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Electoral Rolls Index
Home | Directories | Electoral | Land | General | Mining | Pastoral | OccupationsNSW Electoral Rolls 1903 - Dalley Division
Roll of Persons entitled to Vote under the Commonwealth Franchise Act of 1902 Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2006
Electoral Maps of the Dalley Division, 1901
Polling Places:
Annandale | Balmain North | Forest Lodge | Leichhardt | Long Cove | Rozelle | Toxteth | White Horse
- Abberton Andrew - Alexander Christopher
- Alexander Edward - Arter Joseph
- Ashmead Martha - Barber Catherina
- Barber Emmie - Bell Emily
- Bell Frances - Blanks George
- Blayden William - Brand William
- Branston Annie - Brown Annie
- Brown Edward - Busby William
- Bushby Herbert - Capper Matthew
- Capurn Blanche - Charles Alice
- Charlesworth John - Collerson Ernest
- Collerson John - Corpe Priscilla
- Corrie Joseph - Crouch Horace
- Crouch Isabella - Davis Annie
- Davis Charles - Donald Ellen
- Donald Thomas - Dwyer Maud
- Dyason Albert - Evans Daisy
- Evans Deborah - Ferris Sarah
- Ferris Vivian - Forrest Isabel
- Forster Ethel - Gallagher Lena
- Galpin Agnes - Gledhill Catherine
- Gledhill Charles - Graham Janett
- Graham Thomas - Gunn Elizabeth
- Gunn Elizabeth - Harper Rose
- Harper Rose - Helm Ellen
- Helm Thomas - Hoare Catherine
- Hoare Emma - Howe Margaret
- Howe Margaret - Irwin Lillian
- Isemonger Lucy - Jones Percy
- Jones William - Kent Charles
- Kent Annie - Lambert John
- Larnbert Mary - Lawrence James
- Lawrence Robert - Leys Frances
- Leys Hartley - M'Carry Mary
- M'Carty Clara - M'Gregor Maud
- M'Guiness Henry - M'Namara Michael
- M'Namara Thomas - Mark Mary
- Mark Mary - Meloy Alexander
- Meloy Eliza - Moore Charles
- Moore Emma - Mulligan William
- Mulqueeney Annie - Neily Matilda
- Nelson Ada - O'Brien Margaret
- O'Brien Margaret - Paige Alice
- Paige Emily - Peel Emily
- Peel Emily - Pitt Walter
- Pittman Arthur - Primrose Hubert
- Primrose Sarah - Read Ethel
- Read George - Robertson Elizabeth
- Robertson Frank - Rostron Reibina
- Roth-Schmidt Jessie - Sawyer Louisa
- Sawyer Rebecca - Shaw Sophia
- Shea Margaret - Sivell Susan
- Skeleon Mary - Smith Herbert
- Smith Isabella - Smith Margaret
- Smith Margaret - Staples George
- Stark Margaret - Stonham Claudia
- Stonham Esther - Taylor Fanny
- Taylor Florence - Thornton Fergus
- Thornton George - Turner James
- Turner James - Walker Aaron
- Walker Alexander - Warren Charles
- Warren George - West Ernest
- West Georgina - Wilkinson Ann
- Wilkinson Annie - Winch May
- Wing Charles - Young Elizabeth
- Young Henry - Zieteke Levina
- Abbott Edward - Allan Florence
- Allan Isabella - Appleton Edward
- Appleton William - Ayers Ethel
- Aylott Amy - Barbour Florence
- Barbour Florence - Beach William
- Beattie Agnes - Benjamin Hannah
- Benjamin Maurice - Black John
- Black John - Booth Francis
- Booth Jane - Boyle Jessie
- Boyle Thomas - Brightman Frederick
- Brinkman Louisa - Brown Samuel
- Brown Albert - Burns Mary
- Burns Oscar - Calman David
- Calman Eliza - Carroll Rose
- Carroll Sarah - Cherrett Henry
- Cherrett William - Cletherde Lydia
- Cleve Alfred - Colquhoun Hugh
