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Sands Sydney Trades And Professions Directory 1911 Index
Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales (pages 1531 - 1798)Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 1998
(Please note - The images in this directory are in TIFF GroupIV format and require a plug-in to view them. Information about the plug-in installation is available by clicking on the Technical Notes link at the bottom of this index.)
- Accoucheuses - See Nurses
- Account book makers ..Page 1531
- Accountants(Allard - Garland) ..Page 1531
- Accountants(Gibb - Stirling) ..Page 1532
- Accountants (Sully - Yarwood) ..Page 1533
- Accountants - Federal Institute of ..Page 1533
- Accountants - Society of Incorporated of NSW ..Page 1533
- Accountants - Institute of Public of Australasia ..Page 1533
- Accountants - Incorporated Institute of (NSW) (Ball - Henderson) ..Page 1533
- Accountants - Incorporated Institute of (NSW) (Hill - Wynn) ..Page 1534
- Accountants - Incorporated Institute of Victoria (NSW Branch) ..Page 1534
- Actuaries ..Page 1534
- Adjusters ..Page 1534
- Advertisers' advisers ..Page 1534
- Advertising agents(Alexander - Miller) ..Page 1534
- Advertising agents (NSW Country Press - Wride) ..Page 1535
- Advertising contractors ..Page 1535
- Advertising experts ..Page 1535
- Aerated water machinery importers ..Page 1535
- Aerated water manufacturers ..Page 1535
- Agents - miscellaneous (Adams - Fleming) ..Page 1535
- Agents - miscellaneous (Foreign Agency - Rudders' Ltd) ..Page 1536
- Agents - miscellaneous (Sanderson - Yuill) ..Page 1537
- Agricultural companies ..Page 1537
- Agricultural implement makers and importers ..Page 1537
- American machinery importers ..Page 1537
- Ammonia manufacturers ..Page 1537
- Ammunition merchants & importers ..Page 1537
- Analysts ..Page 1537
- Antiseptic dressings importers ..Page 1537
- Anvil makers ..Page 1537
- Aquariums ..Page 1537
- Arbitrators ..Page 1537
- Architects(Alderson - Coles) ..Page 1537
- Architects (Collins - Wright) ..Page 1538
- Architects - naval ..Page 1538
- Architects(advertisements) ..Page 1539
- Art dealers ..Page 1538
- Art decorators ..Page 1540
- Art furnishers ..Page 1540
- Art galleries ..Page 1540
- Art metal workers ..Page 1540
- Art needleworkers ..Page 1540
- Art publishers ..Page 1540
- ArTIFicial limb makers ..Page 1540
- Artistic decorators ..Page 1541
- Artists (Amati - Mason) ..Page 1540
- Artists (Mason - Woods) ..Page 1541
- Artists - lithographic ..Page 1541
- Artists in stained glass ..Page 1541
- Artists' materials importers ..Page 1541
- Asbestos boiler covering manufacturers ..Page 1541
- Asbestos goods manufacturers ..Page 1541
- Asbestos manufacturers ..Page 1541
- Asbestos paint importers ..Page 1541
- Asphalt manufacturers and refiners ..Page 1541
- Asphalters ..Page 1541
- Assayers ..Page 1542
- Associations (Accident Underwriters - NSW Interstate Steamship)..Page 1542
- Associations (NSW Lawn Tennis - YWCA)..Page 1543
- Asylums ..Page 1543
- Atlas publishers ..Page 1543
- Auctioneers (Ainsworth - Brown) ..Page 1543
- Auctioneers (Brown - Norton) ..Page 1544
- Auctioneers (Oxenham - Woolf) ..Page 1545
- Auditors ..Page 1545
- Austrian and American chair importers ..Page 1545
- Average adjusters - See Adjusters
- Axemakers - See Blacksmiths
- Baby linen warehouses ..Page 1546
- Bacon curers ..Page 1546
- Bag merchants and manufacturers ..Page 1546
- Bakers (Abel - Pegler) ..Page 1546
- Bakers (Percival - Yeo) ..Page 1547
- Bakers' requisites ..Page 1547
- Baking powder manufacturers ..Page 1547
- Banks ..Page 1547
- Banner painters ..Page 1548
- Barb wire manufacturers ..Page 1548
- Bark merchants ..Page 1548
- Barristers ..Page 1548
- Barrow and ladder makers - See Ladder, &c. makers
- Basket makers ..Page 1549
- Bath manufacturers ..Page 1549
- Baths ..Page 1549
- Baths - Turkish ..Page 1549
- Baths - electric ..Page 1549
- Bedding manufacturers ..Page 1549
- Bedstead makers and importers ..Page 1549
- Bee farmers ..Page 1550
- Beer-engine manufacturers ..Page 1550
- Bellows makers ..Page 1550
- Berlin wool depots ..Page 1550
- Bevel-edge card gilders ..Page 1550
- Bicycle importers ..Page 1550
- Bicycle manufacturers ..Page 1550
- Bicycle parts and fittings importers ..Page 1550
- Bill posters ..Page 1550
- Billiard appliance manufacturers ..Page 1550
- Billiard saloons ..Page 1552
- Billiard-ball and cue makers ..Page 1552
- Billiard-ball makers ..Page 1550
- Billiard-table maker, Heiron & Smith advertisement ..Page 1551
- Billiard-table makers ..Page 1552
- Bird dealers ..Page 1552
- Biscuit manufacturers ..Page 1552
- Bitters manufacturers ..Page 1552
- Black ironworkers ..Page 1552
- Blacking manufacturers ..Page 1552
- Blacklead manufacturers ..Page 1552
- Blacksmiths ..Page 1552
- Block and tacklemakers ..Page 1553
- Bluemakers ..Page 1553
- Boardinghouses ..Page 1553
- Boards ..Page 1554
- Boat proprietors ..Page 1555
- Boatbuilders ..Page 1555
- Bodegas ..Page 1555
- Boiler and tube compound ..Page 1555
- Boiler covering importers and manufacturers ..Page 1555
- Boiler fluid manufacturers ..Page 1555
- Boilermakers ..Page 1555
- Boiling-down establishments ..Page 1556
- Bolt nut and rivet manufacturers ..Page 1556
- Bone mills ..Page 1556
- Book importers ..Page 1558
- Bookbinders ..Page 1556
