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Sands Sydney Alphabetical Directory 1905
Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 1999
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- Aachen - Abigail,James
- Wood & Company Advertisement
- Abrahall,CS - Adams,John
- Adams,John - Agnew,Mrs
- Agnew,Matthew - Alcock,T
- Alcock,Mrs - Allan,Alexander
- Allan,Alfred - Allen,Miss
- Allen,Mrs - Althouse
- Althouse,John - Anderson,Charles
- Anderson,Charles - Anderson,Robert
- Anderson,Robert - Andrews,RA
- Andrews,RA - Ansonia
- Anstee,Edwin - Armitage,JR
- Armitage,Thomas - Arnold,Walter
- Arnold,Walter - Ashton,GW
- Ashton,George - Atkinson,Mrs
- Atkinson,AA - Austin,CR
- Austin,Charles - Australian
- Australian - Avery,William
- Avery,W - Bahin,Daniel
- Bahn,Frank - Baker,ES
- Baker,EW - Baldwin,Joseph
- Baldwin,LH - Bamford,Fredk
- Bamford,G - Barber,Robert
- Barber,A - Barker,Samuel
- Barker,Samuel - Barnes,Thomas
- Barnes,W - Barraclough,HA
- Barraclough,HA - Barter,Mrs
- Barter,David - Bastard,RA
- Bastard,W - Baugh,Mrs
- Baugh - Beames,PL
- Beames,Robert - Bebb,Joel
- Bebb,Joel - Begbie,PCB
- Beger,John - Bell,Thomas
- Bell,Thomas - Bennett,Bertie
- Bennett,Mrs - Benson,CF
- Benson,Charles - Bernard,P
- Bernard,WH - Betty,George
- Betty,George - Bingham,Mrs
- Bingham,Charles - Bishop,George
- Bishop,Mrs H- Blackston,H
- Blackston,S - Blanchard,J
- Blanchard,JT - Blundell
- Blundell - Boissery,J
- Boland,Francis - Booler,TF
- Booler,Thomas - Bostwick,Thomas
- Bostock,EP - Bourke,W
- Bourke,W - Bowmaker,WH
- Bowman - Boyle,Francis
- Boyle,GR - Bradley,Mrs
- Bradley,Mrs ML- Bramhall,A
- Bramley,George - Breckenridge,Hugh
- Breckwoldt,CTW - Brett,J
- Brett,John - Briggs,W
- Briggs,W - Broadwood
- John Sands Advertisement
- Broben,Edward - Brooks,M
- Brooks,Mrs M- Broughton,Thomas
- Advertisement for William Brooks & Co
- Broughton,Walter - Brown,Ernest
- Brown,Ernest - Brown,John
- Brown,John - Brown,William
- Brown William - Brunt,Harry
- Brunt,William - Buck,A
- Buck,A - Buhler,William
- Buhr,John - Bunnerong
- Bunney,Arthur - Burgess,WH
- Burgess,WH - Burnham,Charles
- Burnham,William - Burrell,George
- Burrell,George - Bush,Joseph
- Bush,Mrs M- Butler,William
- Butler,William - Byrne,PJ
- Byrne,PJ - Caillan,FO
- Cain,Charles - Callanan,John
- Callanan,John - Campbell,Mrs
- Campbell,A - Campbell,Mrs
- Campbell,Mrs Sarah- Cansdell,WJ
- Cant,Charles - Carlisle,Mrs
- Carlisle,Joseph - Carr,Mrs
- Carr,Stanley - Carson,Thomas
- Carson,W - Carvosso,Mrs
- Carwardine,A - Cather,E
- Cather,Edward - Central
- Central - Champions
- Champlan,Alfred - Chapman,TD
- Chapman,TF - Chazel,A
- Cheadle,FW - Chilton,M