- Colquhoun Mary - Cooper Harry
- Cooper Laura - Coyle William
- Craig Annie - Croft Violet
- Croghan Ellen - Dade James
- Dade Mary - Davis Charles
- Davis Edward - Deloitte Emma
- Deloitte Florence - Dohrn Walter
- Dolman Elizabeth - Dumbrell William
- Dumbrell Evelin - Edwards Dorothy
- Edwards Ernest - Elvin Thomas
- Elvin William - Farmer Ellen
- Farr Thomas - Finlay Elizabeth
- Finlay John - Fleming Margaret
- Fleming Hilda - Fox Charles
- Fox Ester - Gaff Jessey
- Gahan Susannah - Gibbs Lydia
- Gibbs Mary - Goldstein Moses
- Goldstock Edward - Gray Andrew
- Gray Angus - Griffin Patrick
- Griffin William - Hall Phillip
- Hall Ruth - Hardman Henry
- Hardman Rachael - Hastie Sarah
- Hastwell George - Hemsworth Marion
- Hemsworth Gerald - Hicks Sarah
- Hicks Walker - Hoey James
- Hoey Marion - Hooworth Henry
- Hopper Annie - Hudson Edgar
- Hudson Emily - Hunt Samuel
- Hunter Helen - Ireland Rebecca
- Ironfield Thomas - Jilks Sarah
- Johanson Ellen - Jones Mary
- Jones Osman - Kelleway Lilley
- Kelleway May - Kilford Joseph
- Kilkenny Amy - Knight Ellen
- Knight William - Laughton Jessie
- Laurence Charles - Leishman Alexander
- Leishman Elizabeth - Lister Abram
- Lister Gertrude - Louett Edward
- Lound Percy - Lyons Margaret
- Lyons Margaret - M'Donald Daniel
- M'Donald Edward - M'Illwraith Agnes
- M'Innes Helen - M'Leod Elsie
- M'Leod Hannah - M'Rae Alexander
- M'Rae Annie - Macpherson Agnes
- Macpherson Annie - Marshall Esther
- Marshall Ethel - Maule George
- Maule John - Miller Mary
- Miller Minnie - Monaghan Henry
- Monaghan Kathleen - Morris Matilda
- Morris Percival - Munro George
- Munro Joseph - Napier Thomas
- Napier Thomas - Nissen Josephine
- Nisson Thomas - O'Hare Sarah
- O'Hehir Daniel - Orchard Elizabeth
- Orchard Effie - Pate George
- Paterson Charles - Peterson Catherine
- Peterson John - Plunkett Thomas
- Podmore Lucretia - Pride John
- Priestly Amy - Rea Alexander
- Read Charlotte - Richmond Frederick
- Rideout Charles - Robson Agnes
- Robson Edward - Rowe Ernest
- Rowe George - Salmond Ethel
- Sandeman George - Scott Alice
- Scott Christina - Shaughnessy William
- Shaw Alice - Simpson Sarah
- Simpson Walter - Smith James
- Smith James - Speiro Margaret
- Spenberg Margaret - Stewart Frederick
- Stewart Frances - Swinnerton Mary
- Swinnerton Walter - Terry John
- Tetley Alfred - Tilly Amelia
- Tilly Harry - Trevascus William
- Trimble Andrew - Tyler John
- Underwood Albert - Walker Mary
- Walker Nelly - Ward Jane
- Ward John - Webber William
- Wedderburn Harriett - Whitall Arthur
- Whitall Henry - Williams Annie
- Williams Annie - Wilson Harriett
- Wilson Helen - Woodward Sarah
- Woodward John - Young Robert
- Young Sarah - Zornkau Wilhelmina
- Abel Arthur - Armstrong George
- Armstrong George - Barton Edith
- Barton Emma - Blatchford Maud
- Blaydon John - Brennan Bridget
- Brennan Maurice - Brydon Robert
- Brydon William - Campbell Mary
- Campbell William - Cleary Nicholas
- Cleeve Annie - Cooper Maria
- Cooper Pope - Cullerton Mary
- Cummins John - Dolan Jane
- Dolan Mary - Effiane Mary
- Egan Catherine - Fifer William
- Filer Florence - Gavin Thomas
- Gee Mary - Grantham John
