IHR NSW Family History Documents
Electoral Rolls Index
Home | Directories | Electoral | Land | General | Mining | Pastoral | OccupationsNSW Electoral Rolls 1903 - Robertson Division
Roll of Persons entitled to Vote under the Commonwealth Franchise Act of 1902 Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2007
Electoral Maps of the Robertson Division, 1901
Polling Places:
Apple-Tree Flat | Baker's Swamp | Ballimore | Belarbigill | Ben Buckley | Beni | Birriwa | Botobolar | Brocklehurst | Bunglegumbie | Buninyong | Burrendong | Bylong | Canadian | Cassilis | Cobbora | Collaroy | Collingwood | Comobella | Cudgebegong | Cudgegong | Cullenbone | Curra Creek | Dale's Creek | Dripstone | Dubbo | Elong Elong | Eurunderee | Geurie | Glen Alice | Gollan | Goolma | Goonoo | Green Hills | Gulgong | Gungal | Hargraves | Hill End | Home Rule | Idaville | Ilford | Kerrabree | Kerr's Creek | Leadville | Linburn | Lue | Maitland Bar | Maryvale | Merrendee | Merriwa | Minore | Mitchell's Creek | Mudgee | Mumbil | Mundooran South | Murrumbidgerie | Narrango | Narromine | Newrea | Ponto | Pyramul | Rylstone | Sally's Flat | Sandy Creek | Spicer's Creek | Stoney Creek | Stuart Town | Suntop | Tallewang | Tambaroora | Timbriebungie | Trangie | Tucklan | Two-Mile Flat | Uarbry | Ulan | Upper Meroo | Upper Pyramul | Warne | Wellington | Windeyer | Wollar | Wuuluman
- Ashe Charles - Jennings Elizabeth
- Jennings Elizabeth - Shields Harriett
- Shields Jane - Welsh Priscilla
- Aitken David - Fitzpatrick Michael
- Fitzpatrick Patrick - Purvis Rachael
- Reid Catherine - Woods Frederick
- Adams Ellen - Chapman Henry
- Chapman James - Jones David
- Jones Mary - Neely Arthur
- Neely Bernard - Smyth Francis
- Smyth Francis - Winner William
- Armstrong Samuel - Franklin James
- Franklin William - Newcombe Joseph
- Newcombe Thomas - Wurth William
- Abbott Emily - Andrews John
- Andrews Joseph - Barr Frederick
- Barr James - Berry John
- Berry Mabel - Breen Mary
- Breen William - Burke Amelia
- Burke Bernard - Carr May
- Carr Michael - Coady John
- Coady Michael - Coyne Francis
- Coyne Johannah - Currie Robert
- Edds Walter - Ewers Grace
- Ewers George - Flanagan Elizabeth
- Flanagan Ernest - Gallagher John
- Gallagher Thomas - Gopsil Catherine
- Curry Charlotte - Dixon Mary
- Dixon Mary - Edds Mary
- Gopsil George - Gunnell Ellen
- Gunnell Patrick - Hartin William
- Harvey Elizabeth - Hewitt Lillian
- Hewitt Mary - Howard Nellie
- Howard William - Irish Orativa
- Irvine Evelyn - Kane Jane
- Kavagnah Grace - Kilfoyle John
- Kilfoyle Margaret - Legresley Annie.