- Bookcase importers ..Page 1556
- Booksellers ..Page 1556
- Boilers, Babcock & Wilcox advertisement ..Page 1557
- Boot and shoe importers ..Page 1558
- Boot and shoe polish manufacturers ..Page 1559
- Boot and shoe manufacturers (Abbey - Davis) ..Page 1559
- Boot and shoe manufacturers (Day - Mutkins) ..Page 1560
- Boot and shoe manufacturers (Needham - Young) ..Page 1561
- Boot-upper manufacturers and importers ..Page 1561
- Bottle merchants ..Page 1561
- Box and packing-case makers ..Page 1562
- Brass band instrument importers ..Page 1562
- Brass copper zinc and lead makers ..Page 1562
- Brass stamp manufacturers ..Page 1562
- Brassfinishers ..Page 1562
- Brassfounders ..Page 1562
- Brassware importers ..Page 1562
- Brewers ..Page 1563
- Brewers' sundrymen ..Page 1563
- Brickworks ..Page 1563
- Brokers - general ..Page 1564
- Bronzers ..Page 1564
- Broom and brushmakers ..Page 1564
- Brushware importers ..Page 1564
- Bucket and trough makers ..Page 1564
- Builders (Aiken - Buchanan) ..Page 1564
- Builders (Burnett - McDonald) ..Page 1565
- Builders (McGregor - Wall) ..Page 1566
- Builders (Walter - Zoeller) ..Page 1567
- Building companies and societies ..Page 1567
- Building material importers ..Page 1567
- Business agencies ..Page 1567
- Business agents ..Page 1567
- Business colleges ..Page 1568
- Business systematisers ..Page 1568
- Butchers - carcase and wholesale ..Page 1568
- Butchers (Aberfoyle - Cuttridge)..Page 1568
- Butchers (Dale Bros. - Miller) ..Page 1569
- Butchers (Miller - Wood) ..Page 1570
- Butchers (Woodham - Young) ..Page 1571
- Butchers' requisite importers ..Page 1571
- Butter manufacturers ..Page 1571
- Cab proprietors - See Coach, &c. Proprietors
- Cabinetmakers ..Page 1571
- Candied peel manufacturers ..Page 1571
- Candlemakers ..Page 1571
- Canistermakers ..Page 1571
- Cardboard-box makers ..Page 1572
- Carpenters ..Page 1572
- Carpet cleaners ..Page 1572
- Carpet warehousemen ..Page 1572
- Carriers (Abbott - Cooper)..Page 1572
- Carriers (Cooper - Roots) ..Page 1573
- Carriers (Rudder's - Young's)..Page 1574
- Carvers and gilders ..Page 1574
- Case merchants ..Page 1574
- Casemakers ..Page 1574
- Cash carriers ..Page 1574
- Cash railways ..Page 1574
- Cash registers ..Page 1574
- Carriers, Sutton & Co. advertisement ..Page 1575
- Caterers ..Page 1576
- Cattle dealers and salesmen ..Page 1576
- Cedar merchants ..Page 1576
- Ceiling metal manufacturers ..Page 1576
- Cement importers and manufacturers ..Page 1576
- Cemeteries ..Page 1576
- Chaircaners ..Page 1576
- Chairmakers ..Page 1576
- Cheese manufacturers ..Page 1576
- Chemical engineers ..Page 1577
- Chemical importers ..Page 1577
- Chemical manufacturers ..Page 1577
- Chemists - analytical ..Page 1577
- Chemists - homeopathic ..Page 1577
- Chemists - wholesale and manufacturing ..Page 1577
- Chemists and druggists ..Page 1577
- Chimneysweeps ..Page 1578
- China glass and earthenware importers ..Page 1578
- Chiropodists ..Page 1579
- Chocolate manufacturers - See Cocoa and Chocolate manufacturers
- Chronometer makers ..Page 1579
- Church furniture - importers of ..Page 1579
- Churn makers ..Page 1579
- Cigar manufacturers and importers ..Page 1579
- Clothiers ..Page 1579
- Clothing manufacturers ..Page 1580
- Clubs ..Page 1580
- Coachbuilders' ironmongers ..Page 1581
- Coach carriage and buggy builders &c. ..Page 1581
- Coach carriage cab and buggy proprietors (Abbott - Bell) ..Page 1581
- Coach carriage cab and buggy proprietors (Booth - McElhone) ..Page 1582
- Coach carriage cab and buggy proprietors (McEvoy - Wyllie) ..Page 1583
- Coach painters ..Page 1583
- Coach trimming manufacturers ..Page 1583
- Coal and colliery companies ..Page 1583
- Coal and wood merchants ..Page 1583
- Coal contractors and shipping agents ..Page 1583
- Cocoa and chocolate manufacturers ..Page 1583
- Coffee &c. importers and merchants ..Page 1584
- Cold storage works ..Page 1584
- Colonial manufactured goods - cash buyers of ..Page 1584
- Colour manufacturers ..Page 1584
- Commercial brokers ..Page 1584
- Commission agents ..Page 1584
- Commission merchants ..Page 1585
- Commissioners for affidavits ..Page 1585
- Commissioners for affidavits in the vice-admiralty court ..Page 1585
- Companies - miscellaneous (Aarons - Fiji) ..Page 1586
- Companies - miscellaneous (Foster - Wells) ..Page 1587
- Companies - miscellaneous (West - Wunderlich) ..Page 1588
- Condiment manufacturers and importers ..Page 1588
- Confectioners ..Page 1588
- Confectioners - manufacturing and importing ..Page 1588
- Confectioners' requisites - importers of ..Page 1589
- Consuls ..Page 1589
- Contractors (Addison - Fitzpatrick) ..Page 1589
- Contractors (Flew - Wheelwright) ..Page 1590
- Contractors (Whitehouse - Zoeller)..Page 1591
- Convents ..Page 1591
- Conveyancers ..Page 1591
- Coopers ..Page 1591
- Coppersmiths ..Page 1591
- Copying (letter &c.) machines ..Page 1591
- Copyright attorneys ..Page 1592
- Cordial manufacturers ..Page 1592
- Cork manufacturers ..Page 1592
- Cork merchants ..Page 1592
- Cornflour manufacturers ..Page 1592
- Corsetmakers ..Page 1592
- Costumiers ..Page 1592
- Coupon companies ..Page 1593
- Cricketing and lawn tennis depots ..Page 1593
- Crown lands agents ..Page 1593
- Curiosities - dealers in ..Page 1593
- Curled hair manufacturers ..Page 1593
- Curriers - See Tanners, &c.