- Chilton,William - Christie,R
- Adverisement for Chown Bros
- Christie,RA - Claggett,Chas
- Clagget,George - Clark,John
- Clark,Joseph - Clarke,John
- Clarke,John - Cleave,Samuel
- Cleave,TC - Clissold,Geo
- Clissold,H - Cobham,Frank
- Cobham,George - Coghlan,Cecil
- Coghlan,Chas - Cole,James
- Cole,James P - Colley,George
- Colley,HN - Collins,Robert
- Collins,Robert - Comley,R
- Comley,William - Conlon,Mrs
- Conlon,G - Conroy,E
- Conroy,Mrs E- Cook,Jacob
- Cook,James - Cooney,Mrs
- Cooney,Patrick - Cooperative
- Cooperative - Corcoran,Patk
- Corcoran,William - Cosgrove,Denis
- Cosgrove,Mrs E- Counsell,Mrs
- Counsell,Pastor - Cowley,Miss
- Cowley,Jesse - Crabb,Harry
- Advertisement
- Crabbe,S - Crane,J
- Advertisements
- Crane,James - Creer,Albert
- Creer,Charles - Croft,A
- Croft,A - Cross,John
- Cross,Mrs K- Cruikshank,A
- Cruikshank,AH - Cummings,James
- Cummings,James - Curran,D
- Curran,Mrs Elizabeth - Cutler,Harry
- Cutler,Harry - Dallen,RA
- Dalley,Andrew - Daniels,Mrs
- Daniels,Mrs M- Dash,William
- Dash,William - Davies,Alfred
- Davies,Albert - Davis,David
- Davis,David - Davis,Peter
- Davis,Phillip - Dawson,John
- Dawson - Dean,Albert
- Dean,Alexander - Deeby,Sydney
- Deed,James - De Mella,J
- De Mery,Mrs J - Dent,Mrs
- Dent,F - De Tores,Frank
- Detores,Frank - Dibley,E
- Dibley,G - Dillon,R
- Dillon,Mrs E - Dixon,W
- Dixon,W - Dolan,Alfred
- Dolan,Arthur - Donnelly,WJ
- Donnelly,William - Douglas,Mrs
- Douglas,Miss Elizabeth - Downer,James
- Downer,John - Doyle,WA
- Doyle,WJ - Drummond,J
- Drummond,JS - Duffy,David
- Duffy,Mrs EM - Duncan,WB
- Duncan,WG - Dunn,R
- Dunn,R - Dwyer,Miss
- Dwyer,Miss JF - Earnell,Miss
- Earngey,LD - Eddy,Stephen
- Eddy,Thomas - Edwards,Dorie
- Edwards,Mrs E - Egan, James
- Egan,James F - Elkington,H
- Elkington,J - Elliott,William
- Ellis,A and H - Elwell,Miss
- Elwin,Mrs - English,John
- English,John - Etherton,William
- Etienna,Daniel - Evans,Wm
- Evans,William - Eyles,Alex jun.
- Advertisements for Evening News and Town & Country Journal
- Eyles,Alexander - Fairweather,RJ
- Fairweather,T - Farmer,George E
- Farmer,H - Fathers,Alfred
- Fathers,George - Feeley,P
- Feeley,Thomas - Ferguson,George M
- Ferguson,Mrs H - Fiddon,Francis
- Fidden,William - Finlay,John
- Finlay,John - Fisher,Henry
- Fisher,Henry - Fitzmaurice,JT
- Fitzmaurice,Mrs R - Flegg,Alfred J
- Flegg,Arthur - Fletcher,W
- Advertisement: G. Fletcher & Son
- Fletcher,W - Foden,Mrs Peter
- Fog,Rudolph - Ford,Charles
- Ford,Charles - Forsyth,Albert E
- Forsyth,Adam - Fossy,John
- Foster Bros. - Fowlie,Thomas
- Fox and Lawson - Franki,RJN
- Frankish,A - Frazer,Joseph J
- Frazer,Mrs MA - Frew,David
- Frew,David - Fuller and Co.
