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Electoral Rolls Index
Home | Directories | Electoral | Land | General | Mining | Pastoral | OccupationsNSW Electoral Rolls 1903 - East Sydney Division
Roll of Persons entitled to Vote under the Commonwealth Franchise Act of 1902 Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2006
Electoral Maps of the East Sydney Division, 1901
Polling Places:
Belmore | Bligh | Cook | Fitzroy | Flinders | King
- Aarons Elizabeth - Allen Frederick
- Allen Harry - Ayton Elizabeth
- Ayton Elsie - Barry Bridget
- Barry Michael - Beecher Audley
- Beeston Albert - Bishop Theresa
- Bishop William - Bowden Esther
- Bowden Georgina - Brickwood Alfred
- Brickwood Mary - Burke Emily
- Burke Emily - Cahill Margaret
- Cain Joseph - Carrick Thomas
- Carroll Bridget - Clark Joseph
- Clark Joseph - Collins Elizabeth
- Collins Ella - Cooney Mary
- Cooney Mary - Crawford George
- Crawford Robert - Daniels William
- Darby Mary - Dickinson Margaret
- Dickinson Walter - Donovan William
- Donovan William - Duncan Joseph
- Duncan Teresa - Egar Mary
- Egan Mary - Eyles Arthur
- Eyles Augusta - Fitzpatrick Michael
- Fitzpatrick Owen - Freeman Florence
- Freeman James - Gerson Elias
- Gibbard Dorothy - Gorman Daniel
- Gorman Harriet - Griffiths Muriel
- Grimshaw Beatrice - Harding Mary
- Harding William - Hayes Hugh
- Hayes John - Higgenbotham Alfred
- Higginbotham Mary - Hope William
- Hope William - Isaacs Jessie
- Isaacs Kate - Johnson Minnie
- Johnston Abraham - Kelly Ada
- Kelly Edith - Kitagawa Catherine
- Knapp Samuel - Lee Eva
- Lee George - Little James
- Little James - Lysaght Alice
- Lysaght Josephine - M'Donald Susan
- M'Donald William - M'Knight Frederick
- M'Knight Jane - Magnus Hilda
- Magnus James - Martin Margaret
- Martin Margaret - Miller Harriet
- Miller Henry - Moran Fanny
- Moran Martin - Murdoch Thomas
- Murfin Gertrude - Neilson James
- Neilson James - Nowlan Lottie
- Noyes Charles - O'Leary Alfred
- O'Leary Ann - Parker Hannah
- Parker Hannah - Peterson Niels
- Pettit Charles - Powell Mary
- Powell William - Read Minnie
- Realey Louisa - Roberts Edward
- Roberts Elizabeth - Rosevear Ernest
- Rosewall William - Ryan John
- Ryan John - Schwartz Moses
- Schwartz Rosie - Silverson Charles
- Silverson Johanna - Smith Ellen
- Smith Ernest - Souter Emily
- Spain Florrie - Stretton Sarah
- Stringer Annie - Taylor John
- Taylor Jessie - Torpy Maria
- Towns Annie - Vine Euphemia
- Vine Thomas - Ward Henry
- Ward Henry - Whitbread Alice
- Whitbread Victor - Williamson Elizabeth
- Williamson Henry - Woodward James
- Woodward Zillah - Zimmerman Moses
- Aarons Rae - Alderson John
- Alderson Louisa - Arkey George
- Arkey Jane - Baldwin Mary
- Balkin Emily - Bates Isabella
- Batt Maud - Benson Lydia
- Bensusan Darrell - Blake William
- Blakey Emma - Bourke William
- Bourn Jean - Brennan Jane
- Brennan John - Brown Emma
- Brown Ernest - Buckley Agnes
- Buckley Catherine - Butler Kate
- Butler Maggie - Capion Richard
- Caraher Alecia - Casey Thomas
- Casey William - Clampett Henry
- Clancy Christian - Clune Johanna
- Clune John - Collis Howard
- Collis Lillian - Coonan Mary
- Cooper Arthur - Coveny Frank
