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Electoral Rolls Index
Home | Directories | Electoral | Land | General | Mining | Pastoral | OccupationsNSW Electoral Rolls 1903 - Lang Division
Roll of Persons entitled to Vote under the Commonwealth Franchise Act of 1902 Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2006
Electoral Maps of the Lang Division, 1901
Polling Places:
Addison | Arncliffe | Bexley | Camperdown | Carlton | Como | Dulwich Hill | Enmore | Hurstville | Kingsgrove | Kogarah | Livingstone Road | Marrickville | Miranda | Newtown-Kingston | Oatley | Rockdale | Tempe | The Warren
- Abbott John - Anderson Robert
- Anderson Sophia - Barnes Hugh
- Barnes Mary - Boggis Gertrude
- Boggis Mary - Brown Isabella
- Brown Jessie - Caldwell Sarah
- Campbell Mary - Clooney John
- Clooney Joseph - Crowther Arthur
- Cullam Edith - Deveril Isabella
- Devery Henry - Dunn William
- Dunstan Charles - English Elizabeth
- English John - Ford Elizabeth
- Ford John - Gill Eliza
- Gill Henry - Grimley Joseph
- Gulliford Harry - Hayden Alfred
- Hayden Elizabeth - Hood Frederick
- Hook Africk - Jamieson Rosina
- Jamieson William - Keough James
- Kidson Alice - Lindeman Herbert
- Liston Catherine - M'Glew Cornelius
- M'Glew Eleanora - Marshall George
- Marshall John - Mitchell Caroline
- Mitchell John - Nielson Charles
- Nightingale Annetta - Parker Jane
- Parker Thomas - Pollard Harriet
- Poriottie Annie - Roberts Florence
- Roberts Frank - Scott George
- Scott John - Smith Henry
- Smith Herbert - Storey Elizabeth
- Storm Alexander - Thompson Robert
- Thompson William - Tyler William
- Underwood Elizabeth - Wedlock Eliza
- Wedlock Emily - Williams John
- Williams John - Young George
- Young Harry - Young Percy
- Abbott Charles - Arnold Ellen
- Arnold Frances - Birch Alfred
- Birch Blanche - Brown John
- Brown John - Cheetham Ellen
- Cheetham Frances - Cotterell Marion
- Cotterell William - Donkin Augustus
- Donkin Edith - Farrell Bernard
- Farrell Margaret - Gaymer William
- Gaymer William - Halliday Francis
- Halliday Mary - Hickey William
- Hickson Mary - Jervis Louis
- Johns Isabella - Lee Margaret
- Lee Olive - M'Laren Thomas
- M'Laughlin Catherine - May Annie
- May Charles - Morton Thomas
- Moss Herbert - Parkes Mary
- Parkes Thomas - Price Edwin
- Price Mary - Robb Eva
- Roberts Alice - Sherlock Lucie
- Shields Gertrude - Stewart Andrew
- Stewart Arthur - Tiley Ernest
- Tiley May - Walt Eliza
- Walters Francis - Wilcock Cecil
- Willcocks William - Ziems Lilian
- Aarons Joel - Barford George
- Barford James - Brierley Thomas
- Broadbridge Frederick - Churchill Alexander
- Churchill Margaret - Davis Ann
- Davis Jane - Edwards Walter
- Egan Mary - Glass Elizabeth
- Glue Mary - Hewitt Edward
- Hewitt John - Keir Robert
- Kellerman Patience - Lysough Daniel
- Lysaught Ellen - Massey Albert
- Maston Annie - Newman Sarah
- Newton Cecil - Part Herbert
- Patrick Margaret - Primrose Edwin
- Primrose George - Schey Andrew
- Schlinker Elizabeth - Stacy Annie
- Stanway Thomas - Thomson Margaret