- Grantham Mary - Harris George
- Harris Henry - Highfield-Dickson Harold
- Hilder Eliza - Hunt Edward
- Hunt Frances - Jones George
- Jones George - Killick Louisa
- Kimber Emily - Lee Christina
- Lee Edith - Lusky Louis
- Lynam Mary - M'Kenzie John
- M'Kenzie Kate - Marks Florence
- Marsden George - Mockler Patrick
- Moesch Bessie - Munro William
- Munro William - Norton Nellie
- Norton Susanna - Partridge John
- Pasley Annie - Preston Reuben
- Price Ebenezer - Reid Marian
- Reid Mary - Russell James
- Russell Melena - Shiner Alfred
- Shinnick Margaret - Smith Sydney
- Smith William - Stone George
- Stone Richard - Thompson John
- Thompson John - Turner Emaline
- Turner Ernest - Warr William
- Warren Mary - Wickes Henry
- Wickes Patience - Wood Janet
- Wood Kate - Young Mary
- Abbott Edward - Albon William
- Albury Charles - Anderson Sarah
- Anderson Stewart - Auld Janet
- Auld Marion - Barham James
- Barker Agnes - Bartrop Walter
- Baskerville John - Benar Elizabeth
- Benjamin David - Black Elizabeth
- Black George - Bong Minnie
- Bong William - Brady Elizabeth
- Brady Ellen - Brown Hugh
- Brown Isabel - Buckley Patrick
- Budd Amy - Buttell William
- Butterfield Louisa - Cardiff John
- Cardiff Margaret - Cathro William
- Catlett Arthur - Chidgey Annie
- Chidgey Arthur - Clements William
- Clews Harriett - Connelly Bridget
- Connelly Bridget - Corry Lilly
- Corry Maria - Crook Walter
- Crook Zenobia - Curtis Charles
- Curtis Charles - Deeley Augustus
- Deeley William - Donnal Elizabeth
- Donnelly Susan - Duff Maud
- Duffin Henrietta - Edwards Laura
- Edwards Margaret - Fagan Peter
- Fahl Bridget - Flemming Alexander
- Flemming Carrie - French Mary
- Fritz Margaret - Gaughan Patrick
- Gavinlock Joseph - Goggin Edith
- Goggin Edward - Grau Harriet
- Gray Alice - Hackett John
- Haddock Amy - Hannan Thomas
- Hannay Emily - Harrison Henry
- Harrison Mary - Head Patrick
- Headon Edwin - Heydon Samuel
- Hicks Reuben - Hollamby Louisa
- Hollamby Percy - Hucker May
- Hucker Nellie - Ingham Henry
- Ingham Sarah - Jeffrey Thomas
- Jeffreys Annie - Jones Florence
- Jones Florence - Kelly George
- Kelly Hannah - Kilpatrick Eliza
- Kilpatrick James - Lane Fanny
- Lane Joseph - Leigh William
- Lenehan Agnes - Limbert Frederick
- Linane Honora - Lovely Charles
- Lovely Olelipa - M'Clennan John
- M'Cloy Annie - M'Govern Annie
- M'Govern Frank - M'Mahon Annie
- M'Mahon Bridget - Maddison Mary
- Maddox Priscilla - Mason Annie
- Mason Claude - Melville Effie
- Melville George - Millet Edward
- Millet John - Moore Ellen
- Moore Emma - Mountier William
- Mourits Anton - Murray Charles
- Murray Eliza - Newman Jane
- Newmarsh Sarah - Nuttall John
- O'Brien Ada - Ogg Laura
- Ogg William - Palmer Emma
- Palmer John - Patterson John
- Patterson Lily - Peek Theresa
- Peez Josephine - Pickworth Emily
- Pickworth Mary - Powell Percival
- Power Mary - Quinn Christopher
- Quinn Elizabeth - Retford Lizzie
- Reuben Reginald - Robinson Frank
- Robinson Hannah - Rowlands Annie
- Rowlands George - Sands James
- Sargeant Anne - Selby Annie
- Selby Stephen - Shore William
- Shorrock Edward - Small Hugh
- Small Jessie - Smith Rose
- Smith Sabina - Stainton Charles
