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Electoral Rolls Index
Home | Directories | Electoral | Land | General | Mining | Pastoral | OccupationsNSW Electoral Rolls 1903 - Canobolas Division
Roll of Persons entitled to Vote under the Commonwealth Franchise Act of 1902 Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2005
Electoral Maps of the Canobolas Division, 1901
Polling Places:
Alectown | Amaroo | Bedgerebong | Barragan | Bena | Bogan Gate | Boomey | Boona Tank | Borenore | Bowan Park | Buckinbah | Bulgandramine | Bullock Creek | Bumberry | Burrawong Station | Bygalore | Byng | Cadia | Canobolas | Cargo | Carrawobbity | Carrigan | Cave Creek | Cheeseman’s Creek | Coffee Hill | Condobolin | Coobang | Cookamidgera | Cooks Myall | Coradgery | Cudal | Cumnock | Curra | Dandaloo | Daroobalgie | East Orange | Eugowra | Eulong | Farrendale | Fifield | Forbes | Forest Reefs | Freemantle | Garra | Glen Garry | Goobothery | Gunningbland | Jumble Plains | Kamandra | Kiacatoo | Lansdale | Lewis Ponds | Lockwood | Lucknow | M’Phail | Manildra | Marsden’s Gap | Marsden's | Milby | Mingelo | Molong | Moonbie | Mullion Creek | Murga | Nanami | Nyrang Creek | Obley | Ooma | Ophir | Orange | Parkes | Parkesborough | Peak Hill | Pinnacle Reef | Platina | Red Hill | Rocky Ponds | Spring Hill | Spring Terrace | Tichborne | Tinda Tank | Tomanbil | Tomingley | Toogong | Trundle | Vermont Hill | Wallanbillan | Waroo | West Milby | Yallundry
- Arthur Ellen - Crowley Florence
- Daly Augustine - M'Intyre John
- M'Intyre John - Watts Alice
- Watts Henry - Yuen Willie
Burrawong Station Polling Place
- Asimus John - Coventry Harry
- Coventry Walter - Hennessey Michael
- Hendry Ann - Moore William
- Neil Ellen - Tinnock Alexander
- Tinnock Alexander - Young Neil
Cheeseman’s Creek Polling Place
- Anderson Margaret - Bligh John
- Bolger Richard - Cameron Hugh
- Cameron Mary - Dunne Anne
- Dunne Edward - Green William
- Greenwood Ada - Jones Susan
- Jones Wilfred - M'Leod William
- M'Murray William - Oppy Mary
- Oppy Mary - Robinson Maria
- Robinson Oscar - Stone Ada
- Stone Ada - Wheatley Phoebe
- Wheatley William - Yook Sam
- Allen John - Carroll James
- Carter Nanah - Healy Hannah
- Healy Maria - Nash Joshua
- Nichelsen Augusta - Zeidler Clara
- Allen James - Byrnes George
- Cardwell Elizabeth - Hanrahan Mary
- Hanrahan Patrick - M'Cormack Margaret
- M'Donnell Isabella - Raphael William
- Reilly Beatrice - Woodhouse William
- Armstrong Robert - Currie George
- Davies Thomas - Lee Marmaduke
- Lees Frank - Richardson Alfred
- Richardson Ernest - Zartman Cissy
- Abbott George - Bennett Mary
- Benns Emma - Buchanan Charles
- Buckles Sarah - Crook Ada
- Crook Isabella - Eyles Margaret
- Eyles Mary - Funnell Thomas
- Gafney Michael - Hartley James
- Hawke Elizabeth - Kennedy James
- Kennedy John - M'Crystal Jeane
- M'Crystal John - Masling William
- Masling William - Nimon John
- Noble Archibald - Plowman William
- Pollett Rosanna - Sava Mary
- Scott Frances - Stewart Hugh
- Stewart Mildred - Watson Mary
- Watson Patrick - Young Eliza
- Abbott Annie - Atkins Mary
- Atkins Nina - Bayley James
- Bayley Mary - Boulton Catherine
- Boulton Joel - Buckley John
- Buckley John - Clifford Albert
- Clifford Amelia - Cox Allaster
- Cox Charles - Debenham Elizabeth
- Debenham George - Eddy Christopher
- Eddy George - Fletcher Stephen
- Flint Esther - Gapps James
- Garnsey Ellen - Graham Robert
- Graham Rose - Harrison Walter
- Harvey Maria - Hogan Patrick
- Hogan Patrick - Hynds Sarah
- Insley Lanson - Kenny Jane
- Kenny Mary - Lloyd George
- Loader Henry - M'Kenzie Margaret
- M'Kenzie Roderick - Marr Algernon
- Marr Helen - Morgan Charles
- Moriarty Edith - Nicholas Gregory
- Nicholas Sarah - Parry William
- Paterson Bridget - Quine Edward
- Quinlan William - Reynolds William
- Rich Joseph - Salisbury Alfred
- Sam Arthur - Smith Annie
- Smith Annie - Stanford James
- Stanford Sylvester - Thomas Alma
- Thomas Maria - Wakefield Annie
- Wakefield Catherine - West Frances
- West Lalla - Wilson Ellen
- Wilson Emily - Young William
- Allan James - Finneran James
- Fitzgerald Jane - Martin Alice
- Martin Bridget - Stevens James
- Stevens Margaret - Woods William
- Ackerman Adam - Blunt James
- Blunt Mary - Checkett Henry
- Chegwidden Frederick - Eves Mary