- Legresley Joseph - Lyon Charles
- Lyon Evelyn - M'Intosh Mary
- M'Intosh William - Mahony Williams
- Main Isabel - Maunsell Richard
- Maxted Edward - Morgan Christina
- Morgan Edward - Murphy Elizabeth
- Murphy Ellen - O'Brien John
- O'Brien Margaret - Parker Isabella
- Parker Margaret - Picand Edward
- Picand Jessie - Raines William
- Rankin Robert - Rooney William
- Rorke Bridget - Saunders Alfred
- Saunders Annie - Skelly John
- Skelly Joseph - Smith Newton
- Smith Percival - Stewart John
- Stewart Margaret - Taylor Louisa
- Taylor Michael - Tuck Frederick
- Tucker Frederick - Walsh Annie
- Walsh Emily - Wheeler Alfred
- Wheeler Alice - Williams Edwin
- Williams Elizabeth - Wragge Elizabeth
- Wragge William - Young William
- Antiss Mary - Cox James
- Cox Jane - Lord Henry
- Lowe Elizabeth - Roth Elizabeth
- Roth George - Wurth Peter
- Aldridge Eva - Clothier Sarah
- Collier Sarah - Mattin Arthur
- May John - Tresillian John
- Turnbull Louis - York Thomas
- Adams Mary - Bellamy Elizabeth
- Bellette George - Burton Robert
- Busby Ethel - Condon Thomas
- Cooney Denis - Derwin Martin
- Devaney Sarah - Fulton William
- Fyfe Alexander - Hand Mary
- Hansen Neas - Isbister David
- Isbister Ellen - Lyons Arthur
- Lyons Charles - Miller William
- Milling Christiana - Parrish Rose
- Pateman William - Ryan Ellen
- Ryan James - Spears John
- Spears Mary - Turner William
- Tuxford Elizabeth - Wild Ellen
- Wild George - Zimmler Kate
- Ackerman Alexander - Browning Joseph
- Browning Mary - Evans William
- Everett Esther - Hodge Walter
- Hopman Alice - Marshall Sarah
- Marshall Sydney - Riley Rose
- Risby Alfred - Walker Richard
- Wallace Matilda - Wrench Elizabeth
- Allan Frances - Drew Carl
- Drew Carl - Moroney Catherine
- Moroney Maggie - Williardt Christian
- Williardt Jacob - Wilson Mary
- Abbott Samuel - Byrnes Thomas
- Caddis James - Cosier Annie
- Cosier Matthew - Giles Francis
- Giles Jane - Howard David
- Howard Eliza - M'Cully Margaret
- M'Cully Robert - Nicholson John
- Nicholson Mary - Russell Alexander
- Russell David - Stackpool Samuel
- Stackpool William - Wright Walter
- Altrator Phillip - Bridger George
- Bridger Jemima - Delforce Sophia
- Delforce William - Heath William
- Heron Ann - Lee James
- Lee Mary - Measor Edward
- Melaver Elizabeth - Quigley Margaret
- Ralstone Sarah - Webb Robert
- Whalan Albert - Wolgast Jane
Mitchell's Creek Polling Place
- Allan Margaret - Best Laura
- Bird Daniel - Collins Mary
- Collins Sarah - Fisher Emma
- Fisher Thomas - Hyde John
- Hyde Patrick - Lowe Albert
- Luck Alexander - Morrison Sophia
- Moseley Henry - Sharp Louisa
- Shaw Elizabeth - Walker Amelia
- Walker William - Zell William
- Abbot Ernest - Bagley Louisa
- Bagnell Ephraim - Bessant William
- Best Thomas - Bratby Elizabeth
- Bratby Elizabeth - Callon John
- Cameron Alexander - Chappell John
- Chappell Sophia - Connolly Eliza
- Connor Mary - Coxhead Annie
- Coxhead Ethel - Davis Catherine
- Davis Henry - Dowel Herbert
- Dowel James - Epheus Joseph
- Evans Charlotte - Fryer Harriet
- Fryer Jennie - Gosper Margaret
- Gossage John - Harris George
- Harris Grace - Hill Roland
- Hill Thomas - Imber William
- Imber William - Kingsborough Adeline
- Kingsborough Emily - Loneragan Mary
- Loneragan Mary - M'Gowan William
- M'Grath Catherine - Malloy Alice
- Malloy Joseph - Meyers James