- Stalker Emma - Storey Ada
- Storey Edward - Swift Daniel
- Swift Elizabeth - Taylor Thomas
- Taylor William - Tindall Adelaide
- Tindall Alfred - Tunbridge Esther
- Tunstall Rose - Walker Jane
- Walker John - Warton Herbert
- Warton Isabel - Webster Mary
- Weeden Hannah - White Frederick
- White George - Williams Elizabeth
- Williams Elizabeth - Wilson Mary
- Wilson Nora - Yates Emily
- Yates Hannah - Younger Lillian
- Ackland Edith - Barnier John
- Barr John - Buttel William
- Byrnes Bernard - Cook Louisa
- Cooke George - Dewey Albert
- Dewey Florence - Ferrett Elizabeth
- Ferrett Henry - Gordon John
- Gordon John - Heinrich Mary
- Hence John - Jackson Mary
- Jacobs Ellen - Lanchester Frederick
- Lanchester Harriett - M'Donald Mary
- M'Donald Murdoch - Matthews William
- Maudson Clara - Nelson Frederick
- Nelson Henry - Peters Amy
- Peters Catherine - Riches Albert
- Riches Minnie - Smith John
- Smith John - Towers Frederick
- Towers Theresa - Wilson John
- Wilson Martha - Youngs John
- Abbott Agnes - Alexander Eleanor
- Alfreds Walter - Ashley Walter
- Ashton John - Baldwin Jane
- Baldwin Margaret - Batty Henry
- Batty John - Benson Ethel
- Benson James - Blore Ann
- Blore Sophia - Brady Margaret
- Brady Margaret - Brown Annie
- Brown Beatrice - Bulfin George
- Bulfin Maria - Byrne Ellen
- Byrne James - Carr Thomas
- Carr James - Challenor Mary
- Chalmers Florence - Clark Minnie
- Clark Samuel - Compton Margaret
- Conaghan Hannah - Coulston Eunice
- Coulston Margaret - Cruickshank Robert
- Cruickshanks David - Davey Hedley
- Davidge Charles - Denman Annie
- Denman James - Donegan Winifred
- Donnelley Arthur - Duggan Ann
- Duggan Bridget - Edwards George
- Edwards Joseph - Everett George
- Everett George - Fincham William
- Findlay Arthur - Foley David
- Foley John - Furness Sarah
- Furnsby Clara - Gerdes Alice
- Gerdes Frederick - Goldsack Elizabeth
- Goldsack Thomas - Gray Catherine
- Gray Charles - Hale Thomas
- Halkier Annie - Hanratty Emily
- Hanratty Francis - Harris Mabel
- Harris Sydney - Heggen Jane
- Heine Watson - Hills Albert
- Hilton John - Horton William
- Houghton Catherine - Hutcheson Beatrice
- Hutcheson Emma - Jeffress Elizabeth
- Jeffress Emma - Johnson Walter
- Johnson Walter - Jordan Robert
- Jordison John - Kennedy Alexander
- Kennedy Elizabeth - Kirby Thomas
- Kirgan Mary - Law Ellen
- Law John - Liffen Jane
- Liljeblad Charlotte - Lorger Albert
- Lorger Ellen - M'Dermott James
- M'Dermott Kate - M'Greal Mary
- M'Greal Mary - M'Lean Elizabeth
- M'Lean Ellen - M'Vey William
- M'Whirter Agnes - Mariner Helena
- Marler Henry - Medlicott Richard
- Medlicott Thomas - Millott Mary
- Mills Charles - Morgan Amy
- Morgan Annie - Murphy William
- Murphy Joseph - New Elizabeth
- Newberry Eleanor - Norton James
- Norton Mary - O'Sullivan Mary
- O'Sullivan Peter - Owen Joseph
- Owen Lewis - Paterson Isabel
- Paterson Martha - Petersen Annie
- Petersen Arthur - Poulson James
- Powell Joseph - Quinn Agnes
- Quinn Annie - Reid John
- Reid William - Roberts Caroline
- Roberts Edith - Rorie Elizabeth
- Rose Agnes - Russell Henry
- Rutherford William - Schmiedte George
- Schmiedte Sarah - Shaw Alfred