- Fuller's Lightning Printing Works - Gabriel,Charles C
- Gabriel,Edward - Gallant,William
- Gallard,Alfred - Gardiner,H
- Gardiner,H - Garrick & Co
- Garrick,FO - Gawthorpe,Charles
- Gawthorpe,Ernest - General
- General - Gibb,John
- Gibb,Thomas - Gibson,James
- Gibson,James - Giles,Miss
- Giles,Miss EB - Gillies,James
- Gillies,Louise - Glassington,Wm
- Glasson,Charles - Glenroy
- Glesson,Mrs M - Godfrey,W
- Godfrey,PT - Goldstein,J
- Goldstein,Lewis - Goodall,Mrs
- Goodall,FC - Goold,John
- Goold,Miss - Goslett,WB
- Goslett,WB - Government
- Government - Graham,George
- Graham,George - Grant,JR
- Grant,James - Gray,John
- Gray,John - Green,Herbert
- Green,Horace - Greenwich
- Greenwich - Greig,TM
- Greig,Thomas - Griffiths,Tim
- Griffiths,A - Grogan,Henry
- Grogan,Mrs J - Gummow
- Grosvenor - Hacking,Charles
- Advertisement for the Grosvenor
- Hackland,J - Hake,Herbert
- Haken,G - Hall,John
- Hall,Joseph - Halstead,Samuel
- Halstead,Thomas - Hammett,Mrs
- Hammett,Daniel - Hanke
- Hankey,WH - Hansen,H
- Hansen,Hans - Harding,W
- Harding,W - Harland,William
- Harle,John - Harrington,John
- Harrington,John - Harris,PS
- Harris,Percy - Harrison,Thomas
- Advertisement for Harrison & Attwood
- Harrison,Thomas - Hartnett,M
- Hartnett,Mrs M - Hatcher,William
- Hatchman,G - Haworth,Thomas
- Hawthorn,Thos - Hayes,Thos
- Hayes,Thomas - Healey,HP
- Healey,Harold - Heesh,Herman
- Heffenan,Joseph - Henderson
- Henderson - Henley,Jacob
- Henley,James - Herald,Edmund
- Herbert,HJ - Hession,WM
- Hesslein,B - Hicks
- Hicks,AP - Hill
- Hill,WH - Hill,Simeon
- An advertisement of Hill Clark & Co
- Hill,Stanley - Hindmarsh,J
- Hindmarsh,W - Hoare,W
- Hipsley - Hodgson,J
- Hodgson,J - Hogan,D
- Hogan,Daniel - Holder,Thos
- Holder,Thos - Holloway,William
- Holloway,WR - Homoeopathic
- Honan,John - Hopkins,Fredk
- Hopkins,G - Horne,J
- Horne,JH - Hosking,Frank
- Hosking,GU - Hourigan,Patrick
- Hourigan,D - Howat,Chas
- Howat,Donald - Huby,William
- Hucho,Dr - Hughes,Henry
- Hughes,WH - Humfress,S
- Advertisement for WH Hughes & Co
- Humfrey,TS - Hunt,R
- Hunt,Mrs R - Hurlstone
- Hurman,Arthur - Huxley,Mrs
- Huxley,Stanley - Illingworth,R
- Illsley,George - Innes,William
- Innes,William - Irwin,Alfred J.
- Irwin,Mrs C - Jackson,Charles
- Jackson,Charles - Jacobs,Harry
- Jacobs,Isaac - James,John
- James,JH - Jarvin,Thomas
- Jarvis,C and Son - Jenkins,John
- Jenkins,John B - Jewett,Mrs Elizabeth
- Jewish Herald - Johnson,Frank
- Johnson,Frank - Johnson,Thomas
- Johnson,Thomas - Johnston,Miss R
- Johnston,Mrs R - Jones,Andrew
- Jones,Mrs Anne - Jones,Horace
- Jones,Horatio - Jones,Thomas
- Jones,Thomas - Joy,Fredk.
- Joy,JC - Kane,Michael
- Kane,Patrick - Keating,Richard
- Keating,Mrs S - Kelley Bros.
- Kelley,George - Kelly,William
- Kelly,William - Kennedy,James
- Kennedy,James - Kent,Daniel
- Kent,E - Kerrison,Edwin
- Kerruish,Mrs Maria - Kidd,James
- Kidd,James - King,Miss C
- Kilners - King,WU Smyth
- King,Walter - Kinninimont,Thos
- Kinny,William - Kitchen,James G
- Advertisement for Charles Kinsela, Undertaker
- Kirby,Mrs P & Son - Knight,HC
- Advertisement for Mrs P Kirby & Son, Undertakers
- Knight,HJ - Knox,Michael
- Knox,Miss - Labour Council
- Labour Home - Lamb,Malcolm
- Lamb,Martin - Land,Harry S
- Land,James W - Lange,Hugo
- Lange,Joseph - Larke,W and F
- Larke,JS - Latona,Vin.