- Meyers Thomas - Morrison Maurice
- Morrow Annie - Newton Sarah
- Nicholls Charles - Page Edward
- Page Edwin - Phillips Edwin
- Phillips Esther - Rayner Betsy
- Rayner Charlotte - Rogerson Sarah
- Rogerson William - Scifleet Robert
- Scifleet William - Smith George
- Smith Hannah - Strike Sydney
- Struthers James - Tomkins Charles
- Tomkins Charlotte - Waterworth Peter
- Waterworth Peter - Wilson William
- Wilson William - Young Mary
- Abbott James - Batkin James
- Baun Christina - Carling Frederick
- Carling Mary - Davis Thomas
- Dawson Mary - Fenton James
- Finch Jane - Hart Jane
- Hawley Ann - Kemp Sholto
- Kennedy Grace - M'Auliffe Grace
- M'Auliffe William - Moore James
- Moore William - Pearce Wellington
- Peasley Gertrude - Scott William
- Seabrook Mary - Sullivan William
- Sutdiffe Caroline - Watterson Robert
- Wearing William - Young Frederick
- Abbott Elizabeth - Britten Caroline
- Britten Frederick - Evans John
- Evans John - Hall Sarah
- Hall William - Keech Martha
- Keech Olive - Mason Jessie
- Mason Sarah - Riches Frances
- Riches Mary - Tonkin Mary
- Tonkin Samuel - Young Julia
- Aldridge William - Bownds John
- Braddon Jane - Day Arthur
- Day Emmaline - Flowers Annie
- Foggoa John - Humphries Harriet
- Hungerford Thomas - Malkion Lilian
- Malkoir James - Peters Mary
- Petersen Henry - Spratt Elmott
- Stain Arthur - Woolard Walter
- Allen Joseph - Chappell John
- Chivers Joseph - Lee Henry
- Lee Jane - Tattersall Charles
- Tattersall Charles - Wilson Mary
- Addison Cobbin - Bowen Catherine
- Bowen Cornelius - Coker Ethel
- Coker Wilson - Gale Maud
- Gale William - Hilder Moses
- Hilder Sarah - Lindsay Ellen
- Lindsay Ethel - Pearce John
- Peel-Baker Urina - Sharpe William
- Shea James - Tailby Louisa
- Tancred Michael - Yeo William
- Aarons Elizabeth - Arter Richard
- Asgill Jessie - Bennetts Lilian
- Bennetts Mary - Breeze Ellen
- Breeze Hylton - Byrnes George
- Byrnes George - Clifford James
- Clifford Jenny - Coventry Evelyn
- Coventry George - Davidson Andrew
- Davidson Ellen - Eden Sarah
- Edwards Eliza - Fletcher William
- Flynn Inez - George Thomas
- Gess Mary - Habgood Lily
- Haddoek Annie - Hayman George
- Haynes James - Holland Kate
- Holland Selina - Johnson Albert
- Johnson Frances - Lahy Veronica
- Lahy William - Lynch Mary
- Lynch Patrick - Magee Catherine
- Magee Catherine - Morgan Patrick
- Morgan Sophia - Norris Harriet
- Norris Francis - Parkinson William
- Parr William - Porter Harold
- Porter Ida - Reynolds Frances
- Reynolds Frances - Rowan Phillis
- Rowan William - Sharpe Marion
- Sharpe Mary - Smith Mary
- Smith Mary - Swan Henry
- Swan James - Veech Nicholas
- Veech Patrick - White Elizabeth
- White Peter - Wise Mary
- Wong Hong - Ziehlke Lavinia
- Adams Charlotte - Cornally Alice
- Cornally Emily - Langbridge Mary
- Leffley Alice - Risby Florence
- Risby Thomas - Winter Eva
- Winter Edith - Yavion Thomas
Maps of the Robertson Electoral Division
- Archer Ann - Campbell George
- Carlisle Albert - Hyland Ann
- Hyland Annie - Papworth Radford
- Power James - Wittstock Mary
From: Federal Electoral Districts Commissioners 1901, Maps of the Federal Electoral Districts of the State of New South Wales, William Applegate Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney.
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