- Custom-house agents ..Page 1593
- Cutlers ..Page 1594
- Dairy machinery importers ..Page 1595
- Dairy produce dealers ..Page 1595
- Dairykeepers ..Page 1594
- Dealers ..Page 1596
- Debt collectors ..Page 1596
- Decorators ..Page 1596
- Dentists (Abrahams - Howell) ..Page 1597
- Dentists (Hudson - Spears) ..Page 1598
- Dentists (Spence - Ziele) ..Page 1599
- Dentists' materials (importers of) and dental depots ..Page 1599
- Dermatologists ..Page 1599
- Design attorneys ..Page 1599
- Designers ..Page 1599
- Diamond merchants ..Page 1599
- Diamond setters ..Page 1599
- Die-sinkers ..Page 1599
- Dining rooms - See Restaurants
- Disinfectant manufacturers ..Page 1599
- Distillers ..Page 1599
- Draftsmen ..Page 1599
- Drainers ..Page 1600
- Drapers (Abbott - Kirk)..Page 1600
- Grace Bros. advertisement ..Page 1601
- Drapers (Klehd - Young)..Page 1602
- Drapers - family ..Page 1602
- Drapers - furnishing ..Page 1602
- Dray proprietors ..Page 1602
- Dress preservers ..Page 1603
- Dressmakers ..Page 1603
- Druggists (wholesale) ..Page 1603
- Dry colors importers ..Page 1604
- Drysalters ..Page 1604
- Dumbbell and Indian club maker ..Page 1604
- Dyers and cleaners ..Page 1604
- Earthenware dealers ..Page 1604
- Eastern merchants ..Page 1604
- Ecclesiastical metal workers ..Page 1604
- Educational book sellers ..Page 1604
- Egg merchants ..Page 1604
- Electric appliance manufacturers ..Page 1604
- Electric light companies ..Page 1605
- Electrical and mechanical manufacturing engineers ..Page 1605
- Electricians ..Page 1606
- Electroplate merchants and manufacturers ..Page 1606
- Electroplaters ..Page 1606
- Electroplaters' materials suppliers ..Page 1606
- Electrotypers ..Page 1606
- Elevating and conveying appliances ..Page 1606
- Embalmers ..Page 1606
- Advertisement for Willington Bros., silversmiths ..Page 1607
- Embossers ..Page 1608
- Enamel iron bath and sanitary ware importers ..Page 1608
- Enamellers ..Page 1608
- Engineers - agricultural ..Page 1608
- Engineers - chemical ..Page 1609
- Engineers - civil ..Page 1609
- Engineers - consulting ..Page 1609
- Engineers - electrical ..Page 1609
- Engineers - gas (see Gas engineers)
- Engineers - hydraulic ..Page 1610
- Engineers - ironmongers ..Page 1610
- Engineers - mechanical (Acme - Federal) ..Page 1610
- Advertisement for Haes & Eggers, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers ..Page 1611
- Engineers - mechanical (Fitzsimons - Sydney) ..Page 1612
- Engineers - mechanical (Sydney - Young) ..Page 1613
- Engineers - milling ..Page 1613
- Engineers - mining ..Page 1613
- Engineers - printers' ..Page 1613
- Engineers - refrigerating ..Page 1613
- Engineers - sanitary ..Page 1613
- Engineers - steam ..Page 1613
- Engineers and mining machinery importers ..Page 1613
- Engineers' supplies - importers of ..Page 1614
- Engravers ..Page 1614
- Engravers - brassplate &c. ..Page 1614
- Engravers - copperplate ..Page 1614
- Engravers - process ..Page 1614
- Engravers - seal ..Page 1615
- Engravers - wood ..Page 1615
- Engravings and paintings (dealers in) ..Page 1615
- Enquiry offices - private ..Page 1615
- Envelope manufacturers ..Page 1615
- Essence distillers importers and manufacturers ..Page 1615
- Estate agents (Ainsworth - Ekin)..Page 1615
- Estate agents (Ethell - Slade)..Page 1616
- Estate agents (Smith - Zeither)..Page 1617
- Exchanges ..Page 1617
- Explosive companies ..Page 1617
- Exporters ..Page 1617
- Fancy goods importers ..Page 1618
- Fancy goods repositories ..Page 1618
- Fancy tile importers ..Page 1618
- Farmers ..Page 1618
- Farriers ..Page 1618
- Fat stock salesmen ..Page 1619
- Feather cleaners ..Page 1619
- Fellmongers ..Page 1619
- Ferry companies ..Page 1619
- Fibrous plaster workers ..Page 1619
- File importers ..Page 1619
- Filing systems ..Page 1619
- Filter makers and importers ..Page 1619
- Finance companies ..Page 1620
- Financial agents ..Page 1620
- Financial brokers - See Financial agents
- Financiers ..Page 1620
- Fine art repositories ..Page 1621
- Fire appliance manufacturers and importers ..Page 1621
- Fire loss assessors ..Page 1621
- Fireworks - importers of ..Page 1621
- Fishing tackle makers ..Page 1621
- Fishmongers ..Page 1621
- Flag makers ..Page 1621
- Floating docks and engineering works ..Page 1621
- Flock and bedding manufacturers ..Page 1621
- Floor polish manufacturers ..Page 1621
- Flooring manufacturers and hearth tile importers ..Page 1621
- Florists ..Page 1621
- Flour millers and merchants ..Page 1622
- Food product manufacturers ..Page 1622
- Football goods importers ..Page 1622
- Foreign stamp importers ..Page 1622
- Forwarding agents ..Page 1622
- Freezing works ..Page 1622
- French boot importers ..Page 1623
- French tile importers ..Page 1623
- Frenchpolishers ..Page 1623
- Fruit preservers ..Page 1624
- Fruiterers ..Page 1625
- Fruiterers - wholesale ..Page 1624
- Fruitgrowers ..Page 1623
- Fuel merchants (Allen - Doyle) ..Page 1625
- Fuel merchants (Dreves - Spence) ..Page 1626
- Fuel merchants (Squires - Young) ..Page 1627
- Funeral directors ..Page 1627
- Furnishing warehouses ..Page 1628
- Furniture dealers and brokers ..Page 1629
- Furniture importers ..Page 1628
- Furniture manufacturers ..Page 1628
- Furniture polish manufacturers ..Page 1629
- Furniture storers ..Page 1629
- Furniture warehousemen ..Page 1629
- Furriers ..Page 1630
