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Electoral Rolls Index
Home | Directories | Electoral | Land | General | Mining | Pastoral | OccupationsNSW Electoral Rolls 1903 - Werriwa Division
Roll of Persons entitled to Vote under the Commonwealth Franchise Act of 1902 Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2007
Electoral Maps of the Werriwa Division, 1901
Polling Places:
Bannaby | Berrebangalo | Berremangra | Bevendale | Bigga | Big Hill | Binalong | Binda | Bolong | Bookham | Booth's Farm | Bowning | Boxer's Creek | Breadalbane | Breakfast Creek | Bungendore | Bungonia | Burrowa | Canberra | Collector | Cooradigbee | Crookwell | Currawang | Dalton | Douglas Gap | Duck Flat | Frogmore | Galong | Ginninderra | Golspie | Goulburn | Grabben Gullen | Greenfield Farm | Greenwich Park | Gundaroo | Gunning | Gunning Flat | Gurrundah | Harden | Jerrawa | Jerringomar | Junction Abercrombie River | Junction Point | Kenmore | Kialla | Laggan | Lake Bathurst | Manar | Markdale | Marshall M'Mahon's Reef | Marulan | Middle Arm | Mummell | Murrumbateman | Murrumburrah | Narrawa | Oallen | Parkesbourne | Peelwood | Porter's Retreat | Rugby | Rye Park | Sutton | Tangmangaroo | Tarago | Taralga | Tarlo | Tirranna | Towrang | Tuena | Wallendbeen | Wargeila | Warroo | Windellama | Winduella | Wombat | Wombeyan Caves | Woodhouselee | Yarra | Yass
- Andrews Elizabeth - Coffey William
- Corcoran Ellen - King Eleanor
- King Walter - Sargent Mary
- Sargent Thomas - Withers Richard
- Armour Catherine - Crossley William
- Crossley William - Lesslie Arthur
- Lesslie James - Rutherford Thomas
- Ryan Denis - Wilson Allan
- Wilson Frederick - Worton William
- Abernethy Catherine - Coughlan Thomas
- Crimmins Patrick - Follett Elizabeth
- Follett George - Leahy Blenner
- Leahy Daniel - Murphy Margaret
- Murphy Thomas - Seage Elizabeth
- Shanahan Thomas - Winter William
- Abram Matilda - Canty Jeremiah
- Canty Herbert - Corkery Johannah
- Corkery Patrick - Dwyer James
- Dwyer John - Hanrahan Patrick
- Hanrahan Rose - Hurley Margaret
- Hutchinson James - Munro Florence
- Munro Samuel - Poplin James
- Poplin William - Slattery Daniel
- Slattery Mary - Weekes Percival
- Weekes William - Worsdell Mary
- Anderson Archibald - Flint John
- Gambell Richard - O'Rourke Cornelius
- O'Rourke Edward - Young Bridget
- Atkin Elizabeth - Kimberley Emma
- M'Inerney Bridget - Tumbers George
- Wakartt Colina - Woodward Angelina
- Aldridge Alice - Bensley Jane
- Bensley Mary - Camden Sarah
- Campbell George - Dooley John
- Dooley Rose - Gough Charles
- Graham Louisa - Jacka Louisa
- James Annie - M'Donell Thomasena
- M'Donnell John - O'Brien Margaret
- O'Keefe John - Prior Elizabeth
- Prior William - Stephenson Edward
- Stephenson Edward - Waters William
- Watman Alfred - Wright Stewart
- Alchin Emma - Bush John
- Bush John - Francis James
- Friend Harriet - O'Neill Charles
- O'Neill Henry - Waters Tom
- Welsh James - Zellner Sophia
- Andrews Annie - Cassells William
- Cassidy John - Fogarty John
- Fogarty Michael - Neville Daniel
- Neville Ellen - Roberts Mary
- Roberts Richard - White Patrick
- White Sarah - Yeo Harriet
- Alexander William - Clarke Ellen
- Cox Henry - Leffer Francis
- Lermour Ellen - Siggs Jessie
- Smith Eliza - Winter Lily
- Baxter Ann - Cumberland Myra
- Cumberland Philip - Mackenzie Charles
- Mackenzie Janet - Wright Margaret
- Abberton Mary - Anderson David
- Anderson Emily - Ayliffe Ethel
- Ayling Alice - Barnett Joshua
- Barnett Mary - Beckinsale William
- Beddoe Arthur - Blackett Maria
- Blackmore Emma - Boyle Elizabeth
- Boyle Frederick - Brooks Ellen
- Brooks Gerald - Buganey Joseph
- Buganey Sylvester - Cahill Ellen
- Cahill Eva - Canvin William
- Carey John - Charles Edith
- Charles Herbert - Coleman Catherine
- Coleman Elizabeth - Cornford Mary
- Cornford William - Cregan Rose
- Cregan Sarah - Daly Cecil
- Daly Charles - Dennett Kate
- Denning Harriet - Downes Louisa
- Downey Alice - Ellis Emma
- Ellis Richard - Field Thomas
- Fielding James - Ford Mary
- Ford Maud - Furner Charles
- Furner Edith - Gillespie Ellen
- Gillespie Frances - Graham Hugh
- Graham John - Gummow Rosetta
- Gunn Walter - Hannon Michael
- Hannon Sarah - Hay Isabella
- Hay John - Hewitt Mary
- Hickey Bridget - Horne Edith
- Horton Catherine - Ingleton Ebenezer
- Ingleton Jessie - Johnson John
- Johnson Katherine - Kelly John
- Kelly John - King Margaret
- King Rachel - Langdon Harriet
- Lanham Elizabeth - Lennon Mary
- Lennon Terence - Lumsden Jane
- Lumsden John - M'Donald Annie