- Thomson William - West Mary
- West William - Young Kate
- Aaron Julia - Armstrong Edward
- Armstrong Elizabeth - Barker Mary
- Barlow Emma - Billingham James
- Bilston Jane - Bourke Kate
- Bourke Michael - Briggs Frederick
- Briggs Frederick - Bryant Peter
- Bryson James - Callaway Sarah
- Callaway Sarah - Chapman William
- Chappelow Catherine - Coady William
- Cobban Annie - Coote Elizabeth
- Coote John - Cropley Hannah
- Crouch Elsie - Dawson Frederick
- Dawson Frederick - Donohoe John
- Donohoe Theresa - Edwards Mary
- Edwards Thomas - Fernon John
- Fernon Mary - Fowler Florence
- Fowler Ida - Gibson Isabella
- Gibson Jessie - Grace Thomas
- Graham Alexander - Halpin Ann
- Halpin Arthur - Hartley Sophia
- Hartley William - Higman Matilda
- Higman Muriel - Hull Sarah
- Hulme Alicia - Johnson Annie
- Johnson Henry - King Ann
- King John - Lawler Owen
- Lawrence Eleanor - Lippiatt Louisa
- Little Amy - M'Carroll Mary
- M'Carthy Emily - M'Guire Thomas
- M'Horry Adelaide - Macintosh Alexander
- Macintosh Alexander - Marwood Robert
- Mason Alice - Mitchell Frederick
- Mitchell George - Morrison Mary
- Morriss William - Neighbour Thomas
- Nelson Agnes - Offord Mary
- Ogg Jane - Peek Elizabeth
- Pendergast Catherine - Porter William
- Porter William - Rappenaker Stephen
- Ray Minnie - Roals Louisa
- Roberts Albert - Rowe Alfred
- Rowe Emily - Scully Julia
- Scurrah Matilda - Simpson Alexandria
- Simpson Charlotte - Smith Mary
- Smith Mary - Stevens Elizabeth
- Stevens Marion - Thompson George
- Thompson John - Turner Oliver
- Turner Stewart - Walsh John
- Walsh Rachel - West Mary
- West Minnie - Wilson Edith
- Wilson Frank - Wythes Frederick
- Yates Kate - Ziehlke Alfred
- Allen Clara - Churchill Mary
- Clark Allan - Gregory Sophia
- Griffin John - Le Messurier Advena
- Linden Bertha - Peck George
- Peisley George - Symons Joseph
- Terrett Catherine - York Catherine
- Abernethy Jessie - Burns Mehalah
- Byrne Elizabeth - Ferguson John
- FletcherJohn - Love Frederick
- Loveday Elias - Smith Thomas
- Snudden Frank - Youngman Sarah
- Adams Charles - Baker Christina
- Baker Emma - Bishop Sophia
- Black Alice - Burns George
- Burrows Emma - Cubitt Melanie
- Cummings Mary - Ellis George
- Elphie Albert - Gaston Emma
- Gaston Florence - Harris Florence
- Harris Rose - Hobden Henry
- Hobden Jane - Jennings Mary
- Jentsch Felix - Leplastrier Norman
- Leslie George - Malcolm Emily
- Mansfield Mary - Morrison Blanche
- Morrison Ethel - Patterson Robert
- Paul Louisa - Roberts Eliza
- Roberts Nellie - Shenstone William
- Shenstone Sydney - Stiles Arthur
- Stokes Thomas - Wallace Oliver
- Wallach Bernard - Woolf Mary
- Woolford Alfred - Younger Charles
- Abasolon Ida - Anderson Jennie
- Andersen Lizzie - Avery Ellen
- Avery George - Barr Margaret
- Barr Rebecca - Bennett Matilda
- Bennett Sarah - Bond John
- Bone Annie - Brennan Florence
- Brennan Grace - Buckley John
- Buckley Joseph - Bushall Ethel
- Bushall John - Carter George
- Carter Minnie - Chisnall Edward
- Chisnall John - Coleman Henry