- Galvanized iron importers ..Page 1630
- Galvanized iron workers ..Page 1630
- Galvanizers and tinners ..Page 1630
- Gardeners ..Page 1630
- Gardeners - landscape ..Page 1631
- Gardeners - market ..Page 1631
- Gas chandeliers and bracket importers ..Page 1632
- Gas companies ..Page 1632
- Gas engine importers and manufacturers ..Page 1632
- Gas engineers ..Page 1632
- Gas suction engines ..Page 1632
- Gas-stove makers and importers ..Page 1633
- Gasfittings - importers of ..Page 1633
- Gilders ..Page 1633
- Gingerbeer manufacturers ..Page 1633
- Girder makers ..Page 1633
- Glass bevellers ..Page 1633
- Glass bottle manufacturers ..Page 1633
- Glass china earthenware importers ..Page 1633
- Glass and china riveting and general repairing depot ..Page 1634
- Glass embossers ..Page 1634
- Glass engravers ..Page 1634
- Glass manufacturers ..Page 1634
- Glass merchants ..Page 1634
- Advertisement for the Sydney Glass and File Co. ..Page 1635
- Glass roofing bars - importers of ..Page 1636
- Glass shade warehouses ..Page 1636
- Glass silverers ..Page 1636
- Glass stainers ..Page 1637
- Glassware importers ..Page 1637
- Glovers ..Page 1637
- Gluemakers ..Page 1637
- Gold-mining Co.'s - See Mining Co.'s
- Gold thread embroiderers ..Page 1637
- Goldsmiths ..Page 1637
- Golf and Indian club manufacturers ..Page 1637
- Grain brokers ..Page 1637
- Grain merchants ..Page 1637
- Grainers ..Page 1637
- Granite merchants ..Page 1637
- Gravel merchants ..Page 1637
- Graziers ..Page 1638
- Greengrocers ..Page 1638
- Grinders ..Page 1638
- Grindery merchants ..Page 1638
- Grocers - wholesale ..Page 1638
- Grocers (Abernethy - Beazley) ..Page 1638
- Grocers (Beckton - Dougan Bros.) ..Page 1639
- Grocers (Douglas - Henley) ..Page 1640
- Grocers (Henry - Mcdonald) ..Page 1641
- Grocers (Mcdonnell - Quill) ..Page 1642
- Grocers (Quine - Tidswell) ..Page 1643
- Grocers (Tighe - Zlotkowski) ..Page 1644
- Gunsmiths ..Page 1644
- Gutter and ridge makers ..Page 1644
- Gymnasiums ..Page 1644
- Gymnastic appliance makers ..Page 1644
- Gypsum manufacturers ..Page 1644
- Haberdashers ..Page 1644
- Habitmakers ..Page 1645
- Hair manufacturers ..Page 1645
- Hairdressers (Abbott - Golding) ..Page 1645
- Hairdressers (Gooch - Slater) ..Page 1646
- Hairdressers (Smith - Young) ..Page 1647
- Hair workers ..Page 1647
- Halls, &c. - See Places of amusement
- Ham and beef shops ..Page 1647
- Handbag manufacturers ..Page 1647
- Hardware importers ..Page 1647
- Hardware merchants ..Page 1647
- Harness makers - See Saddlers and harness makers
- Harness polish manufacturers ..Page 1648
- Harrow makers and importers ..Page 1648
- Harvesting machinery importers ..Page 1648
- Hatbox manufacturers ..Page 1648
- Hatmakers and hatters ..Page 1648
- Hatters' material importers ..Page 1648
- Hay and corn stores - See Produce Dealers
- Herbalists - consulting ..Page 1648
- Hide merchants and brokers ..Page 1649
- Homeopathic physicians ..Page 1649
- Homeopathists ..Page 1649
- Honey merchants ..Page 1649
- Hop beer manufacturers and importers ..Page 1649
- Horse and cattle condiment manufacturers ..Page 1649
- Horse and cattle rug manufacturers ..Page 1649
- Horse clippers ..Page 1649
- Horse dealers ..Page 1649
- Horse repositories ..Page 1649
- Horse trainers ..Page 1649
- Horsehair drafters ..Page 1649
- Horticultural implement importers ..Page 1649
- Hosepipe makers and importers ..Page 1649
- Hosiers and glovers ..Page 1649
- Hospitals ..Page 1650
- Hotels (Aarons' Exchange Hotel - Albert) ..Page 1650
- Hotels (Albert - Commercial) ..Page 1651
- Hotels (Commercial - Grand Pier) ..Page 1652
- Hotels (Grand View - Native Rose) ..Page 1653
- Hotels (Naval Brigade - Royal George) ..Page 1654
- Hotels (Royal Hyde Park - White Horse) ..Page 1655
- Hotels (White Lion - Zetland) ..Page 1656
- Hotel brokers ..Page 1656
- House land and estate agents (Abraham - Forsyth) ..Page 1656
- House land and estate agents (Fowler - Pritchard) ..Page 1657
- House land and estate agents (Pudney - Young) ..Page 1658
- Household appliance importers ..Page 1658
- Household furnishers ..Page 1658
- Hydraulic power company ..Page 1659
- Hydropathic establishments ..Page 1659
- Ice manufacturers ..Page 1659
- Ice-chest and refrigerator manufacturers ..Page 1659
- Illuminators and writers ..Page 1659
- Importers - general (Aboud - Crane) ..Page 1659
- Importers - general (Craven - Little) ..Page 1660
- Importers - general (Lloyd - Packman) ..Page 1661
- Importers - general (Paling - Zwicker) ..Page 1662
- Incandescent lamp makers and importers ..Page 1662
- Incubator manufacturers ..Page 1662
- Indentors and indent merchants ..Page 1662
- Indiarubber goods merchants and importers ..Page 1663
- Indiarubber manufacturers ..Page 1664
- Ink manufacturers ..Page 1664
- Institutes ..Page 1664
- Institutions (Alexandra - Babies' Home) ..Page 1664
- Advertisement for The Colonial Rubber Co. ..Page 1665
- Institutions (Benevolent Society - YWCA) ..Page 1666
- Insurance agents ..Page 1666
- Insurance and assurance companies and societies (Aa - Commercial) ..Page 1667
- Insurance and assurance companies and societies(Commonwealth - Peoples') ..Page 1668
- Insurance companies' advertisements ..Page 1669
- Insurance and assurance companies and societies (People's Pru - Yorkshire) ..Page 1670
- Insurance brokers ..Page 1670
- Interpreters ..Page 1670
