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Electoral Rolls Index
Home | Directories | Electoral | Land | General | Mining | Pastoral | OccupationsNSW Electoral Rolls 1903 - Gwydir Division
Roll of Persons entitled to Vote under the Commonwealth Franchise Act of 1902 Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2007
Electoral Maps of the Gwydir Division, 1901
Polling Places:
Ashford | Ashley | Avondale | Baan Baa | Bangate | Baradine | Bearbong | Benarba | Bingara | Binnaway | Boggabilla | Boggabri | Bonshaw | Boolcarrol | Boorooma | Borah Tank | Bugaldi | Bugilbone | Bukkulla | Bullyeroi | Bundella | Burren | Carbricky | Carinda | Carra Vale | Carroll | Cherry Tree Hill | Cobbadah | Collarenebri | Comborah Springs | Come-by-chance | Coolah | Coocoran Lake (late Weetalibah) | Coonabarrabran | Cryan | Curlewis | Cuttabri | Dolgelly | Elsmore | Emerald Hill | Eula Creek | Florida | Galathera | Garah | Gilgai | Goangra | Goomoorah | Goondabluie | Graman | Gulf Creek | Gum Flat | Gunnedah | Gunyerwarildi | Horton River | Haperary | Inverell | Kangaroo Camp | King's Plain | Kunopia | Little Plain | Meroe | Millie | Mogil Mogil | Mongulla | Moree | Mullaley | Mundooran | Mungindi | Myall Vale | Narrabri | Narrabri West | Nullamanna | Pallal | Pallamallawa | Pibbon | Pilliga | Pine Vale | Prairie Park | Reedy Creek | Rocky Ford | Stannifer | Swamp Oak | Swanvale | Tambar Springs | Terry-Hie-Hie | The Grawin | Tycannah | Upper Bingara | Walgett | Wallangra | Warialda | Warkton | Weetalabah (Coolah) | Wee Waa | Woolabra | Yarranbah | Yetman | Yowenda
- Adams Maria - Cuskeley Henry
- Denshire Harold - Kane Mary
- Kemp Jane - Ramsay Ellen
- Ramsay James - Wyndham Hugh
- Adkins Rachel - Billsborough George
- Billsborough Harriet - Carlos Frederick
- Carlos Stella - Degotardi Lucy
- Denahy John - Gordon James
- Gordon Janet - Hodges Daniel
- Hodges Eliza - King George
- King George - Mallon Arthur
- Mallon Catherine - O'Doherty Mary
- O'Loughlin Mary - Rose Nelson
- Rose Sophia - Symons William
- Tabulo Margaret - Wilkinson Walter
- Wilkinson William - Younie Mary
- Adams Arthur - Cameron Isabella
- Campbell John - Duffy Edward
- Duffy Edward - Johnson Elizabeth
- Johnson Robert - Munro Alfred
- Murton Edward - Treherne Edmund
- Trestrail John - Zellers Conrad
- Aitken Archibald - Bennett John
- Bennett Michael - Crawford Robert
- Darby Alice - Garrett Thomas
- Glohe Frederick - House John
- Housen Robert - M'Ginnity John
- M'Ginnity Patrick - Nicholls Sidelia
- Nicol David - Richards Mary
- Ridge Joseph - Thomas Mary
- Thompson Frank - Wyllie John
- Albert Donald - Corothers Mary
- Crothers Charles - Looney Patrick
- Loureiro Fauvette - Talbott Eliza
- Taylor Margaret - Woodward John
- Allen Abraham - Davis John
- Davis William - Kelly Margaret
- Kelly Mary - Sigsworth William
- Simmons Charles - White Richard
- White Rose - Woolaston George
Cherry Tree Hill Polling Place
Comborah Springs Polling Place
- Adams Samuel - Cook George
- Cook Isabella - Hogno John
- Hole Lincoln - Maul John
- Maul Margaret - Stevenson Mary
- Stewart Francis - Young John
Coocoran Lake (late Weetalibah) Polling Place