- M'Donald Ann - M'Intyre Christina
- M'Intyre Ellen - M'Sullea Julia
- M'Sullea Theresa - Marshall James
- Marshall Mary - Middlehurst Walter
- Middleton Cecil - Monklee Mabel
- Montgomery Adelaide - Murphy Ellen
- Murphy Mary - Nichols Albert
- Nichols Frances - O'Halloran James
- O'Halloran John - Owen David
- Owen Elizabeth - Perry Mary
- Parry Mary - Powell Mary
- Powell Nellie - Read Annie
- Read Elsie - Roberts Louisa
- Roberts Mary - Ryan Annie
- Ryan Bridget - Shaw Charlotte
- Shaw Frances - Slocombe John
- Slocombe Walter - Snow Alice
- Snow George - Stevenson Ada
- Stevenson Cecil - Stuckey Elam
- Stuckey Mary - Thompson Frederick
- Thompson George - Trompp John
- Trompp Sarah - Walker John
- Walker John - Waugh Charles
- Waugh Mary - White John
- White Teresa - Wilson Alexander
- Wilson Alfred - Woodhart Ella
- Woodhouse Joseph - Youngman Ann
- Adams Asenath - Chappel Charles
- Chappel Mary - Graham Elizabeth
- Graham Frederick - Meehan Caroline
- Meehan John - Rocks Agnes
- Rocks Patrick - Worthey Annie
- Alchin Mary - Boyd Allen
- Boyton Emma - Davis Elizabeth
- Davis Gomer - Hall Sarah
- Hand Ambrose - Lower William
- Lysaught George - Noble James
- Nolan Marion - Sheil James
- Simpson Alexander - Wood Newton
- Wood Sarah - Young William
- Acourt Frank - Bush William
- Bush William - Holgate James
- Holgate Stephen - Weeks John
- Weeks Louisa - Young Valentine
Junction Abercrombie River Polling Place
- Abercrombie Amelia - Charteris John
- Christy Christopher - Gray Florence
- Gray Ida - M'Gilvray Kate
- M'Guire Elizabeth - Shepherd Frederick
- Sherridan Harriet - Woodland Angela
- Alchin Ned - Clarke Charles
- Clarke Isaac - Howlett Mary
- Howlett Matthew - M'Lean Christina
- M'Lean Isabella - Vaughan Thomas
- Vaughan David - Woollard Margaret
Marshall M'Mahon's Reef Polling Place
- Abberton John - Cooper Benjamin
- Cooper Cassandra - Horsfeld Joseph
- Hounslow Ernest - Nosworthy Thomas
- O'Brien Ellen - Webb Elizabeth
- Webb Jacob - Warner Margaret
- Armstrong Edward - Butt Ellen
- Butt George - Greig Reginald
- Greig Sidney - M'Clung William
- M'Feeters Florence - Vallance Sophia
- Vallance Susannah - Young Thomas
- Abbott George - Bell Thomas
- Best Joseph - Clarke Honora
- Clarke James - Day Mary
- Day William - Fitzgerald Margaret
- Fitzmorris Andrew - Hayward Annie
- Hayward Augustus - Keough Agnes
- Keough Mary - M'Intyre Peter
- M'Kenzie Ella - Moore George
- Morris James - Reid David
- Reid Florence - Shea Bridget
- Shea George - Stewart Thomas
- Sulter John - Whybrow James
- Whybrow William - Young William
Porter's Retreat Polling Place
- Armour James - Douglas Helen
- Douglas Jane - Noakes Silas
- Noakes Susan - Wilson George
- Wilson Keziah - Winter Sophia
- Armitt John - Byrne Katherine
- Carey Alfred - Jeacock Ernest
- Jeacocke Violet - Ryan John
- Ryan Louisa - Young Annie
- Alexander William - Bezer Alfred
- Bezer Helena - Croke John
- Croke Mary - Hearley Margaret
- Hearley Michael - M'Callum Flora
- M'Donald Elizabeth - Moloney John
- Moloney Kate - Rook Mary
- Rook Mary - Whipp William
- White Alice - Wright William
- Astley John - Collins Mary
- Collins Phoebe - Hearne Eliza
- Hearne Felix - Neill William
- O'Hara Catherine - Withers John
- Andrews Eliza - Brown Annie
- Brown James - Farrell James
- Faulks Annie - Hickey Lucy
- Hickey Mary - King William
- Kirkland Sarah - Parkinson Joseph
- Parkinson Minnie - Tomlin Lester
- Tomlin Rebecca - Young Frederick
- Anderson Andrew - Cahill Phillip
- Cahill Phillip - Jones William
- Kildea John - Serville Annie
- Sheedy John - Wilson Thomas
- Wilson William - Wright John
Maps of the Werriwa Electoral Division
- Adler John - Barry Patrick
- Barry William - Brassil Patrick
- Brassil Thomas - Campbell William
- Candish Edward - Cook Ruth
- Cooke Thomas - Davis Margaret
- Davis Mary - Fallon Bridget
- Fallon Patrick - Gordon Mary
- Grace Mary - Heydon Annie
- Hickey Cecilia - Kenny Harriett
- Kenny Michael - Loomes Margaret
- Lowengon Blanche - M'Mullen Bridget
- M'Mullen Catherine - Mills George
- Mills Hannah - Oxley Kathleen
- Palmer Margaret - Riley George
- Riley Robert - Sheekey Patrick
- Sheekey Terence - Stubbs Henry
- Stubbs Mary - Viller Elizabeth
- Vitler George - Williams Louisa
- Williams Mary - York Mary
From: Federal Electoral Districts Commissioners 1901, Maps of the Federal Electoral Districts of the State of New South Wales, William Applegate Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney.
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