- Invalids' chairmakers ..Page 1670
- Investment companies ..Page 1670
- Iron agents ..Page 1671
- Iron bedstead makers ..Page 1671
- Iron and brass founders ..Page 1671
- Iron roofing - manufacturers of ..Page 1671
- Iron and steel merchants ..Page 1672
- Iron pipe importers ..Page 1672
- Ironfounders' blacking manufacturers ..Page 1672
- Ironmongers - wholesale and retail ..Page 1672
- Ironmongers - blacksmiths' ..Page 1673
- Ironmongers - builders' ..Page 1673
- Ironmongers - coach and saddlers' ..Page 1673
- Ironmongers - engineers' ..Page 1673
- Ironmongers - furnishing ..Page 1673
- Ironmongery importers ..Page 1673
- Ironworkers ..Page 1673
- Ivory turners ..Page 1674
- Jam manufacturers ..Page 1674
- Japan and china goods importers ..Page 1674
- Japanners ..Page 1674
- Jewellers - masonic ..Page 1674
- Jewellers - wholesale and manufacturing ..Page 1674
- Jewellers' material importers ..Page 1674
- Jewellers ..Page 1675
- Job warehousemen ..Page 1675
- Joinery works ..Page 1675
- Justices of the peace (Abbott - Booth) ..Page 1676
- Justices of the peace (Booth - Coates) ..Page 1677
- Justices of the peace (Cockbaine - Ellis) ..Page 1678
- Justices of the peace (Elphinstone - Gregg) ..Page 1679
- Justices of the peace (Greig - James) ..Page 1680
- Justices of the peace (James - McElhone) ..Page 1681
- Justices of the peace (McElhone - Nesbitt) ..Page 1682
- Justices of the peace (Ness - Rickard) ..Page 1683
- Justices of the peace (Ridge - Solomon) ..Page 1684
- Justices of the peace (Solomons - Ward) ..Page 1685
- Justices of the peace (Warden - Zoeller) ..Page 1686
- Kalsomine manufacturers ..Page 1686
- Kerosene oil companies ..Page 1686
- Knife makers ..Page 1686
- Ladder and barrow makers ..Page 1686
- Ladies' nurses - See Nurses
- Lamp importers ..Page 1686
- Lamp manufacturers ..Page 1686
- Land agents (Abraham - Batt) ..Page 1686
- Land agents (Bernasconi - Ward) ..Page 1687
- Land agents (Warr - Young) ..Page 1688
- Land and income tax adjusters ..Page 1688
- Land companies ..Page 1688
- Lapidaries ..Page 1688
- Laundries (Adlington - Dale) ..Page 1688
- Laundries (Dale - Young) ..Page 1689
- Laundry requisites - importers of ..Page 1690
- Law stationers - See Stationers - law
- Law writers ..Page 1690
- Law-book sellers ..Page 1690
- Lawn tennis requisite makers ..Page 1690
- Lead merchants ..Page 1690
- Leather bag manufacturers ..Page 1690
- Leather belting importers ..Page 1690
- Leather dressers ..Page 1690
- Leather dressing manufacturers ..Page 1690
- Leather factors merchants and grindery dealers ..Page 1690
- Leather goods manufacturers ..Page 1690
- Letter filing systems ..Page 1691
- Libraries ..Page 1691
- Lightermen ..Page 1691
- Lime merchants burners and dealers ..Page 1692
- Linendrapers - See Drapers
- Linseed oil manufacturer ..Page 1692
- Lithographers ..Page 1692
- Lithographers (photo) ..Page 1692
- Livery stables ..Page 1692
- Loan and discount companies ..Page 1693
- Locksmiths ..Page 1693
- Locomotive builders ..Page 1693
- Loose leaf ledgers ..Page 1693
- Lubricating compound manufacturers ..Page 1693
- Machine belting makers ..Page 1694
- Machine rulers ..Page 1694
- Machinery brokers and agents ..Page 1694
- Machinery merchants & importers ..Page 1694
- Machinists ..Page 1695
- Maizena manufacturers ..Page 1695
- Maltsters - See Brewers
- Mangle importers ..Page 1695
- Mantle makers ..Page 1695
- Mantlepiece (marble) - importers of ..Page 1695
- Manufacturers and importers ..Page 1695
- Manufacturers' agents (Abrams - Drew Bros.) ..Page 1696
- Manufacturers' agents (Drew - Neustadt) ..Page 1697
- Manufacturers' agents (Newport - Wright) ..Page 1698
- Manure manufacturers ..Page 1698
- Map mounters ..Page 1698
- Map publishers ..Page 1698
- Marble mantelpiece makers ..Page 1698
- Marble manufacturers ..Page 1698
- Marble masons, &c. - See Masons (marble and monumental)
- Marble merchants and importers ..Page 1699
- Marine surveyors - See Surveyors (marine)
- Market gardeners - See Gardeners (market)
- Markets ..Page 1699
- Masonic regalia maker ..Page 1699
- Masons - marble and monumental ..Page 1699
- R. Clark, Monumental mason advertisement ..Page 1700
- Massage establishments ..Page 1701
- Mast and blockmakers ..Page 1701
- Mat and matting manufacturers ..Page 1701
- Mathematical instrument makers ..Page 1701
- Mattress makers ..Page 1701
- Meat packers and exporters ..Page 1701
- Meat preservers ..Page 1701
- Medallists ..Page 1701
- Medical practitioners (Abbott - Campbell-Smith) ..Page 1702
- Medical practitioners (Candlish - McClelland) ..Page 1703
- Medical practitioners (McClure - Welch) ..Page 1704
- Medical practitioners (Welsh - Zlotkowski) ..Page 1705
- Mercantile brokers ..Page 1705
- Mercers - Men's ..Page 1705
- Merchants - General ..Page 1706
- Messenger companies ..Page 1707
- Metal agents ..Page 1707
- Metal brokers ..Page 1707
- Metal ceiling manufacturers ..Page 1707
- Metal lathing manufacturers ..Page 1707
- Metal merchants ..Page 1708
- Metal stamper and piercer ..Page 1708
- Metal workers ..Page 1708
- Metallurgists ..Page 1708
- Midwives - See Nurses
- Milk companies and vendors ..Page 1708
- Mill furnishers ..Page 1708
- Mill-belt and hose makers ..Page 1708
- Mill-belt manufacturers ..Page 1708
- Millers ..Page 1709
- Milliners ..Page 1709
- Millinery manufacturers ..Page 1710
- Millwrights ..Page 1710