- Alacoque Sister Mary - Border Henry
- Border Lizzie - Curran James
- Currey Edward - German Fanny
- Gibbons Bertha - Jerrett William
- Johnson Charles - Melville Jane
- Melville Robert - Pittis Edward
- Powell Frederick - Taylor William
- Teale Alfred - Young Mary
- Ahern Timothy - Cameron Ewen
- Cameron George - Firkin Walter
- Flannagan Moira - Kelsell Caroline
- Kenyon George - Phillips Reginald
- Phillips Sydney - Turner Madeline
- Unwin Louisa - Young Gertrude
- Anderson Duncan - Coates William
- Connors William - Hogan Darry
- Hughes Carlie - Page Louisa
- Page William - Winkworth Thomas
- Abell Elizabeth - Dawson Samuel
- Dorrington Edmund - Miller John
- Miller Phillip - Smith Mary
- Smith John - Young Adolf
- Addison Henry - Chisholm Jane
- Christy Jane - Gough Ellen
- Greacen William - M'Clymont Samuel
- M'Ewen Elizabeth - Pitman Susanna
- Platt William - Withers Margaret
- Withers Robert - Woods Mary
- Arthur Valentine - Dunn Annie
- Dunn John - Leslie William
- Lewis Gertrude - Troth Walter
- Troth William - Woolley William
- Alexander Ernest - Evans John
- Evans Kate - M'Ginty James
- M'Grath Edward - Urquhart Catherine
- Urquhart James - Wright Emily
- Adgey Samuel - Bacon John
- Bacon Loveday - Blaxell Mary
- Blott Joseph - Bussell Margaret
- Bussell Patrick - Cobley William
- Cochran Eliza - Cusack Sidelia
- Cushan Charlotte - Dyer Harriet
- Dyer Henry - French Catherine
- French George - Gunser Christopher
- Guthrie George - Hornery Jane
- Hornery John - Johnston George
- Jones Albert - Klienschafer Henry
- Klienschafer Lydia - Lockyer Marion
- Loomes George - M'Leish William
- M'Lennon Alice - Mills William
- Mitchell Ada - O'Sullivan Daniel
- O'Sullivan John - Pritchard Elizabeth
- Pritchard Emily - Rowland Charles
- Rowland Eva - Smith James
- Smith John - Thomson Hercules
- Thomson William - Wells James
- Welsh Ann - Woolage William
- Wright Edward - Young Sarah
- Abbott Agnes - Armstrong Bella
- Armstrong Ernest - Bickley Richard
- Bielby Richard - Brown Ellen
- Brown Francis - Campbell Jean
- Campbell Jean - Clancy John
- Clarence Lillian - Cowie Catherine
- Cowie John - Dean Harry
- Dean Percival - Eddy Rebecca
- Edmunds Henry - Finn Jane
- Finn John - Gates Elizabeth
- Gates John - Guan James
- Guan Thomas - Hawkins James
- Hawkins Thomas - Irvine Walter
- Irvine Sarah - Kennivene James
- Kenny Edwin - Lewin Ellen
- Lewin Francis - M'Carthy Sydney
- M'Clean Mary - M'Lean Emily
- M'Lean Hector - Mason William
- Mather Allan - Morris Charlotte
- Morris Elizabeth - Noller Charles
- Norman Henry - Palmer George
- Palmer John - Preston William
- Price Susannah - Rowland Joseph
- Rowland Mary - Smith George
- Smith Jane - Taylor Henry
- Taylor Jane - Truman William
- Tubie Annie - Watling John
- Watling Rebecca - Willis Elizabeth
- Willis Jeremiah - Young Mary
- Abe Alice - Bell Albert
- Bell Francis - Bucknell Ethel
- Bucknell Ruby - Chapman Minnie
- Chapman Robert - Coughlin John
- Coulton Mary - Dickie Emily
- Dickie Maggie - Fergusson Peter
- Fickling Margaret - Girard Lucy
- Girard Margaret - Hartley David
- Hartman Jane - Holland William
- Hollis Susan - Jurd Alvina
