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Electoral Rolls Index
Home | Directories | Electoral | Land | General | Mining | Pastoral | OccupationsNSW Electoral Rolls 1903 - New England Division
Roll of Persons entitled to Vote under the Commonwealth Franchise Act of 1902 Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2006
Electoral Maps of the New England Division, 1901
Polling Places:
Aberfoyle | Aberfoyle North | Arding | Armidale | Attunga | Balala | Bald Nob | Barraba | Bendemeer | Ben Lomond | Black Creek | Black Mountain | Booroolong | Borah Creek | Bowling Alley Point | Breeza | Bundarra | Castle Doyle | Clarevaulx | Crow Mountain | Currabubula | Doughboy Hollow | Dumaresq | Dundee | Emmaville | Enmore Downs | Fladbury | Glasston | Glencoe | Glen Elgin | Glen Innes | Glen Morrison | Goonoo Goonoo | Graham's Valley | Green Valley | Guy Fawkes | Guyra | Hanging Rock | Hillgrove | Howell | Keepit | Kelly's Plains | Kentucky | Kingstown | Kookabookra | Lower Dungowan | Manilla | Metz | Moonbi | Niangala | Nowendoc | Nundle | Nundle Road | Oban | Pine Ridge | Puddledock | Quipolly | Quirindi | Red Range | Rockvale | Rockwood | Salisbury Plains | Somerton | Spring Ridge | St. Leonards Creek | Strathbogie | Swamp Oak Creek | Tamworth | Tenterden | Tenthill | Thalgarah | Tia | Tilbuster | Tingha | Upper Dungowan | Upper Manilla | Uralla | Walcha | Walcha Road | Wallabadah | Wandsworth | Waterloo Road | Wellingrove | Werris Creek | West Tamworth | Willow Tree | Winton | Wollomombi | Wongo Creek | Wood's Reef | Woolomin | Yarraman | Yarrowitch | Yarrowyck
- Adams Amelia - Asher Elsie
- Ashton Arthur - Beckhouse Sidney
- Beckhouse Susannah - Booth Florence
- Booth Sarah - Brislone Martin
- Brislone Michael - Burron Robert
- Burron Robert - Champion Jane
- Chandler Andrew - Collins George
- Collins Priscilla - Cowley Ellen
- Cowley George - Dawson Ida
- Dawson Mary - Dixon Florence
- Dixon John - Dunkin John
- Dunkin Mary - Faint John
- Fallick Charles - Foran Margaret
- Foran Thomas - Gamble George
- Gamble Mary - Gordon Lillie
- Gordon Margaret - Hardaker Arthur
- Hardaker David - Head Ada
- Head Thomas - Hodges Charles
- Hodges Eveline - Hunt Teresa
- Hunter Louisa - Jones Richard
- Jones Richard - Kirkwood Matilda
- Kirkwood Minnie - Logan Thomas
- Lohan Sarah - M'Dermott Mary
- M'Dermott Owen - M'Kinlay James
- M'Kinlay Jane - Maguire Andrew
- Maguire Ann - Marshall Emma
- Marshall Esther - Mitchell Emily
- Mitchell Jessie - Murray Helen
- Murray James - O'Dea Annie
- O'Dell Edward - Pearce William
- Peard Alfred - Porter James
- Porter John - Richards William
- Richardson Alexander - Ruane Mary
- Ruane Thomas - Scholes Mary
- Scholes Minette - Sly Agnes
- Sly John - Stapylton Jane
- Stapylton Josephine - Thomas William
- Thompson Catherine - Vyner Selina
- Wadds Elizabeth - Weber George
- Weir Hannah - Wilson Alfred
- Wilson Alfred - Young Lee Mary
- Abra Edward - Carey James
- Carey Kyren - Forge Mary
- Forge Seth - Morris Frederick
- Morris Sidney - Smith John
- Smith Margaret - Wylie John
- Adams Emily - Broderick John
- Brown William - Dangar John
- Dawson Eliza - Garske Charles
- Garske Herman - Jones William
- Kavanagh Arthur - Morris Agnes
- Morrow John - Rumsby Jacobena
- Rumsby Margaret - Taylor William
- Thame Catherine - Yates William
- Adams Christina - Connor Mary
- Cooper Elizabeth - Meizer Sarah
- Mitchell Isabella - Scholes Beatrice
- Scholes Daniel - Young James
Bowling Alley Point Polling Place
- Aikman Andrew - Britton Charles
- Britton Ellen - De Gruchy John
- Demarest Marian - Fox Esther
- Fox Joseph - Jurd Louisa
- Jurd Martha - Maher Mary
- Maher Michael - Platford William
- Pratt George - Smith Walter
- Solomon David - Young James