- Cowan Minnie - Cunningham Daniel
- Cunningham Emily - Davidson Walter
- Davidson W - Deery Ellen
- Deery Honora - Dickerson Laura
- Dickerson William - Donnelly Harriet
- Donnelly Ida - Drury Rose
- Drury Thomas - Dyson George
- Dyson James - Elliot John
- Elliot Sarah - Eyles Maud
- Eyles Maud - Fink Elizabeth
- Fink Max - Fletcher Florence
- Fletcher Hannah - Fraser George
- Fraser Ida - Gale Charles
- Gale Charles - Ghiggino Florence
- Ghiggino Francesco - Godsell Henry
- Goff Alice - Graham David
- Graham David - Griffiths Lewis
- Griffiths Mary - Hammond Francis
- Hanafin Joseph - Hart Elizabeth
- Hart Ellen - Hearne Fanny
- Hearne Mary - Heydon Zoe
- Heydon Zoe - Hogben Herbert
- Hogg Charlotte - Hubbard Alexander
- Hudson Grace - Imm Henry
- Imrie Elizabeth - Jenkins Rosie
- Jenkins Sarah - Jones Louisa
- Jones Mary - Kembell Edith
- Kemp John - King Gertrude
- King Henry - Lahiff Claudina
- Laidlaw Nellie - Lawson Maud
- Layman Ada - Levy Joseph
- Levy Leah - Lockwood Alwyn
- Lockwood Lily - Lyons Catherine
- Lyons Frederick - M'Clintock Sarah
- M'Clure David - M'Farland Mary
- M'Garry George - M'Lean Charles
- M'Lean John - M'Veigh Clara
- M'Veigh Eve - Magnay Henry
- Magney Annie - Mansfield Walter
- Mantle Harriet - Mathews Emily
- Mathews Eva - Meredith Maud
- Merriet Henry - Moloney James
- Moloney James - Moore Sarah
- Moore Walter - Morton Aimee
- Morton David - Murphy John
- Murphy John - Newell Maud
- Newlands Isabella - Nutt Julia
- Nyburg Selina - O'Connor May
- O'Connor Mary - O'Riley Frederick
- O'Riley Maria - Page Sarah
- Page William - Patton Thomas
- Patullo Robert - Petersen Elizabeth
- Petersen Florence - Porter Douglas
- Porter George - Purcell Patrick
- Purel Elizabeth - Ramsdan Louisa
- Ranch Ellen - Richards Alfred
- Richards Annie - Roberts James
- Roberts Jane - Ronan Charles
- Ronan Charles - Rutter Emeline
- Ryall Kate - Sandon Samuel
- Sands Elizabeth - Scott Rebecca
- Scott Robert - Shaw William
- Shea Andrew - Simpson Amy
- Simpson Annie - Smith Edwin
- Smith Eleanor - Sorensen Ann
- Southwell Emily - Stephenson Robert
- Stephenson Sarah - Strelein Matilda
- Strettles Annie - Taitt Walter
- Talbot Annie - Thompson Eleanor
- Thompson Elizabeth - Tighe William
- Tighe William - Troy Robert
- True Frances - Vial Annie
- Vial Samuel - Walsh Elizabeth
- Walsh Frederick - Warton Joseph
- Warton Lilian - West John
- West Lilian - Wilcox Arthur
- Wild Edith - Wills Robert
- Willy Bartholomew - Woods Edward
- Woods Henry - Zions Louis
- Abbott Alice - Allen Lizzie
- Allen Robert - Ashworth Edward
- Ashworth Elizabeth - Bastard Edwin
- Bastard Mary - Benson Thomas
- Benson Thomas - Booker Frederick
- Booker Martha - Breakwell Thomas
- Breen Alice - Brown Henry
- Brown Henry - Bundy Emma
- Bundy John - Campbell George
- Campbell Marion - Chapman Fergus
- Chapman Hannah - Clifton Mary
- Climpson Margaret - Conway Thomas
- Cook Elizabeth - Crew Priscilla
- Crew Robert - Davies Georgina
- Davies Joseph - Dillon Mary
- Dillon Mary - Downey Charles
- Downey Daniel - Dwyer Mina
- Dye Alfred - Ellison Joseph
- Elphinston John - Fell Margaret
- Fell Margaret - Ford Jessie
- Ford Jessie - Gallagher John