- Coleman Molly - Cornish Amy
- Cornish William - Crookall Louisa
- Crookall William - Davidson Selina
- Davies Alfred - Dennett Edith
- Dennett Ethel - Douglas Frederick
- Douglas James - Dynan Minnie
- Dyson Bridget - Elliott John
- Elliott Margaret - Fenn Rosabelle
- Fennell Alfred - Flynn Elizabeth
- Flynn Jessie - Gardiner Alice
- Gardiner Annie - Goer Ada
- Goer Thomas - Green Albert
- Green Alfred - Hall Edith
- Hall John - Harrison Amy
- Harrison Annie - Henry Florence
- Henry Frank - Hoffmann Annie
- Hoffman William - Howard Martha
- Howat Donald - Irivne Jessie
- Irwin Ada - Jones Emily
- Jones James - Kerr Elizabeth
- Kerr John - Lanyon Charles
- Lanyon Emily - Leslie Samuel
- Letton George - M'Alister Ellen
- M'Alister John - M'Kay Ellen
- M'Kechnie Francis - Mackenzie Murdo
- MacMahon William - Martin Lucy
- Martin Margaret - Miles Margaret
- Miles Phillip - Mood Alexander
- Mood John - Mulquiny James
- Mulquiny John - Nesbitt Robert
- Nettleship Ellen - O'Brien Maud
- O'Brien Mona - Pain Otto
- Paine Alfred - Pearce John
- Pearce Mary - Pilkington Sophia
- Pilkington Thomas - Press Susannah
- Preston Jessie - Renge Percival
- Renshaw Joseph - Roberts Violet
- Roberts William - Russell Joseph
- Russell Joseph - Scott Victor
- Scott William - Shinnick Arthur
- Shinnick Clara - Smith Frank
- Smith George - Spicer Sarah
- Spicer Sarah - Streeter Hannah
- Streeton Charles - Tansley Annie
- Tansley Ernest - Thorburn John
- Thorburn Susan - Turner Caroline
- Turner Emma - Wade Edgar
- Wainwright Arthur - Wardrop Adam
- Wardrop Esther - West Grafton
- West Lilian - Willard Alfred
- Willard Alice - Wilson Emma
- Wilson Emma - Wright William
- Wright William - Ziems Henry
- Adams Bridget - Bailey Eliza
- Bailey George - Bennett Helen
- Bennett Louisa - Boyle John
- Bradford David - Campbell Ann
- Campbell Colin - Colbran William
- Cole Annie - Culey George
- Culey Gertrude - Donohoe John
- Donovan Clara - Evans William
- Evans William - Foulston Catherine
- Foulston Thomas - Glendenning Celia
- Goldwater Alfred - Hannan William
- Hannah Hannah - Hillard Thomas
- Hills Hammond - Hunter William
- Huntley Lillian - Jones Lizzie
- Jones Martha - Lee Louisa
- Leeder Alma - M'Evoy John
- M'Farland Addie - Marshall John
- Marshall Louisa - Morgan Amelia
- Morgan Evan - Nichol William
- Nicholson Hannah - Paterson Charles
- Paterson Edith - Pierce Margaret
- Piercy Helen - Rankin Maggie
- Rankin Susan - Rodger Amelia
- Rodger Amelia - Simonsen Hans
- Slater James - Stansfield Edmund
- Staples David - Targett Emily
- Targett Frank - Trinder Harriet
- Trinder Lilian - Watts Mary
- Watts Sarah - Williams Thomas
- Williamson Benjamin - Young William
- Anderson Andrew - Bolin Harry
- Booker Jessie - Clark Richard
- Clarke Agnes - Fanning Frances
- Fanning John - Hammill Isabella
- Hannah Ada - Kilfoyle Margaret
- Kilfoyle Peter - Miller Ernest
- Miller Millicent - Procton May
- Proctor Bridget - Troy Mary
- Turner Edward - Wright Rebecca
- Abbott Janet - Arnold Ephraim
- Arnold Kezia - Berghofer George