- La Touche,WRD - Lawler,Mrs J
- Lawler,JT - Lawson,GA
- Advertisement for James R Lawson & Little,Auctioneers
- Lawson,George - Lean,Edward
- Lean,Jabez - Lee,John
- Lee,John - Legg,John J
- Legg,JH - Lennartz,A
- Lenney,JW - Letort,Augustus
- Leston,James - Lewis,AJ
- Lewis,Abraham - Leyshon,Edwin D
- Ley,John - Light,John
- Light,Joseph - Linnane,Pat
- Linnane,Peter - Little,Rev R
- Little,Ralph - Lloyd,J
- Lloyd,JJ - Logan,Bruce
- Logan,David - Long,Richard
- Long,Robert - Louden,William
- Louder,Miss - Lowdon,Matthew
- Lowden,W - Lucas,Wm.
- Lucas,William W - Luraschi,J
- Lusby,John - Lyons,C
- Lyons,CH - McArthur,W and A
- McArthur,W&A - McCallum,D
- McCallum,Mrs E - McCarthy,W&H, m
- McCarthy,WJ - McConnell,J
- McConnell,Kate - McCubben,Mrs
- McCubbin,J - McDonald,C
- MacDonald,CA - McDonald,RH
- McDonald,RL - McDowell,Wm
- Mace - McFarlane,T
- McFarlane,T - McGovern,John
- McGovern,John - McGuigan,Malcolm
- McGuigan,Mother Mary - Macintosh,Alex
- McIntosh,Alfred - Mackay,Douglas
- McKay,Duncan - McKenzie,Alfred
- McKenzie,Andrew - McKeown,Joseph
- McKeown,Mrs K - McLachlan,A
- McLachlan,Alex - McLean,Samuel
- McLean,Swinton - McMahon,Jas
- McMahon,Jas - McMinn,W
- McMinn,William - McNamara,W
- McNab - McPherson,William
- Advertisement For McNab & Pegler
- McPherson,W - McWilliam,F
- McWilliam,Fred - Maguire,FP
- Maguire,Frank - Mainwaring,G
- Mainwaring,George - Maloney,P
- Maloney,PJ - Manning Charles
- Manning,Claude - Marcy,Mrs
- Marcy,Jas. - Marrickville Police Station
- Marrickville Post Office - Marshall,John
- Marshall,John - Martin,Hope
- Martin,Hubert - Maslin,William T
- Mason Brothers Limited - Masters,Harry
- Masters,Mrs J - Matthews,John
- Matthews,John - May,William E
- Maybury,CEB - Mears,William
- Meat Export Co. of Queensland - Melville,FG
- Melville,Frank - Merrifield,WA
- Merrigan,George - Meyer,F
- Meyer,Fredk. G - Miles,Richard
- Miles,RS - Miller,George
- Miller,George - Millner,GHH
- Millner,John - Miners,James
- Minerva Co. - Mitchell,Henry
- Mitchell,Henry - Moffat,Robert
- Moffatt & Stinson - Monahan,Peter
- Monahan,William W - Moodie,Miss M
- Moodie,Mrs - Moore,George A
- Moore,Geo. C - Moorehouse,W
- Moores,D - Morgan,Frederick
- Morgan and Smith - Morris,Mrs Annie
- Advertisements for Morgan & Smith - Electric Photo-Engraving Co.
- Morris,Mrs Annie - Morrison,C
- Morrison,George - Mortlake Public School
- Mortley,HE - Mossman,Edwin
- Mossman,Mrs Ellen - Mudge,J
- Mudge,J - Mullins,E
- Mullins,G - Murden,Thomas W
- Murden,William - Murphy,Thomas
- Murphy,Thomas - Murray,Norman H
- Murray,Lieut.-Col. PL - Myers,Ewan
- Myers,F - Nash,William
- Nash,William H - Neale,John G
- Neale,Mrs John T - Nelson,Ivan
- Nelson,Mrs J - NSW Brick Co. Ltd.
- NSW Builders and Contractor' News - Newall and May
- Newall and May - Newmarch,A
- Newmarch,Bernard J - Nicholls,CA
- Nicholls,David - Nicols,Charles
- Nicols,John - Nolan,James
- Advertisement for Nicholson & Co.
- Advertisement for Nicholson & Co.
- Nolan,James - North Sydney Brick and Tile Co.