- Gallagher Kate - Gilan William
- Gillen Catherine - Gosnell Clara
- Goulden Mary - Gunnell Constance
- Gunston George - Hannabus Prosper
- Hannabus Rosina - Hatton James
- Havey Thomas - Hickey Ellen
- Hickey May - Holman Kate
- Holmes Rose - Hume William
- Hunt Frances - Jeffs Ernest
- Jellie Rose - Joyce Edward
- Joyce Joseph - Kilby Arthur
- Kilby Edith - Langford William
- Langley Elizabeth - Levi Abbie
- Lewis Amelia - Lysaght Robert
- Lytton Ada - M'Dougall Robert
- M'Dougall Theresa - M'Kearney Catherine
- M'Kee Alice - Macdonald Elizabeth
- Macdonald Marion - Martin James
- Martin James - Meehan Edward
- Meehan Elizabeth - Montague Charles
- Montgomery Ann - Morley Sarah
- Moroney John - Murphy James
- Murphy Mary - Nixon Albert
- Nixon Albert - O'Connell Kate
- O'Connor Bridget - O'Reilly Bridget
- O'Reilly Daniel - Parnell Charles
- Parnell Emily - Phillips Henry
- Phillips Jane - Pritchard George
- Pritchard George - Reid Richard
- Reidy Alice - Robinson Gertrude
- Robinson Lauretta - Ryan Margaret
- Ryan Margaret - Scott Alice
- Scott Amelia - Shields James
- Shields Mary - Skidmore Harry
- Skidmore Mary - Smith Margaret
- Smith Margaret - Spence Ann
- Spence Archibald - Stevens Leslie
- Stevens May - Tanner Alla
- Tansey Ann - Tollen Mary
- Tombs Jennie - Underwood Annie
- Unger Emily - Ward James
- Ward John - Welshman Mary
- West Elizabeth - Wiley Joseph
- Wiley Joseph - Wilson James
- Wilson Jane - Young Annie
- Young Annie - Zillman John
- Abbott Macartney - Aitkin Isabel
- Akins Charlotte - Anderson Amelia
- Anderson Elizabeth - Atkinson Mary
- Attwell Agnes - Barker Arthur
- Barker Catherine - Beard Conrad
- Beard Daniel - Bentley Rebecca
- Bentley Richard - Blaski Aaron
- Blaski David - Bowden Frances
- Bowen Alice - Breent Frederick
- Bremner Lizzie - Brown Kate
- Brown Konnie - Bugden Sarah
- Bulger Margaret - Byrne George
- Byrne Gladys - Cannon John
- Cannon Richard - Cater Charles
- Catley Amy - Chinnery Amy
- Chinnery Edward - Clarke Emma
- Clarke Henry - Cohen Burnett
- Cohen Caroline - Condon Maria
- Condon Mary - Coppin Margaret
- Coppola Pietro - Craemar Joseph
- Craig Alfred - Curran Arthur
- Curran Edith - Dargin Alfred
- Dargin Annette - Dawson Nellie
- Dawson Sarah - Devine John
- Devine Katherine - Dover Lydia
- Dowling Mary - Dunn Hannah
- Dunn James - Ellard Frank
- Elkington Edith - Evans Mary
- Evans Mary - Fergus Emily
- Ferguson Adel - Fitzsimmons Mary
- Fitzsimmons Samuel - Fowler Emily
- Fowler Frederick - Gallagher Elizabeth
- Gallagher Kate - Gifford James
- Gifford Margaret - Goodall Mary
- Goodman Caroline - Green Matilda
- Green Nellie - Hackett Constance
- Hackett Evelyn - Hanna William
- Hannah Lena - Hart Harriet
- Hart Harriet - Healey Millie
- Healey Elizabeth - Heydon Charles
- Heydon Philomeina - Hogan Patrick
- Hogg Annie - Howard Alice
- Howard Caroline - Icard Leon
- Ikin Florence - James David
- Jamieson Annie - Johnston Mary
- Johnston May - Kain Walter
- Kaiser Adolf - Kelley Louisa
- Kelley Louisa - King Isabella
- King James - Latona Constantine
- Latona Rose - Leibius Gustav
- Leipner Mary - Linnane Sarah
- Lissant Arthur - Lynch Jane