- Berghofer Mary - Bowmer John
- Bowmer Myra - Buttler Sarah
- Byrne Charles - Clark Emily
- Clark Emily - Colvin John
- Colvin Nellie - Cropley Rebecca
- Cropp Herbert - Denison George
- Dennis George - Duncan Arthur
- Duncan Caroline - Farr Susan
- Faulkner Edwin - French Ellen
- French John - Goodsell Trayton
- Gosbell Albert - Harper Edward
- Harper George - Herrmann Peter
- Herzog Anthony - Holohan Julia
- Holohan Mary - Jarvis Sarah
- Jenkins Francis - Kerkby John
- Kerr Fannie - Lawrence Richard
- Lazarus Catherine - Luckhurst Amy
- Luckhurst Henry - M'Neil Elizabeth
- M'Neil John - Melville James
- Melville Ninian - Murphy Michael
- Murphy Teresa - Page Alfred
- Page Edward - Pollard John
- Poolman Harry - Richards Eleanor
- Riddell Dryden - Sargent Rose
- Saunders Ellen - Short Edwin
- Short Lucy - Souter George
- South Annie - Sturgess Oliver
- Sugerman Jacob - Timbrell Florence
- Timbrell Thomas - Venn Margaret
- Vipan Frederick - White Elizabeth
- White Jane - Wood Agnes
- Wood Alfred - Young William
Livingstone Road Polling Place
- Abrahams George - Ashley Jane
- Ashley Richard - Betts Elizabeth
- Betts Everard - Bruce Annie
- Bruce George - Chantler Alice
- Charlton Augusta - Croft Alfred
- Croft Edward - Doust Lucy
- Dove Alice - Faulkner Sam
- Feist Kate - Gibb Lolia
- Gibb Robert - Gunn James
- Gunn Mary - Hill Catherine
- Hill Jeanette - Jaques Alfred
- Jaques Catherine - Lasham Elizabeth
- Lavender Sarah - M'Gurgan Teresa
- M'Kee Caroline - Miller Isabella
- Miller Isabella - Norris Emily
- Notley Charles - Pickworth Margaret
- Pierce Charlotte - Rofe Ethel
- Rogers James - Shorter Zella
- Shortis John - Sutton Mabel
- Swan Clara - VonderHeyde Ferdinand
- Vote Annie - Wheatley Elizabeth
- Wheatley George - Young Margaret
- Abbott Joseph - Allman James
- Allworth Ada - Baker Alice
- Baker Emily - Bellingham Grace
- Belsham Ellen - Bosworth Gertrude
- Bothe Frederick - Bridges James
- Briggs Charlotte - Burls Emily
- Burls Robert - Carr Ethel
- Carr Henry - Churchland Vincent
- Chushire Bessie - Collins Alexander
- Collins Charles - Croft Mary
- Croft Mary - Davis William
- Davis Walter - Disher Edith
- Disher Louisa - Dyer Alec
- Dyer Elizabeth - Everitt Joseph
- Everitt Priscilla - Fitzpatrick Annie
- Flaherty James - Gamack Frederick
- Gambrill Richard - Glover Hugh
- Goatley Charles - Green Ada
- Green Agnes - Hamblion Myra
- Hamilton John - Hart Pauline
- Hart Raymond - Heney Sarah
- Hennessey Emma - Hogan Ernest
- Hogg David - Hyde William
- Hyem Agnes - Johnson Alfred
- Johnson Alice - Keogh Bridget
- Keogh Bridget - Larkin James
- Larkin Julia - Lindsay Robert
- Linforth Edward - M'Coy Minna
- M'Cracken William - Macadam Emily
- Macadam Elizabeth - Marshall Mary
- Martin Alice - Middleton John
- Middleton Minnie - Moulton Adolphine
- Moulton Alfred - Newton Sarah
- Niass Isabella - Paris Jane
- Parker Arthur - Phillips Sarah
- Philp George - Pritchard Nellie
- Pritchard Tom - Richards Martha
- Richards William - Roroley Mildred
- Rose Emily - Schell William
