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Electoral Rolls Index
Home | Directories | Electoral | Land | General | Mining | Pastoral | OccupationsNSW Electoral Rolls 1903 - West Sydney Division
Roll of Persons entitled to Vote under the Commonwealth Franchise Act of 1902 Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2006
Electoral Maps of the West Sydney Division, 1901
Polling Places:
Blackwattle | Denison | Gipps | Lang | Phillip | Pyrmont
- Abrahall Charles - Allen William
- Allen William - Atkins Minra
- Atkins Robert - Barringham Mary
- Barringham Thomas - Best Rose
- Betts Elizabeth - Boylson Margaret
- Bradbury Mary - Brown Wilfred
- Brown William - Burke Walter
- Burleigh Eliza - Campbell Rebecca
- Campbell Wilfred - Charles Joseph
- Charles Josephine - Cocks Mary
- Coffey Martin - Connors Mary
- Connors Mary - Crawford James
- Crawford John - Cusack Sydney
- Cutting Sophia - Dietsch Prudence
- Dinham Agnes - Dummett Eliza
- Dummett Ernest - Elliott Elizabeth
- Elliott Emily - Field Ella
- Field William - Foster James
- Foster James - Gates Selina
- Geer John - Graham Margaret
- Graham Mary - Gunner Agnes
- Gunner John - Harler Caroline
- Harler Francis - Hedges John
- Hegarty Alice - Higstrim William
- Hilan Mary - Hook Augustus
- Hook Edith - Hunter Elizabeth
- Hunter Hughina - Jarrett Lucy
- Jarrett Maggie - Jubb Albert
- Jubb Emma - Knight Arthur
- Knight Horace - Lee Eliza
- Lee Eva - Lowe Reuben
- Lowe Ruth - M'Donald Harriet
- M'Donald Lydia - M'Kenna Catherine
- M'Kenzie Alexander - Maher William
- Maher Winifred - Massey Catherine
- Massey Ellen - Mitchell Annie
- Mitchell Elizabeth - Mortimer John
- Mortimer Sarah - Murtha Ann
- Murtha James - O'Brien Richard
- O'Brien William - Outten Emma
- Outten George - Payten Herbert
- Payton Janet - Piper Alice
- Piper William - Quinn Edward
- Quinn Hugh - Reidy Annie
- Reidy Annie - Robertson William
- Robins Matilda - Ryan Margaret
- Ryan Mary - Shaw Ann
- Shaw Ernest - Smith Agnes
- Smith A1fred - Solomon Henry
- Solomon Joseph - Stevens Norman
- Stevens Sarah - Swanson Mary
- Swanson Neil - Thompson Maud
- Thompson Sarah - Tutterton Edgar
- Twine Eva - Walmsley Elizabeth
- Walmsley Martha - Wells Jessie
- Welsh Margaret - Wilkes Edwin
- Wilkes Edwin - Wingfield James
- Winsor Albert - Young Sary
- Aaron Annie - Ambler Frederick
- Amoor Eliza - Bailey Elizabeth
- Bailey William - Bedfords Ernest
- Bedfords Josephine - Bohlsem Henry
- Boland Jane - Bridge Albert
- Bridge Charlotte - Buckley Essie
- Buckley Margaret - Cadden Robert
- Cahill Annie - Carroll John
- Carroll John - Cleary Mary
- Clements Alice - Cook Harriet
- Cook Isabella - Croft Amelia
- Croft Isaac - Davidson Frederick
- Davidson Margaret - Donald David
- Donald David - Eagar Eliza
- Eager Sydney - Fellew William
- Fennell John - Fleming John
- Flemming Catherine - Gardner James
- Gardner Mary - Gleeson Elizabeth
- Gleeson Henry - Green Ada
- Green Alice - Hanaughan Mary
- Hancock Isabella - Hartley Henry
- Hartley Louisa - Hermann Annie
- Hermann Frederick - Holburd Elizabeth
- Holden Alice - Huntly Rosena
- Hurd Jane - Jennings George
- Jennings Hannah - Julian David
- Kain Annie - King Annie
- King Charles - Lee Florence
- Lee John - Lowe Lizzie
- Lowe Margaret - M'Credie Thomas
- M'Credie Walter - M'Guire Isabella
- M'Guire James - M'Quade Andrew
- M'Quade Bridget - Mangan Emma
- Mangan Thomas - Mellor Caroline
- Mellor Thomas - Morgan Louisa
- Morgan Louisa - Murphy George
- Murphy James - Noonan Bridget
- Noonan David - O'Laughlan William
- O'Leary Catherine - Parsons Annie
- Parsons Elizabeth - Philp Sarah
- Philp William - Quinn John
- Quinn Margaret - Reynolds Theodore
- Richards William - Rowley George
- Rudd Annie - Sanders Margaret
- Sanders Mary - Shanahan Johana
- Shanahan Thomas - Smith Blanche
- Smith Charles - Steel Mary
- Steel William - Struck Joseph
- Struck William - Thain Cordelia
- Thane Annie - Travers John
- Travers William - Wall Thomas
- Wall William - Webber Annie