- Mine owners and investors ..Page 1710
- Mineral water manufacturers ..Page 1710
- Mineral water requisites - importers of ..Page 1710
- Mining agents ..Page 1710
- Mining companies ..Page 1710
- Mining engineers - See Engineers (mining)
- Mining machinery manufacturers ..Page 1711
- Mining machinery merchants and importers ..Page 1711
- Modellers ..Page 1711
- Molasses merchants ..Page 1711
- Money lenders ..Page 1711
- Monumental masons - See Masons (monumental)
- Mortgage companies - See Companies (miscellaneous)
- Motive power gas engineers ..Page 1711
- Motor cars and garage ..Page 1711
- Motor car suppliers and furnishers ..Page 1712
- Motor launches ..Page 1712
- Motor manufacturers ..Page 1712
- Moulding importers - See Picture-frame makers
- Mowing machinery importers ..Page 1712
- Museums ..Page 1712
- Music teachers - See Teachers of music
- Music sellers and musical instrument warehouses ..Page 1712
- Nail and washer manufacturers ..Page 1713
- Naturalists ..Page 1713
- Nautical instrument makers ..Page 1713
- Navigation teachers - See Teachers of navigation
- Net manufacturers ..Page 1713
- Newsagents ..Page 1713
- Newspapers and periodicals (Advisor - Australasian Tailors') ..Page 1714
- Newspapers and periodicals (Australian Agriculturist - Sunday Times) ..Page 1715
- Newspapers and periodicals (Sydney Mail - Young Persons' Temperance) ..Page 1716
- Nickel platers ..Page 1716
- Notaries public ..Page 1716
- Nurses ..Page 1716
- Nurserymen and florists ..Page 1717
- Oar and scull makers - See Boat builders, scull makers
- Office experts and advisers ..Page 1718
- Office furniture importers ..Page 1718
- Official assignees ..Page 1718
- Oil and color merchants and importers ..Page 1718
- Oil and colormen ..Page 1718
- Oil and grease manufacturers ..Page 1719
- Oil engines ..Page 1718
- Oil merchants and importers ..Page 1719
- Oilskin makers ..Page 1719
- Omnibus proprietors ..Page 1719
- Opthalmic opticians ..Page 1719
- Optical lantern goods importers ..Page 1719
- Opticians ..Page 1719
- Ore buyers ..Page 1720
- Ore crushing and testing works ..Page 1720
- Organ builders and importers ..Page 1720
- Outfitters - (see also Tailors) ..Page 1720
- Oven and stove makers and importers ..Page 1721
- Oyster merchants ..Page 1721
- Oyster saloons ..Page 1721
- Packing-case makers ..Page 1721
- Paint manufacturers ..Page 1721
- Painters decorators etc. ..Page 1721
- Painters' brush manufacturers ..Page 1721
- Painters' material importers ..Page 1722
- Palliass makers ..Page 1722
- Paper bag makers ..Page 1722
- Paper box makers ..Page 1723
- Paper manufacturers and importers ..Page 1723
- Paper pattern makers and agents ..Page 1723
- Paper rulers ..Page 1723
- Paperhangings - importers of ..Page 1723
- Parliamentary agents ..Page 1723
- Parcels delivery - See Carriers
- Passenger agents ..Page 1723
- Pastoralists' agents ..Page 1723
- Pastrycooks wholesale and retail ..Page 1723
- Patent attorneys ..Page 1724
- Patent medicine importers ..Page 1724
- Pattern makers ..Page 1724
- Pavement-light manufacturers ..Page 1724
- Fred Walsh, Patent attorney advertisement ..Page 1725
- Pawnbrokers ..Page 1726
- Perambulator makers and importers ..Page 1726
- Perfumery importers ..Page 1726
- Phosphate and guano merchants ..Page 1726
- Photographers ..Page 1726
- Photographic materials and stock importers ..Page 1726
- Phrenologists ..Page 1727
- Physical culture experts ..Page 1727
- Physicians - See Medical practitioners
- Pianoforte importers and warehousemen ..Page 1728
- Pianoforte tuners and repairers ..Page 1728
- Pickle manufacturers ..Page 1728
- Picture dealers ..Page 1729
- Picture mouldings (importers) ..Page 1729
- Picture-frame makers ..Page 1729
- Pipe makers (tobacco) ..Page 1729
- Pipe manufacturers (water) ..Page 1729
- Places of amusement ..Page 1729
- Plant merchants ..Page 1730
- Plasterers ..Page 1730
- Plate-glass importers ..Page 1730
- Plough importers ..Page 1730
- Plumbers and gasfitters ..Page 1730
- Plumbers' material importers and manufacturers ..Page 1730
- Pneumatic despatch tubes ..Page 1731
- Pneumatic tyre manufacturers ..Page 1731
- Polish manufacturers (boots & shoes) ..Page 1732
- Polish manufacturers (metal) ..Page 1732
- Pork butchers ..Page 1732
- Portable engine importers ..Page 1732
- Portmanteau and trunk makers ..Page 1732
- Portrait painters ..Page 1732
- Postage stamp dealers ..Page 1732
- Postcard dealers and importers ..Page 1732
- Potteries ..Page 1732
- Poultry dealers ..Page 1732
- Poultry farmers (Absalom - Armstrong) ..Page 1732
- Poultry farmers (Atkinson - McIntosh) ..Page 1733
- Poultry farmers (Martelli - Woodyatt) ..Page 1734
- Powder and explosive importers ..Page 1734
- Press agents ..Page 1734
- Pressure gauge manufacturers ..Page 1734
- Printers ..Page 1734
- Printers - Copperplate ..Page 1735
- Printers' brokers ..Page 1735
- Printers' engineers ..Page 1735
- Printers' furnishers and material importers ..Page 1736
- Printers' roller composition manufacturers ..Page 1736
- Printing ink manufacturers ..Page 1736
- Printing machine importers ..Page 1736
- Proctors - See Solicitors
- Produce agents ..Page 1736
- Produce brokers ..Page 1736
- Produce dealers ..Page 1736
- Produce merchants (Abbott - Barlow) ..Page 1736
- Produce merchants (Barnes - McDermott) ..Page 1737
- Produce merchants (Macdonald - York) ..Page 1738