- Farrell James - Harris William
- Harrison Esther - Luke William
- M'Clymont Alexander - Nicholls James
- Nicholls James - Sharp George
- Sharp Louisa - Thomas Margaret
- Thomas Maria - Williams John
- Williams William - Zeidler Theodore
- Alchin Alfred - Chappel Alfred
- Clarke Amy - Lawrence Emma
- Lawrence James - Parr William
- Patman Arthur - Tretheway Gideon
- Tretheway William - Young William
- Allen Bertie - Cockram John
- Cockram Louisa - Gosper Anna
- Gosper Archibald - Manchester George
- Manchester Nelly - Shean Ellen
- Shean Fanny - Yelland Bertram
- Acocks Grace - Bauer George
- Bauer Kate - Bradley Horace
- Bradley Selina - Clarke Florence
- Clarke Mabel - Dorman Margaret
- Dorman Sarah - Halcroft Florence
- Halcroft Richard - Hull Charles
- Hull Emily - Lee Frederic
- Lee Harold - Murray Mary
- Mutton Ada - Philpot Emily
- Philpot Joseph - Schmich George
- Schmidt George - Tanner Eliza
- Tanner Thomas - Woolbank Minnie
- Woolbank Silas - Wynne John
- Adams Bertha - Corby Caroline
- Corby Charles - Hayes William
- Horsepool John - Oughtram James
- Oughtrum Annie - Wooley William
- Agostinelli Ann - Ditton William
- Douglas Eliza - Maher Clara
- Maher Edward - Symons Francis
- Telford Alexander - Wright William
- Adams Ann - Archer Emily
- Arey Edith - Bayliss Alice
- Beacom James - Bowers Elizabeth
- Bowers James - Burns John
- Burns Mary - Carr Beatrice
- Carr Celinda - Clayton Rachel
- Clayton Reuben - Conolly Richard
- Conolly Thomas - Curtin Daniel
- Curtin John - Dodwell Julia
- Doherty Albert - Dunn Patrick
- Dunn Thomas - Evans Frederick
- Evans Herbert - Fitzgerald Michael
- Fitzgerald Michael - Gahan Frances
- Gahan Jane - German Claude
- Gersbach Joseph - Grinsted Frederick
- Grinsted William - Hart John
- Hart Margaret - Hill Herbert
- Hill John - Iffland Marion
- Ingram Louisa - Keane Clara
- Keane Elizabeth - Lamont John
- Lamont John - Leahey Thomas
- Leak Alexander - Loughnane Anna
- Loughnane James - M'Fadden Margery
- M'Fadden Mary - M'Whennell Rosa
- Mackenzie Annie - Merchant William
- Merrick Annie - Morgan Catherine
- Morgan Joseph - Murray John
- Murray Mary - Oates Minnie
- Oates Thomas - Petrie James
- Phipps Joseph - Richards William
- Richardson Ann - Sara William
- Saunders Frances - Skelly Lavenia
- Skelly Mary - Squance Margaret
- Squance William - Swain Henry
- Sweeney Benjamin - Torpy James
- Torpy Rene - Warden Alexander
- Ware Elizabeth - Whiteley Annie
- Whiteley Edith - Young Frances
- Aldord Emily - Barnes Lula
- Barnes Mary - Boland George
- Bollinger Albert - Callaghan Richard
- Callaghan Rose - Cock James
- Cock Martha - Cunick Anthony
- Cunningham Mary - Dixon Mary
- Dixon William - Ferguson David
- Ferguson Mabel - Garner John
- Garner William - Hall Jane
- Hall John - Hodson Emanuel
- Hoffman Alice - Judd Alice
- Judd Ernest - Lee Alice
- Lee James - M'Girr Patrick
- M'Girr Thomas - Matthew Elizabeth
- Matthews Thomas - Morrison Mary
- Morrison Selina - Nicholson Annah
- Nicholson Bridget - Pascoe James
- Pascoe Thomas - Pratt Edmunds
- Preston Emily - Root Jane
- Rose Minnie - Shaw Laura
- Shaw Margaret - Steen Peter
- Stephens Arthur - Thomas Milly
- Thomas Oswald - Watkins Emily
- Watson Gertrude - Wilson William
- Wise Alfred - Yates Emma
- Adams Joseph - Bouffler John
- Bouffler William - Coleman George
- Collett Mary - Fish Mary
- Fish Robert - Hayes James
- Haynes Annie - Kennedy Ellen
- Kennedy Herbert - Maloney Michael
- Maloney Michael - Parker George
- Parker Richard - Sharkey Alfred
- Sharkey Catherine - Walsh Elizabeth
- Walsh Grace - Yeo Louisa
- Agland Frederick - Davis Eleanor
- Davis Elizabeth - Johnson Robert
- Kay Eliza - Reece Edwin
- Reece Mary - Worboys George
- Angus Hector - Dwyer Michael
- Edwards Alice - Maloney Thomas
- Millgate Elizabeth - Telford Christina
- Telford William - Wythes Thomas
Maps of the Canobolas Electoral Division
- Alley Hilary - Carlberg Florence
- Carroll William - Grace William
- Grant Alexander - M'Callum Alexander
- M'Callum Annie - Scally Martin
- Sharpnell Philip - Young Thomas
From: Federal Electoral Districts Commissioners 1901, Maps of the Federal Electoral Districts of the State of New South Wales, William Applegate Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney.
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