- Weekes Edward - Wickers Sophy
- Wickers William - Wood Margaret
- Wood Martha - Zuber Emily
- Abbott William - Anderson Ada
- Anderson Albert - Ashby Harriet
- Ashby James - Barnett Elizabeth
- Barr Alexander - Bennett Sarah
- Bennett William - Bourke Annie
- Bourke Catherine - Brosteum Lara
- Brothers Margaret - Burns Sarah
- Burrows Francis - Campbell John
- Campbell Kenneth - Churrton Mary
- Clancy Eliza - Conway Annie
- Conway Francis - Crook Winifred
- Cross Annie - Davis Violet
- Dawes Elizabeth - Donnelly Catherine
- Donnelly Ellen - Duggan Joseph
- Duggan Margaret - Ellingson Grace
- Elliott Charles - Ferguson Frank
- Ferguson Frederick - Fitzgerald William
- Fitzpatrick Annie - Frawley Patrick
- Frayle Frank - Gillon Frank
- Giltinan Alice - Gray John
- Greemling Maria - Hancock Margaret
- Hanlan Edward - Haughland Lizzie
- Hawke Edward - Hill James
- Hill John - Huggeth George
- Hughes Alfred - Ives George
- Ives Herbert - Johnson Selina
- Johnson Ursula - Keith Agnes
- Keith Hugh - Lane William
- Lang Daisy - Lennon Edmund
- Lennon Emma - Luck Eliza
- Lund Elsie - M'Carthy Michael
- M'Carthy William - M'Farlane John
- M'Garland Sarah - M'Kirdy Archibald
- M'Kirdy Edith - Macarthy John
- Macarthy Sarah - Martin Mary
- Martin Oliver - Miller Jessie
- Miller John - Moorhausen Mary
- Moran Esther - Murphy Anastasia
- Murphy Ann - Nelson Nora
- Nelson Peter - O'Connor John
- O'Connor Letitia - Orr Alfred
- Orr Mary - Penson Johanna
- Penson Sydney - Price Eva
- Price George - Reece Charles
- Reece Mary - Robertson John
- Robertson Margaret - Ryan Hannah
- Ryan James - Scouller Robert
- Seck Doon - Sinclair Rose
- Sinclair William - Smith Patrick
- Smith Pauline - Stephenson Lottie
- Stephenson Sarah - Tait Georgina
- Talberg Bengt - Ticklebank Mabel
- Tierney Caroline - Wade Henry
- Walburn Amy - Whetton George
- Whetton Leah - Wilson Hannah
- Wilson Henrietta - Youngein Clara
- Abbott Nellie - Amos Thomas
- Amybward May - Attenborough Hedley
- Attenborough Nellie - Bates William
- Bates Henry - Bingle Charles
- Bingle Levinia - Brandon Mary
- Brandon Thomas - Bryant John
- Bubel Charles - Cairns James
- Cairns Martha - Casey Maud
- Casserley Reuben - Clarke William
- Claypole Annie - Conway John
- Conway Mary - Cristie John
- Cristie John - Davidson Charles
- Davie William - De Vere Thomas
- Devereux Bridget - Dummont Emily
- Dunbar Henry - Elliott Louie
- Ellis George - Flannagan Charles
- Fleming Catherine - Gabriel Ella
- Gabriel Florence - Glen Ellen
- Godbolt Mary - Griffiths Lucy
- Griffiths Margaret - Harris Adelaide
- Harris Alfred - Healey Elizabeth
- Healey Louis - Hodd Sidney
- Hodgkinson Marie - Hunt James
- Hunt Julia - Johnson Annie
- Johnson Alice - Jones Samuel
- Jones Samuel - Kelynack Margaret
- Kelynack Margaret - Landes Jacob
- Landes Lillie - Lennon Francis
- Lennox John - Lynden Ellen
- Lyng William - M'Guire Christopher
- M'Guire Christopher - Macey William
- Macdermott Alfred - Mardlow Walter
- Margrin Leon - Melville Sydney
- Menzies Annie - Molden Harry
- Moloney John - Morton Arthur
- Morton Richard - Neilson John
- Neilson Matthias - O'Donnell Charles
- O'Donnell Clara - Paris Harry
- Parker Katie - Pickering Theresa
- Pickering Theresa - Punter William
- Purcell Blanch - Richards David
- Richards Ellen - Ross Charles
- Ross James - Sang Emma
- Sang James - Sheehy Honora
- Sheerer John - Smith Edith
- Smith Edith - Stacey Harold
- Stack Mary - Summers Henry
- Summers Henry - Thompson John
- Thompson Rachel - Vening James
- Vicars Andrew - Watson John
- Watson Mary - Williams Mabel
- Williams Marinne - Wright Elizabeth
- Wright Elizabeth - Zions Morris
- Aarons David - Alexander Emily
- Alexander Jane - Aston Elizabeth
- Aston William - Barnett Jane
- Barnett Jane - Becker William
- Bedson Annie - Bloomfield Eliza
- Bloomfield Herbert - Brady James
- Brady James - Brown Jane
- Brown Jeremiah - Butler Thomas
- Buttler Michael - Carmichael James
- Carolus Edith - Chapple John