- Property agents ..Page 1738
- Property auctioneers ..Page 1739
- Property companies - See Companies (miscellaneous)
- Protection Societies - See Trade Protection Societies
- Provision dealers ..Page 1739
- Provision merchants ..Page 1739
- Publishers ..Page 1739
- Pump - pipe & fitting - importers of ..Page 1740
- Quarry machinery ..Page 1740
- Quarry owners ..Page 1740
- Year Book of Australia advertisement ..Page 1741
- Year Book of NSW advertisement ..Page 1742
- Racing clubs ..Page 1743
- Railway carriage & rolling stock manufacturers and importers ..Page 1743
- Railway contractors ..Page 1743
- Razor-strop manufacturers ..Page 1743
- Reapers and binders - importers of ..Page 1743
- Refreshment rooms ..Page 1743
- Refrigerating experts ..Page 1743
- Refrigerating machinery manufacturers ..Page 1743
- Refrigerating works ..Page 1743
- Refrigerator manufacturers ..Page 1743
- Registrars of births deaths and marriages ..Page 1743
- Registry offices ..Page 1744
- Restaurants and dining and refreshment rooms (ABC Cafe - Crosland) ..Page 1744
- Restaurants and dining and refreshment rooms (Crown - Wade) ..Page 1745
- Restaurants and dining and refreshment rooms (Walker - YWCA) ..Page 1746
- Revolving shutter makers ..Page 1746
- Rice importers ..Page 1746
- Robe makers ..Page 1746
- Rock breakers ..Page 1746
- Rocking-horse makers ..Page 1746
- Roofing material importers ..Page 1746
- Rope and cordage manufacturers ..Page 1746
- Rubber goods importers - See Indiarubber merchants
- Rubber stamp manufacturers ..Page 1746
- Rug warehouses ..Page 1746
- Saddlers - wholesale ..Page 1747
- Saddlers and harnessmakers ..Page 1746
- Saddlers' ironmongers - wholesale and retail ..Page 1747
- Saddletree makers ..Page 1747
- Safe importers ..Page 1747
- Safe manufacturers ..Page 1747
- Sail-cloth manufacturers ..Page 1748
- Sailmakers ..Page 1748
- Salt merchants ..Page 1748
- Sample case makers ..Page 1748
- Sand blasters ..Page 1748
- Sanitary appliances - importers of ..Page 1748
- Sanitary engineers - See Engineers (sanitary)
- Sauce manufacturers ..Page 1748
- Sausage makers ..Page 1748
- Sausage skin importers ..Page 1748
- Saw mills ..Page 1748
- Saw sharpeners ..Page 1748
- Sawmakers ..Page 1748
- Scalemakers ..Page 1748
- ScienTIFic instrument makers and importers ..Page 1749
- Scullmakers ..Page 1749
- Sculptors ..Page 1749
- Seal engravers ..Page 1749
- Seed merchants ..Page 1749
- Seedsmen ..Page 1749
- Self-raising flour manufacturers ..Page 1749
- Sensitized paper manufacturers ..Page 1749
- Sewing cotton agents and importers ..Page 1749
- Sewing machine agents and importers ..Page 1749
- Sewing machine repairers - See Sewing machine agents
- Shale and oil companies ..Page 1750
- Sheep and cattle salesmen ..Page 1750
- Sheep-dip importers ..Page 1750
- Sheep shearing contractors ..Page 1751
- Sheep shearing machine importers ..Page 1751
- Sheet lead and pipe manufacturers ..Page 1751
- Sheet-glass importers ..Page 1751
- Ship furnishers ..Page 1751
- Shipbrokers ..Page 1751
- Shipbuilders ..Page 1751
- Shipchandlers ..Page 1751
- Shipowners ..Page 1751
- Shipping agents and merchants ..Page 1751
- Ships' paint manufacturers ..Page 1752
- Shipsmiths ..Page 1752
- Shirtmakers ..Page 1752
- Shop and office fitters ..Page 1753
- Shorthand writers ..Page 1753
- Showcase makers ..Page 1753
- Shuttermakers (revolving) ..Page 1753
- Signwriters ..Page 1753
- Silk importers and mercers ..Page 1753
- Silverers ..Page 1754
- Silversmiths ..Page 1754
- Skin and hide merchants ..Page 1754
- Skirt manufacturers ..Page 1754
- Slate merchants ..Page 1754
- Slaters ..Page 1754
- Slipper makers ..Page 1754
- Smallgoodsmen (wholesale) ..Page 1754
- Smelters ..Page 1754
- Soap and candle manufacturers ..Page 1755
- Societies - miscellaneous ..Page 1756
- Sodawater machinery importers ..Page 1757
- Solicitors (Abbott and Allen -Bloomfield) ..Page 1757
- Solicitors (Bluett - Halloran) ..Page 1758
- Solicitors (Hamilton - Moseley) ..Page 1759
- Solicitors (Moseley - Warren) ..Page 1760
- Solicitors (Waterford - Young) ..Page 1761
- South Sea Island traders ..Page 1761
- Spice manufacturers and importers ..Page 1761
- Spoke manufacturers ..Page 1761
- Sports depots ..Page 1761
- Spring manufacturers ..Page 1761
- Stained glass artists - See Artists in stained glass
- Stampers and piercers ..Page 1761
- Starch manufacturers ..Page 1761
- Station supplies ..Page 1761
- Stationers - Wholesale and manufacturing ..Page 1761
- Stationers ..Page 1762
- Stationers - law ..Page 1763
- Staymakers ..Page 1763
- Steam navigation companies ..Page 1763
- Steam pump manufacturers ..Page 1764
- Steamship builders ..Page 1764
- Steel and iron pipe makers ..Page 1764
- Steel casting manufacturers ..Page 1764
- Steel ceiling manufacturers ..Page 1764
- Steel merchants ..Page 1764
- Stencil cutters ..Page 1764
- Stereotypers ..Page 1764
- Stevedores ..Page 1764
- Stock and share brokers ..Page 1765
- Stock and station agents ..Page 1765
- Stone &c. merchants ..Page 1765
- Stores (bonded and free) ..Page 1765
- Storekeepers ..Page 1766
- Stove importers ..Page 1767
- Stovemakers ..Page 1767
- Straw hat manufacturers ..Page 1768
- Sugar companies and refiners ..Page 1768
- Surgeons and physicians - See Medical practitioners
- Surgical instrument and truss importers ..Page 1768
- Surveyors (Atchison - Pollitzer) ..Page 1768