- Shaw Emily - Sinfield Thomas
- Singer George - Smith Henry
- Smith Henry - Stafford Francis
- Stafford Frederick - Stokes Henry
- Stokes Mabel - Tancred Catherine
- Tancred Christina - Thomas Florence
- Thomas John - Todd Andrew
- Tomlin Rosamund - Verney Richard
- Verney Thomas - Ward Harry
- Wardrope Charles - Wedderburn Margaret
- Wedderburn James - Whitney Elizabeth
- Whittaker William - Williams Sarah
- Williams Thomas - Wilson Olaff
- Wilson Percy - Woolston William
- Wooton Rosemont - Zionzee Joseph
- Abrams Lewis - Austin William
- Baird Eleanora - Blizard Emma
- Blomgren Ada - Bull Violet
- Burdett Daniel - Charlton Mabel
- Charlton William - Cotter Edwin
- Cotter John - Davis Dulcie
- Davis Elias - Dooley James
- Doran John - Elliott Henry
- Elliott Maria - Fitzpatrick Elizabeth
- Fitzpatrick John - Giblin Mary
- Giblin Victoria - Gruen Henry
- Gruen Sarah - Harrison Alice
- Harrison Helen - Hiney Mary
- Hird Jannie - Hunter David
- Hunter Henry - Jonsen Priscilla
- Jordan Gertrude - King Herbert
- King James - Leahy Margaret
- Le Bert Alice - Lord Inez
- Lord Inez - M'Donald Annie
- M'Donald Ellen - Mackenzie Alice
- Mackenzie Bessie - Matthew Joseph
- Matthews Alma - Moffatt Robert
- Molley Ellen - Nelson Julia
- Nelson Reginald - Ormiston Margaret
- Ormiston Mary - Pendergast David
- Pendergast John - Quinn Nellie
- Radford Charles - Rocke Louisa
- Rodgers Abraham - Scott George
- Scott Guy - Smith Blanch
- Smith Caroline - Sterling Thomas
- Stevens Elizabeth - Terry Annie
- Terry Fannie - Uhde Sarah
- Underwood Elma - Watkin Charles
- Watkin Mary - Wilkinson Mary
- Wilkinson Thomas - Wright Sarah
- Wyatt Marie - Young Oliver
Maps of the Dalley Electoral Division
- Abbott Claude - Arthur Mary
- Arthur William - Blackburn Grace
- Blackburn Margaret - Brittain Percy
- Brittain William - Butt Mary
- Buttel Charles - Challis Violet
- Challis William - Connors Thomas
- Conolly Alfred - Cunningham Louisa
- Curran Charles - Docksey Charles
- Docksey Emily - Eastabrook William
- Easton Allan - Fahey Catherine
- Fahey John - Fleming Patrick
- Flemming Robert - Gilligan Ann
- Gilligan James - Hains Julia
- Hall Charles - Hedberg Evelyn
- Hedberg Mary - Hooper Charlotte
- Hooper William - Ivers Ellen
- Jackson Eliza - Jones Walter
- Jones William - Knock Mary
- Knock William - Lennie William
- Lennon Annie - M'Crea John
- M'Culloch Annie - M'Murtrie Elizabeth
- M'Murtrie James - Martin George
- Martin Isaac - Milroy James
- Milroy James - Mulvogue Ellen
- Mulvogue Henry - Noble Charles
- Noble Martha - Outred Walter
- Pacey Frank - Pilfold Charles
- Pines Eleanor - Reddy Ann
- Reddy Michael - Rodgers Eliza
- Rodgers John - Shirlow Sidney
- Shordon Bridget - Soden Thomas
- Somers Thomas - Tanner Mary
- Tappin Eleanor - Train Sarah
- Train Thomas - Waterman Victor
- Waterman Walter - Wilkinson William
- Wilks Florence - Young Ada
- Young William - Zeller Clara
From: Federal Electoral Districts Commissioners 1901, Maps of the Federal Electoral Districts of the State of New South Wales, William Applegate Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney.
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