- North Sydney Grammar School - Nowill,Leonard
- Nowlan,Mrs D - O'Brien,D
- O'Brien,Right Rev. Monsignor - Oceanic Publishing and Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
- Oceanic Steamship Co. Ltd. - O'Donnell,Alfred
- O'Donnell,C - O'Halloran,Miss M
- O'Halloran,Mrs M - Oliver,Joseph
- Oliver,Joseph - O'Neill,Patrick
- O'Neill,Peter - Orr,Robert
- Orr,Robert - O'Sullivan,Hon. EW
- O'Sullivan,Edward - Owens,Albert H
- Owens,Albert - Page,William
- Page,William - Palmer,James
- Palmer,James - Parker,Mrs C
- Parker,C - Parkhill,William
- Advertisement for John Sands
- Parkin,Albert - Parry,Robert B
- Parry,Robt.B - Pasteur Vaccine Co.
- Pastoral Finance Association Ltd. - Patterson,Shugg and Co.
- Advertisement for Paterson,Hill and Smith
- Patterson,A - Payne,Arthur
- Payne,Arthur - Pearce,J
- Payne,John T - Pechter,Sol.
- Advertisements for Frankfort Steam Laundry,JT Payne, J Bartram & Son, and John Sands
- Peck,Wm. E and Co. - Penfold,E
- Penfold,Mrs Edwin T - Perkins,Peter
- Perkins,Thomas - Peters,BE
- Peters,C - Pettiet,William
- Pettifer,AH - Phillips,Edward
- Phillips,Mrs Eliza - Phylloxera Service Branch
- Phypers,John - Pike,Mrs Isabella
- Pike,JH - Pitt,Alfred N
- Pitt,CB - Pobje,Frederick
- Pobje,G - Poole,JH
- Poole,James - Portus,John
- Poskar,John - Powell,Marion
- Powell,Mrs Mary - Prentice,Edward
- Prentice,Edward A - Price,William
- Price,William - Pritchard,Mrs L
- Pritchard,Mrs M - Pugh,Miss
- Pugh,William - Pye,LW
- Pye,TH - Quinlan,Henry G
- Quinlan,Henry G - Radley,J
- Radley,Kendrick - Ramsay,James W
- Ramsay,John - Rate,Thomas
- Rate,Thomas - Read,Clarence
- Read,Darcy - Redwin,John
- Redwin,Thomas - Reid,Arthur
- Reid,Arthur - Renfrey,Albert
- Renfrey,Fredk. - Reynolds,N
- Reynolds,P - Richards,R
- Richards,R - Richmond,J
- Richmond,John - Riley,Wm. and Co.
- Riley Street Public School - Ritchie,Samuel
- Ritchie,Thomas - Roberts,Evan
- Roberts,Evan - Robertson and M'Farlane
- Robertson and Marks - Robilliard,AJ
- Robilliard,John - Robinson,Joseph
- Robinson,Joseph - Rock,Henry
- Rock,Henry - Rogers,George W
- Rogers,H - Rooke-Jones,Henry
- Rookwood Benevolent Asylum - Rosewarne,JR
- Rosewarne,JR - Rosten,John G
- Rostock,David A - Rowland,W
- Rowlands,E - Royle and Co.
- Royle,AM - Russell,Albert
- Russell,Alex - Rutherford, Mrs R
- Rutherford,R - Ryan,Martin
- Ryan,Mrs Mary - Saddington and Dixon
- Advertisement for The Underwood Typewriter
- Saddington,Alfred - St. Mark's Parochial School
- St. Mary's Cathedral - Sambrook,John
- Sambrook,Mrs S - Sandstrom,Mrs M
- Advertisement for Sanders and Coy.
- Sands,John - Saunders,C
- Saunders,Mrs C - Sayers,Charles
- Sayers,David - Schmidt,Henry
- Schmidt,Henry - Scifleet,Robert J
- Sclanders,James and Co. - Scott,Henry
- Scott,Henry - Scroggie,James
- Scrogings,F - Seessle,Mrs A
- Seewald,Hugo - Seymour,A
- Seymour,Mrs A - Sharp,WAR
- Sharp,Rev. Canon WH - Sheard,Abraham
- Sheard,Arthur - Shepherd,H
- Shepherd,H - Shinfield,Miss K
- Shinfield,R - Shubrook,Mrs T
- Advertisement for Johh Shorter & Co. Manufacturers' Agents
- Shugg,AJ - Simmons,Mick
- Advertisement for Mick Simmons
- Simmons,AB - Simpson,Mrs Mary
- Simpson,Mrs Mary - Singleton,Frederick
- Single,John - Skuse,Mrs S
- Skuthorpe,Mrs K - Sly,George
- Sly,Dr JD - Smith,Misses
- Smith-Premier Business College - Smith,Chas. D
- Smith,Chas. F - Smith,George
- Smith,George - Smith,James
- Smith,James - Smith,OW
- Smith,Osborne A - Smith,WB
- Smith,WC - Smyth,JH and Co.