- Schmidt Catherine - Shore Rose
- Short Alice - Smith Henry
- Smith James - Staunton Elizabeth
- Staunton Margaret - Sutherland David
- Sutherland Elizabeth - Timmings Joseph
- Tinckam Arthur - Tynan Andrew
- Tynan Ellen - Ward Ada
- Ward Edward - White Ann
- White Annie - Willis Flora
- Willis Kenneth - Worsnop Edwin
- Worsnop Elizabeth - Zillman Elsie
- Allen Alfred - Chapman Arthur
- Chapman Matilda - Herdman George
- Hespe Amelia - M'Alister Patrick
- M'Clenahan James - Smith Edred
- Smith Ethel - Windsor Otto
Newtown-Kingston Polling Place
- Abbott Charles - Anderson Augustus
- Anderson John - Bailey James
- Bailey James - Bartle Caroline
- Bartle Phillip - Bennett Phillia
- Bennett William - Booker Elizabeth
- Booker Robert - Breeze Clara
- Breeze William - Brown William
- Browne Corrie - Campbell Valentine
- Campbell Valentine - Charlton Alfred
- Charlton Annie - Cohen Lewis
- Cohen Moses - Cook Mary
- Cook Richard - Crighton Charles.
- Crighton Emma - Cunningham William
- Curnow Blanche - Deery Mary
- Dempsey Cornelius - Drury Arthur
- Drury Ellen - Ekland David
- Elliott Elizabeth - Eyles James
- Eyles Margaret - Fishley Alfred
- Fisk Edgar - Fraser William
- Fraser William - Geary Annie
- Geddes Margaret - Glennen Michael
- Gluckstein Grace - Gow Ella
- Gow Robert - Grimshaw Harriet
- Grimsley Eliza - Hardwicke Annie
- Hardwicke Edward - Hayes Ellen
- Hayes James - Hill Isabella
- Hill Nellie - Howard Annie
- Howarth Gertrude - Isherwood Hubert
- Isherwood Percy - Johnstone Henry
- Johnstone Mary - Kelly James
- Kelly James - Klees Joseph
- Knight Arthur - Lazarus Mary
- Leach Nellie - Loennies Francis
- Loennies Mary - M'Clean Edith
- M'Clean John - M'Intosh Lucy
- M'Intyre Augustus - Maclean Christina
- Maclean Elizabeth - Mason George
- Mason James - Miller Ethel
- Miller Florence - Montgomery Alfred
- Montgomery Alfred - Murphy John
- Murphy Thomas - Nisbet Harriet
- Nisbet Sarah - O'Reilly Eugene
- O'Reilly Hubert - Paterson Edith
- Paterson Elizabeth - Peterson Bessie
- Peterson Edward - Pople Malcolm
- Poppe Albert - Quinn Thomas
- Quinsey Richard - Richardson Emily
- Richardson James - Roddan James
- Roderick Emanuel - Rutledge Mary
- Rutledge Rupert - Sergeant Mary
- Setchell Edwin - Simpson William
- Sinclair John - Smyth Peregrine
- Smythe Sarah - Stevenson Eliza
- Stevenson Frederick - Sutton William
- Swain Florence - Thompson Hannah
- Thompson John - Tye Cyrus
- Tye Ruby - Wallace John
- Wallace Robert - Waugh William
- Weatherby Charles - White Emmaline
- White Frances - Wilson Ella
- Wilson Ella - Workman Emilie
- Workman Walter - Young Michael
- Adams Henry - Charlesworth George
- Charlesworth Lucy - Gillard Joshua
- Glendenning William - Kemp Arthur
- Kemp Emma - Moore Abraham
- Mottlee Edith - Schoeffel Albert
- Schofield John - Young Mary
- Adler Mary - Armstrong Robert
- Arps Alfred - Beehag Eliza
- Beehag Elizabeth - Bonnyman Margaret
- Bonnyman Sarah - Burcher Nathaniel
- Burden Ada - Carmichael William
- Carr Grace - Clemens Annie