- Lynch Jennie - M'Donald Christina
- M'Donald Christina - M'Guiness Eliza
- M'Guiness Frederick - M'Lellan Sarah
- M'Lennan Ellie - M'Vicar James
- M'Whirter Charles - Madden Teresa
- Madden Thomas - Mansfield Henry
- Mansfield Isabel - Marshall Robert
- Marshall Rupert - Mealing Henry
- Mealing Joseph - Mitchell Robert
- Mitchell Catherine - Moore Henry
- Moore James - Moulton Esther
- Moulton Esther - Murphy Margaret
- Murphy Mary - Neale Hannah
- Neary Lizzie - Noble Ellen
- Noble Jessie - O'Connor Margaret
- O'Connor Mary - O'Neill Catherine
- O'Neill Elizabeth - Ousey Herbert
- Owen Alfred - Payne Louie
- Peachy Annie - Pike William
- Pilcher Marian - Punch Kathleen
- Punch Mary - Read James
- Read L - Rickards James
- Rickeard Louise - Robinson Harriet
- Robinson Henry - Rowley Jane
- Rowley Marian - Ryan Katherine
- Ryan Margaret - Scanlon Alice
- Scanlon Christina - Sewell Mary
- Sewell Thomas - Sibthorpe Louisa
- Siddons Elizabeth - Smith Alexander
- Smith Alexander - Smyth Arthur
- Smyth Florence - Stanfield Ellen
- Stanley Edward - Strong Isabel
- Strong Minnie - Taylor Charles
- Taylor Charles - Thompson Elsie
- Thompson Eva - Tooker Ernest
- Tooker Herbert - Turrance Jessie
- Turton Frank - Walker Mary
- Walker May - Ward George
- Ward George - Wesche Phoebe
- Wesche Phoebe - Wilkinson Alfred
- Wilkinson Florrie - Wilson Alice
- Wilson Alice - Woodville-Coleman Elizabeth
- Woodville-Coleman Elizabeth - Ziele Amy
- Aaitken Jane - Albion Rachael
- Albury William - Anning George
- Anning Jessie - Avery Thomas
- Bachup John - Barnes Christina
- Barnes Isabel - Beaver Martha
- Beaver Martha - Betro Guido
- Betts Agnes - Bohan Norah
- Bohley Florence - Breen Patrick
- Brenchi Margaret - Brown Kate
- Brown Louisa - Burnell Mary
- Burnett Arthur - Canvin Frederick
- Carberry Annie - Charles Ellen
- Charles Francis - Clitheroe Hugh
- Coates Ernest - Collins Louis
- Collins Margaret - Cosgrove Henrietta
- Cosgrove Maria - Crick Eliza
- Crick Sarah - Dalton Mary
- Dalton William - Deely Eliza
- Deely Elizabeth - Dolan Mary
- Doland Thomas - Doyle James
- Doyle Jane - Edmonds Emily
- Edwards Alice - Evans Hugh
- Evans James - Fisher Maud
- Fisher Rebecca - Fraser Robert
- Fraser Willie - Gardner Theodore
- Gardyne Claude - Gloater Annie
- Glyan Mary - Graham George
- Graham Elsie - Grogan Frederick
- Grono Robert - Hardy Robert
- Hardy Thomas - Hayes Annie
- Hayes Annie - Hewitt Ellen
- Hewitt Richard - Holland Archibald
- Holland Elizabeth - Howting Jane
- Howting William - Isaacs Hannah
- Isaacs Rachael - Johnston Launcelot
- Johnston Mary - Keegan John
- Keegan John - King Charlotte
- King Charlotte - Lane Grace
- Lane Hannah - Levitt George
- Levitt Mary - Lonnon George
- Lonnon Louisa - M'Carthy Mary
- M'Carthy Michael - M'Fadden Florence
- M'Fadden Florence - M'Ivor Elizabeth
- M'Kallery Margaret - M'Phail Ellen
- M'Phail Minnie - Manning Leslie
- Mannix Mary - Mawkes Mary
- Maxwell Margaret - Mitchell Albert
- Mitchell Annie - Morphy Mary
- Morris Alfred - Mundy Florence
- Mundy Samuel - Newcombe Ernest
- Newcombe Frances - O'Connell Kate
- O'Connor Elizabeth - Olliffe Leslie
- Olliffe Margaret - Patmore Mary