- Anderton Joseph - Byrne Margaret
- Byrne Michael - English Ann
- English William - Howlett Walter
- Hunt Alfred - Meadows Thomas
- Menike John - Scott Honora
- Scott James - Young Frederick
- Allan Esther - Bourke Frederick
- Bourke Mary - Dodds Annie
- Dodds George - Griffiths Henry
- Griffiths Isabella - Kelly Peter
- Kennedy Annie - Morgan Maud
- Morgan William - Robert Thomas
- Roberts Frank - Smith Fanny
- Smith James - Yow Alice
- Abbott Elizabeth - Baker Francis
- Baker George - Bonnett Elleanor
- Bonnett George - Bull Sarah
- Bull William - Campbell John
- Campbell John - Coates Jonathan
- Coates Mary - Crapp William
- Creighton Jane - Day Charles
- Day Emily - Doyle Thomas
- Doyle William - Every Bud
- Every George - Forrester Charles
- Forrester John - Glen Alice
- Glen Herbert - Halloran Annie
- Halloran Eugene - Higgins Bessie
- Higgins Daniel - Hutchison John
- Hutton Andrew - Kelly James
- Kelly James - Lancaster Ellen
- Lancaster Ethel - M'Alpin Andrew
- M'Alpin Arthur - M'Kerrihan Margaret
- M'Kerrihan Robert - M'Shane Catherine
- M'Shane Joseph - Matthews George
- Matthews George - Munro Catherine
- Munro Frances - O'Hara Agnes
- O'Hara Ann - Perkins Emily
- Perkins Hannah - Ramsay James
- Read Elsie - Rowland Edward
- Rowland Sarah - Scott Janet
- Scott Joseph - Slowman Ellen
- Small Edward - Stone Clara
- Stone Frances - Tutt Herbert
- Tutt Sarah - Wells George
- Wells Isabella - Woodford Margaret
- Woodford Thomas - Zahner Louisa
- Allsopp Elizabeth - Carpendale Edith
- Carpendale Rebecca - Drew Francis
- Drew Margaret - Hawkins David
- Heaghney Martha - Kirk William
- Lackey Edith - Moore James
- Moore James - Redmond Margaret
- Redmond William - Stephenson William
- Stevenson Edward - Williamson Sarah
- Williamson Susan - Youman Thomas
- Aisbett Elizabeth - Bougher Mary
- Boundy Caroline - Cook Constance
- Cook John - Dwyer Thomas
- Eade Theophilus - Golden William
- Goodfellow Elizabeth - Humphreys Richard
- Hunter Catherine - M'Intyre Jane
- M'Lachlan Daniel - Morrish Mary
- Morrish Robert - Pinto Emmanuel
- Pinto John - Ryan John
- Ryan Mary - Stephens Margaret
- Stevens John - Walsh James
- Walsh John - Zenovich Mary
- Adams Francis - Brice Emma
- Brice William - Court Albert
- Court Edward - Faulkner Wilfred
- Fenton George - Hall John
- Hall Oswald - Keener Harriet
- Keener Samuel - M'Cool William
- M'Crohon Alice - Moses Ernest
- Moy Cornelous - Pike Alfred
- Piper Agnes - Scott Elizabeth
- Scott Frank - Stibbard George
- Stormer Conrad - Wilson Joseph
- Wilson Maude - Yule William
- Adams Violet - Barton George
- Barton Edith - Broun Sir William
- Brown Almeidi - Connor Catherne
- Connor Thomas - Easterman Eliza
- Elliott Bertha - Hartley Sidney
- Harvey Mary - Joliffe Mary
- Jones Albert - M'Donald Sabina
- M'Donald Sarah - Muir Cecilia
- Mullane John - Porter Frank
- Porter George - Simington Ellen
- Simington Florence - Veness Adelaide
- Veness Agnes - Wilson Edmund
- Wilson Mabel - Young William
- Alford Henry - Brown Robert
- Bryant Ernest - Evans Wilhelmina
- Flanagan Bridget - Langston Ada
- Langston Edward - Orman Wilhelmina
- Palethorp Isabella - Sue Ah Sarah
- Thom Bridget - Young William
- Allinghan John - Epps Henry
- Fallon Annie - Layt Percy
- Layte Margaret - Rackham Caroline
- Rackham Herbert - Taylor William
- Thompson Charles - Young Richard
- Achurch Belle - Avard Ellen
- Bailey Robert - Bridge Janet
- Bridge William - Childs Charles
- Clark Albert - Darcy Owen
- Davies Reginald - Elsley Richard
- Elsley Richard - Griffin Honora
- Griffin William - Holmes Adelaide
- Holt Harriett - Lancaster Hannah
- Lancaster Hannah - M'Lean Donald
- M'Lean Ewan - Monroe Robert
- Moore Eliza - O'Neil Mary
- O'Neil Thomas - Price Richard