- Jurd Catherine - Kuhn William
- Kuhn William - M'Donald Bessie
- M'Donald Christina - Mahaffey Isaac
- Mahaffey Jane - Maloney John
- Moloney Rose - Nash Ellen
- Nash Janet - Peisley Sarah
- Pembroke Mary - Reynolds William
- Rice Alexander - Scott William
- Seccombe Herbert - Spratt Ada
- Stacy William - Thomas Margaret
- Thomas Thomas - Watson George
- Watson John - Wills James
- Wilson Albert - Zlotkowski Alfredo
- Adams Ada - Burke John
- Burke Joseph - Doyle Maurice
- Doyle Susan - Hemmings Luke
- Henmer James - Marshall Henry
- Mathews Ellen - Ryan Patrick
- Ryan Patrick - Wood Alfred
- Young Charles - Zlotkowski Elinor
- Adams Charlotte - Barsden Mildred
- Barwick Christina - Brown Mary
- Brown May - Clarence Hannah
- Clarence Henry - Cox Catherine
- Cox Francis - Doherty Elizabeth
- Doherty Thomas - Farrand Arthur
- Faulkener Septimus - Glover David
- Godbold Ada - Harris Caroline
- Harris Christopher - Inglis Clare
- Ireland Budd - Lamkin Marion
- Lang Marion - M'Gill Thomas
- M'Ginnity Rosaline - Melbourne John
- Middleton James - Orrell Albert
- Orrell Emily - Redmond Michael
- Reece Mary - Shanahan Mary
- Shanahan Mary - Stevens Mary
- Still Albert - Tranter Harriett
- Tribe Alice - Wherritt Agnes
- Wherritt William - Young William
- Adams Alexander - Brackenreg James
- Brackenreg James - Craig Archibald
- Craig Miriam - Fletcher Albion
- Fletcher Peter - Hammond William
- Hanagan Frederick - Kennedy Jeremiah
- Kennedy Margaret - Maher William
- Marlay John - Paget Henry
- Parker Arthur - Self John
- Self Walter - Tighe Thomas
- Toohey Grace - Zimmerman Henry
- Anderson Andrew - Duggan Andrew
- Duggan Patrick - M'Kellar Bourke
- M'Millin John - Worrell Alice
- Worrell Charlotte - Wright John
- Baker Henry - Cronin Edith
- Crump Joseph - Jackson George
- Jackson William - O'Rouke Matilda
- Page Henry - Wallace Benjamin
- Wallace Jessie - Welch Thomas
- Adams Frank - Blackwell Margaret
- Bland John - Connors John
- Cook Flora - Evans William
- Fagan Bertha - Hill William
- Hiness Walter - M'Keown Charles
- M'Lachlan Emily - Noble William
- Nolan Sarah - Simpson Sarah
- Simpson Thomas - Weate Louisa
- Weate William - Young William
- Adams Ada - Black James
- Black Lucy - Capel Bertha
- Capel Mary - Doherty William
- Donaldson Philip - Gooda John
- Gooda Mary - Howes Thomas
- Hoy Alfred - Lock Walter
- Lockhart Minnie - Maidens Edward
- Maidens Ethel - O'Hara George
- O'Hara Sarah - Ritter Francis
- Rix Charles - Smith John
- Smith John - Wallis Sarah
- Walsh Edmond - Zellers Peter
Weetalabah (Coolah) Polling Place
Maps of the Gwydir Electoral Division
- Adams Annie - Brunsdon Lydia
- Bunnah William - Doherty Jean
- Doherty Joseph - Hanrahan Thomas
- Hardgrave Francis - King Sydney
- Kingsford Muriel - Mahony Mary
- Marshall William - Phillips James
- Pike Alfred - Smith-Slack Winnifred
- Smith Charles - Wheeler Harriet
- Wheeler Henry - Yates Victor
From: Federal Electoral Districts Commissioners 1901, Maps of the Federal Electoral Districts of the State of New South Wales, William Applegate Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney.
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