- G. Fletcher, Stovemaker advertisement ..Page 1769
- Surveyors (Purvis - Wood) ..Page 1770
- Surveyors - Marine ..Page 1770
- Surveyors - Mining ..Page 1770
- Tag (Luggage) makers ..Page 1770
- Tailors (Abrahams - Howes) ..Page 1770
- Tailors (Howes - Wentworth) ..Page 1771
- Tailors (White Bros. - Zink) ..Page 1772
- Tailors (ladies') ..Page 1772
- Tallow brokers ..Page 1772
- Tallow merchants and refiners ..Page 1772
- Tank makers ..Page 1772
- Tanners and curriers ..Page 1772
- Tar and asphalt paving contractors ..Page 1772
- Tarpaulin makers ..Page 1772
- Taxidermists ..Page 1772
- Tea brokers ..Page 1773
- Tea dealers ..Page 1773
- Tea gardens - See Places of amusement
- Tea merchants ..Page 1773
- Teachers of bookkeeping ..Page 1773
- Teachers of cutting ..Page 1773
- Teachers of dancing ..Page 1773
- Teachers of languages ..Page 1774
- Teachers of music (Abbott - Forsyth) ..Page 1774
- Teachers of music (Frank - Parkinson) ..Page 1775
- Teachers of music (Parsons - Zschill) ..Page 1776
- Teachers of navigation ..Page 1776
- Teachers of painting - See Artists
- Teachers of shorthand ..Page 1776
- Teachers of singing ..Page 1776
- Teachers of writing ..Page 1777
- Telegraph companies ..Page 1777
- Tent makers ..Page 1777
- Terra cotta manufacturers ..Page 1777
- Theatrical costumiere ..Page 1777
- Thread and twine manufacturers ..Page 1777
- Threshing machine importers ..Page 1777
- Ticket writers ..Page 1777
- Tile importers ..Page 1777
- Tile manufacturers ..Page 1777
- Timber broker ..Page 1778
- Timber merchants ..Page 1778
- H. McKenzie, Timber merchant advertisement ..Page 1779
- Tin-mining Co. - See Mining companies
- Tin-tag manufacturers ..Page 1780
- Tinsmiths and tinplate workers ..Page 1780
- Tinsmiths' tool manufacturers ..Page 1780
- Tinware dealers and manufacturers ..Page 1780
- Tobacco and cigar merchants manufacturers and importers ..Page 1780
- Tobacconists ..Page 1780
- Tobacconists' sundriesmen ..Page 1780
- Tool makers and importers ..Page 1781
- Tool sharpeners ..Page 1782
- Tourists' bureaux ..Page 1782
- Toy importers ..Page 1782
- Traction engine importers ..Page 1782
- Trade assignees ..Page 1782
- Trade protection societies ..Page 1782
- Trade-marks agents ..Page 1782
- Tramcar builders ..Page 1782
- Translators ..Page 1782
- Treacle and syrup makers ..Page 1783
- Tricycle makers - See Bicycle importers, &c.
- Truck manufacturers ..Page 1783
- Trunk makers ..Page 1783
- Truss makers ..Page 1783
- Trustee companies ..Page 1783
- Tube manufacturers ..Page 1783
- Tug owners ..Page 1783
- Turners - Wood &c. ..Page 1783
- Turret clock manufacturers ..Page 1783
- Tweed manufacturers ..Page 1783
- Twine merchants ..Page 1783
- Typefounders and importers ..Page 1784
- Typewriter importers ..Page 1784
- Typewriter repairers ..Page 1784
- Typists ..Page 1784
- Umbrella makers ..Page 1785
- Underclothing importers ..Page 1785
- Underclothing manufacturers ..Page 1785
- Undertakers ..Page 1785
- Undertakers' furnishers ..Page 1786
- Underwriters ..Page 1786
- Wood & Co., Undertaker advertisement ..Page 1787
- Universal providers ..Page 1788
- Upholsterers ..Page 1788
- Valuators ..Page 1788
- Van proprietors ..Page 1788
- Varnish manufacturers ..Page 1789
- Venetian blind makers ..Page 1789
- Ventilator manufacturers ..Page 1789
- Veterinary instrument maker ..Page 1790
- Veterinary surgeons ..Page 1790
- Vinegar manufacturers ..Page 1790
- Violin makers ..Page 1790
- Waggon builders ..Page 1790
- Wall papers makers ..Page 1790
- Wallpaper importers ..Page 1790
- Warehousemen ..Page 1790
- Watch and clock makers ..Page 1791
- Watch-case makers ..Page 1791
- Watchmakers' material and tool importers and makers ..Page 1792
- Water meter manufacturers ..Page 1792
- Waterproof clothing manufacturers ..Page 1792
- Weighbridge manufacturers ..Page 1792
- Weighbridges ..Page 1792
- Weighing machine manufacturers ..Page 1792
- Wharves ..Page 1792
- Wheelwrights ..Page 1792
- Whip makers ..Page 1793
- White Ant Exterminators ..Page 1793
- White lead and paint manufacturers ..Page 1793
- Wig makers ..Page 1793
- Windmill and pump importers ..Page 1793
- Window cleaners ..Page 1793
- Window fitters ..Page 1793
- Window frame makers importers &c. ..Page 1793
- Window-blind makers ..Page 1793
- Wine and spirit merchants and importers ..Page 1794
- Wine retailers ..Page 1794
- Winegrowers ..Page 1794
- Winegrowers' requisites - importers of ..Page 1794
- Wire mattress (woven) manufacturers ..Page 1795
- Wire nail manufacturers ..Page 1796
- Wire netting manufacturers ..Page 1796
- Wire rope makers ..Page 1796
- Wire workers ..Page 1796
- Wood and coal merchants ..Page 1796
- Wood and ivory turners ..Page 1796
- Wood benders ..Page 1796
- Wood carvers ..Page 1796
- Wood carving material ..Page 1796
- Wood process and metal engravers ..Page 1796
- Woodworking machinery importers ..Page 1796
- Wool brokers ..Page 1797
- Wool merchants ..Page 1797
- Wool press manufacturers ..Page 1797
- Wool pressers ..Page 1797
- Wool scourers ..Page 1798
- Woollen drapers ..Page 1798
- Woollen manufacturers ..Page 1798
- Woollen merchants ..Page 1798
- Writing masters ..Page 1798
- Zinc founders ..Page 1798
- Zinc tablet manufacturers ..Page 1798
- Zinc white manufacturer ..Page 1798
- Zinc workers ..Page 1798
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