- Price William - Ryman Thomas
- Ryman William - Squire Milton
- Squire Susannah - Thrift George
- Thuell Jane - York James
- Ainge Henry - Creer Jean
- Creer John - M'Cabe Alexander
- M'Donald Donald - Porter Rachael
- Porter Theresa - Wirth Angelina
Salisbury Plains Polling Place
- Ahearn Deborah - Chaffey Elizabeth
- Chaffey Thomas - Jenner Frederick
- Jenner Matilda - Riordan Bridget
- Riordan David - Woolaston William
- Allen Howard - Constable Mary
- Constable Mary - Lawrence Susan
- Laylor Edward - Sampson Mary
- Sampson Richard - Young Nancy
St. Leonards Creek Polling Place
- Abbott Ada - Allsopp John
- Allsopp Lily - Bawden Edward
- Bayly Alexander - Bowden Elizabeth
- Bowden Mary - Brown Henry
- Brown Jane - Byrnes Emily
- Byrnes Frances - Carter Fannie
- Carter Julia - Coffey Patrick
- Cohen Alice - Cotter Sarah
- Coughlin Ellen - Cumming Isabel
- Cumming Robert - Disher Alexander
- Dixon George - Earther Cecilia
- Earther William - Fitzgerald John
- Fitzpatrick Michael - Gallaway Ruby
- Gallen John - Green Ellenor
- Green Henry - Hardy Walter
- Harmer Ethel - Hill Archibald
- Hill Edith - Hughes Laura
- Hughes Mary - Jasper Mary
- Jeans Agnes - Kelly Richard
- Kelly Rosanna - Lambert Matilda
- Lambert Rosamund - Lewis Lucy
- Lewis Robert - M'Cawley Catherine
- M'Claffery Ennis - Madden Elizabeth
- Madden Euphemia - Medlam Eliza
- Medlam John - Moss Joseph
- Moulding Margaret - O'Brien Charles
- O'Brien Charles - Paton Napoleon
- Patterson Agnes - Poolman Sarah
- Porter Donald - Reid Sarah
- Reid Walter - Rowling Hephzibah
- Rowling Mary - Scott Mary
- Scott Susan - Smith Charles
- Smith Charles - Steele James
- Steele Joseph - Thomson Charles
- Thomson Duncan - Walker Margaret
- Walker Mary - Webster Ann
- Webster John - Wilson Thomas
- Wilson Thomas - Young Mary
- Young Mena - Young William
- Agnew Mary - Carney Matilda
- Carney Patrick. - Gardiner Sarah
- Geary William - Knight William
- Knight William - Orchard Hubert
- Orchard Samuel - Stark Joseph
- Stark Richard - Yule Ann
- Adams Albert - Bowen Timothy
- Bower Catherine - Conollv Mary
- Connolly Edward - Eichorn Mary
- Elliott Walter - Goode William
- Grant Donald - Johnston James
- Jones Ada - M'Elroy James
- M'Ginty Emma - Murray Sarah
- Murray Thomas - Redmond Andrew
- Redmond Bridget - Seaman Mary
- See George - Vickers James
- Vickers Jane - Yates James
- Young Alice - Youpaung George
- Abrahams Bertha - Blake Hanna
- Blake Hariott - Cooper William
- Cesgrovo Thomas - Erratt Lucy
- Erratt Susannah - Green Eva
- Green Henry - Hogan Katherine
- Hogan Mary - Levingston Thomas
- Levingston William - M'Neall William
- Macdonald Alexander - New Annie
- New Eliza - Riley Margaret
- Riley Philip - Steel John
- Steel Lucey - Wall James
- Wall John - Young Jane
- Baker Mary - Bradford Ellen
- Campbell Alexander - Hamilton Harry
- Hamilton Sarah - M'Lean Annie
- M'Lean Ewen - Smith William
- Spain Mary - Worboys William
- Ameil Thomas - Clark Carrie
- Clarke Catherine - French John
- Funston Catherine - M'Fadden John
- M'Fadden Kathleen - Purcell John
- Purcell Louisa - Thornton Sylvester
- Thornton Bridget - Worrell Sarah
Maps of the New England Electoral Division
- Abbott Thomas - Bourne Frederick
- Bourne Lucy - Chambers Robert
- Champion Edwin - Dilley Frederick
- Dobbs Walter - Hobbs Emma
- Hobbs Georgina - Lochrin Emily
- Lochrin Mary - Newman Elizabeth
- Newman Emily - Seaman Henry
- Settatree Amelia - Thuell Nicholas
- Thuell Samuel - Young Mary
From: Federal Electoral Districts Commissioners 1901, Maps of the Federal Electoral Districts of the State of New South Wales, William Applegate Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney.
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