- Charker Edwin - Colbourne Mary
- Cole Elizabeth - Conroy Mary
- Conroy William - Crawford Mary
- Crawford William - Darcy Daniel
- Darcy James - Dettman Eva
- De Varney Annie - Doria William
- Dorn Louis - Duncan Richard
- Dunlop James - Elliott Alesia
- Elliott Catherine - Fahy James
- Fahy Thomas - Fisher Walter
- Fitch Frederick - Fraser Elizabeth
- Fraser Mary - Georgeson Jessie
- Georgeson Sophia - Gouser Elizabeth
- Grace Bertha - Haggett Nellie
- Haggett Richard - Harper Margaret
- Harper Thomas - Heenan Bridget
- Hegarty Mary - Hislop John
- Hissey Amy - Hughes Ann
- Hughes Annie - Ingram Nellie
- Iniff Frances - Johnson Annie
- Johnson Charles - Kearin Norah
- Keating Mary - King James
- King James - Larkin James
- Larkin James - Lees Ethel
- Lees George - Logan Jane
- Logan John - M'Adam Thomas
- M'Aldon Thomas - M'Dermott Patrick
- M'Donald Alexander - M'Inerney Ellen
- M'Innes Donald - M'Namara Kate
- M'Namara Lizzie - Maher Julia
- Maher Mary - Martin Margaret
- Martin Margaret - Mercer Alfred
- Mercer Eva - Monk Catherine
- Monk Jane - Muir Sarah
- Muirhead George - Naylon Margaret
- Naylon Mary - O'Brien Francis
- O'Brien Hanna - O'Neill Margaret
- O'Neill Mary - Paolicchi Catherine
- Papanau Edward - Penno Robert
- Penny Isabella - Portus Charlotte
- Portus Effie - Quinlan Michael
- Quinn Ann - Reynolds Alice
- Reynolds Ann - Robertson Herbert
- Robertson Jane - Russell Caroline
- Russell Christiana - Scard Emily
- Scarvell Margaret - Sheriff Ada
- Shields Elizabeth - Small Annie
- Small Jennings - Smith William
- Smith William - Storman Mary
- Storry Robert - Taylor Louisa
- Taylor Margaret - Thorburn Herbert
- Thornborough Edward - Tudgay Sarah
- Tuite Bridget - Wall Edward
- Wall Elfrida - Warriner Joseph
- Warriner Susanna - White Mary
- White Maud - Willis Ada
- Willis Adam - Woods Alice
- Woods Ellen - Zillmann Rubina
Maps of the West Sydney Electoral Division
- Abbott James - Anderson Eliza
- Anderson Ettie - Baird Peter
- Baird Rosannah - Beecroft Carrie
- Beecroft Henry - Blackwood James
- Blair Bridget - Briggs Mary
- Briggs Mary - Burke Michael
- Burling Ann - Campbell John
- Campbell William - Chaffey Robert
- Challenor Charles - Clune Bridget
- Clune Martha - Cornell William
- Cornish Catherine - Crum Eliza
- Crum James - Dean Catherine
- Dean George - Donald Eliza
- Donald Robert - Duval Henry
- Duval Isabella - Falconer Alexander
- Falconer Annie - Foden Charles
- Foley Mary - Garrick George
- Gatenby Amelia - Goold James
- Gordon Emily - Griffiths Jessie
- Griffiths Mary - Hansen Peter
- Hansen Rose - Health George
- Heaton Matilda - Holliday Henry
- Holm Isaac - Ingram John
- Ingram John - Joiner William
- Jones Alfred - Kenney Elizabeth
- Kenney Richard - Knight Alfred
- Knight Charles - Leask Elizabeth
- Le Boutillier George - Lowe Norvel
- Lowe Sydney - M'Carthy Elizabeth
- M'Carthy Esther - M'Farlane Jane
- M'Farlane Mary - M'Kinnery Mary
- M'Kinnon James - M'Queen Peter
- M'Quillan Elizabeth - Malone William
- Maloney Denis - Melon John
- Melene Beatrice - Mitchell Thomas
- Molloy John - Morrison Samuel
- Morrison Thomas - Nelson Margaret
- Nelson Rose - O'Connor Mary
- O'Donnell Clara - Osborne Ethel
- Osborne Margaret - Perry Mary
- Perry May - Pratt Ezra
- Prendergast Selina - Reedie John
- Reedie William - Robertson Catherine
- Robertson David - Ross William
- Rowe Ernest - Scott James
- Scott Mary - Sheridan Patrick
- Sheriff Maria - Smith Dorothy
- Smith Edward - Soderblom Thomasena
- Solomon Adelaide - Stevens Eliza
- Stevens Emma - Swenson Annie
- Swenson Leo - Timms Charles
- Timms Thomas - Vaughan Selina
- Vaux Elizabeth - Watson Thomas
- Watson William - Williams Ada
- Williams Anna - Wood Helen
- Woods Catherine - Zuzulich Maria
From: Federal Electoral Districts Commissioners 1901, Maps of the Federal Electoral Districts of the State of New South Wales, William Applegate Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney.
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