- Smyth,Miss A - Snowden,W
- Snowdon and Sampson - Sorensen,Edward
- Sorenson,J - Sparkes,John
- Sparkes,Richard - Sphan,Mrs C
- Spicer,James and Sons - Squire,JH and Co.
- Squire,E - Stanhope,Gordon
- Stanhope,LJ - Starkey,WA
- Starkey,William - Steele,Mrs JH
- Steele,John - Stephenson,AW
- Stephenson,AW - Stevenson,James
- Stevenson,JW - Stewart,R
- Stewart,Mrs R - Stokes,Edward J
- Stokes,GJ - Stott,EH
- Stone,Walter - Strong and Saywell
- Advertisements for W.Stone and John Sands
- Strong and Trowbridge Co - Sugden,WJ
- Suggate,WT - Surgenor,Thomas
- Surgical Aid Appliance Society - Swan,Robert and Co. Ltd.
- Swan,Mrs AR - Swinson,John
- Swinson,Sydney - Sydney Land Bank and Financial Agency Co. Ltd.
- Sydney Lead Works - Sylva,Joseph
- Sylvester,Charles - Tange,CL
- Tange,Charles - Taylor,Allen and Co.
- Taylor Bros. - Taylor,Herbert
- Taylor,Horace - Taylor,WJ
- Taylor,WJH - Terry,W
- Terry,WH - Thomas,Chas
- Thomas,Charles - Thompson,A
- Thompson,Mrs A - Thompson,John
- Thompson,John - Thomson,Mrs
- Thomson,Mrs E - Thorepe,Miss
- Thorpe,C - Tighe,John
- Tighe,Mrs M - Tod,Alex
- Tod,Andrew - Toogood,Henry
- Toogood,John - Town,Mrs
- Town,Alfred - Traves,Benjamin
- Traves,JJ - Triggs,SA
- Trighton,George - Tucker,Samuel
- Tucker,Theodore - Turner,AJ
- Turner,AJ - Turton,Herbert
- Turton,J - Underwood
- Underwood,William - Urquhart,William
- Urquhart,William - Vaughan,Edward
- Vaughan,Edward - Vick,Robert
- Vick,Robert - Vintiner,Charles
- Vintiner,Charles B - Wade,George
- Advertisement for C.B. Vintiner & Co
- Wade,GE - Waldock,Rev
- Advertisement for Wabash Business Systems
- Waldock,Charles - Walker,HR
- Walker,HT - Wall,Clifford
- Wall,Cornelius - Wallis,FJ
- Wallis,Frank - Walter,WC
- Walter,WC - Ward,Alfred
- Ward,Alfred - Ware,Leo
- Ware,NR - Warren,William
- Warren,William - Watsford,Daniel
- Watsford,Frank - Watson,SJ
- Watson,Samuel - Waugh,AG
- Waugh,Mrs Alma- Webb,Ezekiel
- Webb,FP - Wedderburn,James
- Wedderburn,James - Welland,Mrs
- Wellard,Mrs J - Wesslink,WM
- Wesson,Arthur - Westneat,Thos
- Westneat,Thomas - Wheeler,N
- Wheeler,RJ - White,Francis
- White,Frank - White,William
- White,William - Whitney,WH
- Advertisement for Whiteheads
- Whitpain,C - Wiggans,H
- Wiggins,Henry - Wilkes,Charles
- Wilkes,E - Willcock
- Willcock,RW - Williams,David
- Williams,David - Williams,John
- Williams,John - Williams,Mrs
- Williams,WT - Willis,Thomas
- Willis,Thos - Wilson,Arthur
- Wilson,Arthur - Wilson,John
- Wilson,John - Wilton,Alfred
- Wilton,Charles - Winters,J
- Winters,James - Womsley,RH
- Womsley,Vivian - Wood,John
- Advertisement for Wood & Company
- Wood,John - Woodruff
- Woods - Woolley,Isaac
- Woolley,JH - Wren,Myles
- Wren,Mrs S - Wright,WE
- Wright,WF - Yard,Frederick
- Advertisement for Wunderlich's
- Yard,George - Young
- Young - Young,Robt
- Young,Robt - Zwicker
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