- Clements Elizabeth - Cousens Bernard
- Cousins Sarah - Davis Clara
- Davis Frederick - Eatherley Emma
- Eatherley Robert - Frank John
- Frank Martha - Godere Herbert
- Godfrey Eli - Halliday Fanny
- Halliday John - Henderson Edith
- Henderson Isabella - Holland Leslie
- Holmes Mary - Jolly Mary
- Jones Amy - Learmonth Eunice
- Lee Laura - M'Leod Beatrice
- M'Leod Clara - Middleton Louis
- Mildwater Louisa - Munro Elizabeth
- Murphy Arthur - O'Keefe Mary
- O'Leary Johanna - Piper Annie
- Piper Florence - Rhodes William
- Richards May - Sanlaville Victoria
- Saunders Charles - Slattery Edward
- Slinn George - Stewart John
- Stirling Allan - Thorpe Maria
- Thorpe George - Wales Louisa
- Wales May - White Isabella
- White Jane - Young William
- Abbott Hannah - Andrews Ernest
- Andrews George - Baker William
- Baldwin Bella - Belgra William
- Bell Ernest - Booth Grace
- Booth Stanley - Brooks Maria
- Brooks Mary - Burrell Agnes
- Burrell Henry - Chappell Henry
- Chappell Herbert - Conway Andrew
- Conway Mary - Cross Julia
- Cross Thomas - Dean Thomas
- Deane Thomas - Drane Annie
- Drane Charles - Elliott Kate
- Elliott Louisa - Fleeton George
- Fleeton Mary - Furse Eva
- Furzer Elizabeth - Glazier Frederick
- Gleesha Agnes - Guthrie Mary
- Guthrie Thomas - Hare Martin
- Hare William - Hempel Ellen
- Henderson Alexander - Holmes Amelia
- Holmes George - Hyde Alfred
- Hyde Elizabeth - Johnston Elizabeth
- Johnston Emma - Kempt James
- Kempt Jane - Lardner Lily
- Lardner Mary - Lloyd Richard
- Lloyd William - M'Kay Gertrude
- M'Kechnie Elizabeth - Manser Richard
- Margetts May - Mercer Margaret
- Mercer William - Moss Frederick
- Mott Amelia - O'Brien John
- O'Brien Kate - Patton Clara
- Patton John - Prince James
- Prior David - Richards Agnes
- Richards Benjamin - Rooney Kate
- Rooney Peter - Sanderson Annie
- Sanderson Francis - Siddens Arthur
- Siddens Elsie - Smith Mary
- Smith Norah - Steer Eunice
- Steer Frank - Swinebourne George
- Sykes Alice - Thwaite Horace
- Thwaites Johnson - Usher Alice
- Usher Caroline - Ward Rebecca
- Ward Robert - Westbrook Sarah
- Westbrook Thomas - Williams Reuben
- Williams Sarah - Wright John
- Wright Lilly - Yorke James
Maps of the Lang Electoral Division
- Acocks Dora - Barker Arthur
- Barker Elsie - Boyt Leonard
- Bradhurst Lavinia - Carroll William
- Carter Elizabeth - D'Arcy Irvine Fanny
- Darling Katherine - Fay Stanley
- Fay Susan - Glass Sidney
- Glasson Susan - Hayes William
- Hayes William - Ismay Margaret
- Ismay Mary - Kirkwood David
- Kirkwood Frederick - M'Gregor Henrietta
- M'Kelly Isabella - Morrison Charles
- Moyes Charles - Quinn Bertha
- Quinn Elizabeth - Saxby Nellie
- Saxby William - Steele Alexander
- Steele Margaret - Veroli Florence
- Veroli Italo - Wilson Mary
- Wilson Robert - Zlotkowski Kate
From: Federal Electoral Districts Commissioners 1901, Maps of the Federal Electoral Districts of the State of New South Wales, William Applegate Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney.
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