- Patrick Ellen - Perryman Jessie
- Peters Ellen - Power Alice
- Power Edmond - Rafeer Annie
- Ragen Elizabeth - Rich Mary
- Richard Joseph - Robeson Mary
- Robey Agnes - Rutledge Edward
- Rutledge Esther - Schrader Millicent
- Schroeder Anastasia - Shelton Albert
- Shephard Ambrose - Skinner Emma
- Skitheway Annie - Smith William
- Smith William - Stack Patrick
- Stainley Arthur - Storey Ethel
- Storey Florence - Tandy Adeline
- Tandy Alice - Thompson Selina
- Thompson Thomas - Tounley Mary
- Touseau Bedelia - Urquhart John
- Urquhart John, - Walsh George
- Walsh John - Weaver William
- Webb Charles - Whittaker Alfred
- Whittaker Annie - Williamson Harry
- Williamson Lititia - Wood James
- Wood Margaret - Young William
Maps of the East Sydney Electoral Division
- Aaron Alice - Alexander Christina
- Alexander Christina - Aspery John
- Aspinall Annie - Barry Margaret
- Barry Mary - Benbow Clement
- Benbow Clement - Bolas Amy
- Boltar Martha - Brighting Joseph
- Brighting Mary - Buck Thomas
- Buckham John - Byrnes Laura
- Byrnes Laura - Carney Mary
- Carpenter James - Chisholm Emma
- Chisholm Henry - Cleary John
- Cleary Thomas - Comrie Alexander
- Conaghan Sarah - Cotren Katie
- Cotton Mary - Cumming Donald
- Cummings Sarah - Davies Arthur
- Davies Annie - Dillon Hannah
- Dineen Thomas - Doyle James
- Doyle Joseph - Edmunds Jane
- Edmunds Lilian - Eveson Francis
- Ewer Catherine - Fisher Murial
- Fitzgerald Minnie - Freedman Isaac
- Freeman Amos - Gellin Jessie
- Gelling Mary - Gold Emma
- Gold James - Green Sylvania
- Green Timothy - Hall Henry
- Hall Millie - Harris Elizabeth
- Harris George - Heesch Laura
- Heffernan Francis - Hoar Frederick
- Hoare Charles - Houlton Alice
- Hourigan Catherine - Ireland Harrie
- Ireland Mary - Job Bernard
- Job Jane - Kane Agnes
- Kane Michael - Kerr Alice
- Kerr Ellen - La Falaise Joseph
- Lafleur Eveline - Learmoth Ellen
- Leatenegger Emma - Lewis Thomas
- Leybourne William - Lynch Ellen
- Lynch Frances - M'Donald Alice
- M'Donald Alice - M'Kinnon Emily
- M'Kinnon Emily - Macdonnell Elsa
- Macfarlane William - Markham Emma
- Markham Margaret - Medlicott Norah
- Megson Frederick - Minty Frank
- Mitchell Alexander - Morrissey Nellie
- Mortimer James - Murray Elizabeth
- Murray Elizabeth - Nolan James,
- Nolan James - O'Grady Ellen
- O'Grady John - Pacey Ada
- Pacey Ada - Pearton Emma
- Pearton Florence - Polson Hugh
- Poole Emily - Quinn Mary
- Quint Arthur - Rhodes Thomas
- Rice William - Robinson Margaret
- Robinson Mary - Ryan Alice
- Ryan Catherine - Scott Catherine
- Scott Charlotte - Sketheway William
- Skinner Frederick - Smith Sidney
- Smith Stanley - Starkey Rebecca
- Starkey William - Swan Richard
- Swanton George - Thomson George
- Thomson Isabella - Trusttie Harry
- Tuck John - Wall Lizzie
- Wallace George - Wearing Herbert
- Wearing Jane - Wiles Ellen
- Wilkins David - Wilson Robert
- Wilson Susan - Wyndham Ivy
- Wyndham Mary - Zions Harry
From: Federal Electoral Districts Commissioners 1901, Maps of the Federal Electoral Districts of the State of New South Wales, William Applegate Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney.
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