diocese of Lismore
- Ahern,Joseph Loughlin-Williams,Richard Henry
The Methodist Church of Australia in New South Wales
- Allen,Herbert Henry-Clipsham,Paul
- Cock,Samson Varcoe-MacAulay,Clarence John
- Macdade,Samuel Henry-Walker,Joseph
- Walker,Matthew-Young,Philip Saddler
Presbyterian Church of Australia in New South Wales
- Alexander,Thomas-Davies,Richard Erwyd
- Davies,Thomas-Macdougall,Allan
- Macky,Richard Dill-Yarnall,John William
Congregational Church
- Allen,William-Buchan,James
- Campbell,Alexander Petrie-Willings,John Joseph
Baptist Church
- Allan,William-Harrison,Samuel
- Higlett,William-Yates,John
Church Of Christ
- Brown,Alexander-Wooster,William Henry
Salvation Army
- Berry,Thomas Walter-Wright,Francis William
Seventh Day Adventists
- Brittain,Walter Gostic-Piper,Albert Henry
- Cohen,Francis Lyon-Wolinski,Abraham David
German Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Gutekunst,Ernst-Simpfendofer Gottlob Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Backen,Gotthilf,Paul-Haeusler,Reinhold Godfred
Presyterian Church of Eastern Australia
- Grant,William-Wilson,William Nathaniel
Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- Barmore,Alma Carrol-Smith,Joseph William
Australian Aborigines'Mission
- Caldwell,Donald Howeston-Terry,Arthur Umphrey
Lay Methodist Church
- Hughes,William-Humphreys,John Robert
Catholic Apostolic Church
- Appleton,Robert-Patten,William
The Aborigines'Inland Mission
- Long,Leonard William-Smith,George Colton
Strict Baptist Church
- Fremlin,Alfred Reginald
Society Of Friends(Quakers)
- Benson,William
Sydney Society Of The New Church
- Spencer,William John
The Free Church,Banksia
- Phillips,Hennry
Unitarian Church
- Walters,George
Church of Christ
- Pearson,Alfred
Greek Orthodox Church
- Phocas,Seraphim
Church of the Brethren
- Hickson,Richard
Particular Baptist Church
- Fullard,,Frederick
Sydney Christadelphian Eccclesia
- Gardiner,George Alfred
Ocean Street Congregational Church Woollahra
- Cowling,Francis Borrill
Whitefield's Devonshire Street Congregational Church
- Rivett,Albert
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