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Sands Sydney Alphabetical Directory 1900
Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2005
- Aachen and Munich Insurance Coy - Abrahams Samuel
- Advertisement - Wood and Company, Undertakers
- Abrahams Thomas - Adamson F.J.
- Adamson Geo. - Aitken Thomas
- Aitken Thomas - Ali Alfred
- Alison W. - Allen William
- Allen Rev. William - Amor Thomas
- Amor W.J. - Anderson Jas.R.
- Anderson John - Andrews James
- Advertisement for T. Andrews and Sons Undertakers
- Andrews James - Arblaster George
- Arblaster Richard - Armstrong William
- Armstrong William - Ashe John T
- Ashe Miss - Atkinson (Chris.) Bros.
- Atkinson Misses - Austin Mrs. M.J.
- Austin Martin W. - Australian Mutual Fire Insurance Society
- Australian Mutual Investment and Building Co., Ltd. - Bager A.
- Baggeley T. - Baker Mrs. G.
- Baker G. - Ball Louis
- Ball R.T. - Banks W.D.
- Banks W.J. - Barker William
- Barker William - Barnett John
- Barnett L. - Barrington W.J.
- Barrington W. - Bass D. and Co.
- Bass Relief Photo Co. - Baumash and O'Donnell London and Melbourne Tailoring Co.
- Baumberg A.H. - Beardsley A.
- Beardsmore W. - Bedford G.W.
- Bedford Hugh - Bell John
- Bell Joseph - Bennett Charles
- Bennett Charles - Bentley Thomas
- Bentley Thomas C. - Best Arthur
- Best C. Harvey - Bilby W.H.
- Biles George - Bishop Joseph
- Bishop Joseph - Blaikie Thomas
- Blain Albert - Blomgren C.
- Blomgren Charles J. - Boivin Eugene
- Bokenham Miss - Booth Abraham
- Booth Alfred - Boughton William
- Boughtwood T.O. - Bowers Hamlet
- Bowers Henry - Boyd Philip
- Boyd R. - Bradley Richard
- Bradley Robert - Brand Peter
- Brand Robert - Brennan James
- Brennan James - Bridin Jas.E.
- Bridle J. - Broadbent Joseph
- Broadbent S. - Brooks Arthur A.
- Brooks C. - Brown Alexander
- Brown Alex. - Brown J.H.
- Brown J.H. - Brown W.H.
- Brown W.H. - Brutch Conrad
- Bruton Fredk. - Buckle Mrs. C.
- Buckle F. - Bulli Coal Mining Co.
- Bulli Colliery and Coke Works - Burke G.
- Burke George - Burns Sylvester
- Burns T. - Bush Herbert
- Bush J. - Buttle Henry E.
- Buttle Thomas - Cadden Robert
- Cadden W. - Callaghan Michael
- Callaghan Mrs. - Campbell J. & W.
- Campbell and Kinsela - Camperdown Steam Joinery Works
- Camperdown Town Hall - Carey Francis
- Carey H.H. - Carr Thomas J.
- Carr Mrs. W. - Carter Charles
- Carter Charles - Cassell and Co. Ltd.
- Cassell John - Cazneau W.
- Cearns Arthur - Chandler Mrs. E.
- Chandler Mrs. E. - Charles John G.
- Charles Joseph - Chestnut William
- Chetter John - Christian Henry
- Advertisement for Chown Bros. West Sydney Galvanizing Works
- Christian John B. - City Weighbridge
- Civic Club - Clark William
- Clark William - Clarkson Harry H.
- Clarkson Henry - Clifford J.
- Clifford J. - Cobb J.S.
- Cobb John - Coffill & Company
- Cogan John - Cole John
- Cole John - Collin Robert
- Collin R. - Colonial Lighting Syndicate Ltd.
- Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance Co. - Conlon Peter
- Conlon Mrs. R. - Conway James
- Conway James - Cooke Robert
- Cooke S. - Co-operative Coal Yard
- Co-operative Colliery - Cormack Alex.
- Cormack Donald - Cotter James
- Cotter James - Cowan Mrs. R.
- Cowan Richard - Coxon W.F. and Co. Ltd.
- Coxon Frank - Crane William jun.
- Cranes C. - Creswell A.J.
- Creswell Arnold E. - Crombie Edward
- Crombie Fredk. - Croydon Railway Station
- Croydon Steam Brick Co. Limited - Cummins Thomas M.
- Cummins W. - Curtin J.
- Curtin James - Dale J.F.
- Dale Thomas - Daniels James
- Daniels John - Davenport and Co.
- Davenport F. - Davies John
- Davies Joseph - Davis John
- Davis John - Dawson A.F.
- Dawson A.F. - Dean T.H.
- Dean Thomas - Delany S.A.
- Advertisement for John Sands and Co.
- Delany T.D. - Dennis Robert
- Dennis Simon - Devereaux P.
- Devereux George - Dickson and Tregarthen
- Dickson and Turkington - Dixon G.F.
- Dixon G.J. - Doherty N.
- Doherty N. - Donovan A.
- Donovan A.G. - Doutrebande C.
- Doutty A.C. - Doyle Joseph
- Doyle Joseph - Drummoyne Post, Telegraph and Money Order Office
- Drummoyne Public School - Du Lefebvre
- Duley George W. - Dunn Jas.
- Dunn Jas. - Dwyer John
- Dwyer John - Eastern Suburbs Cold Storage and Ice Co.
- Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Co. Limited - Edmonds Herbert H.
- Edmonds H. - Edwards Thos. B.
- Edwards W. - Ellery Valentine
- Ellery W. - Ellis J.
- Ellis J.C. - Empson & Son Ltd.
- Empson Charles - Erskineville Railway Station
- Erskineville Post Office - Evans Mrs. R.
- Evans R.H. - Eyre Charles
- Eyre David - Fallick S.C.
- Fallon Bros. - Farrell Edward
- Farrell Edward - Feehan John
- Feeley and Connolly - Ferguson Robert J.
- Ferguson Ronald - Filkins Frank
- Fillans J.D. - Fisher W.C. and Co.
- Fisher A. - Fitzpatrick John
- Advertisement for John Sands and Co.
- Fitzpatrick M. - Flemming W.H.
- Flemming W.H. - Floyd W.
- Advertisement for G. Fletcher & Son, Stove Makers
- Floyd Mrs. W. - Ford Albert
- Ford Alfred - Forsyth James
- Forsyth James - Fowler S.J.
- Fowler S.P.A. - Franklin Richard
- Franklin Thomas - Freeman J.R.L.
- Freeman J.T. - Fry Edward J.
- Fry Erick M. - Gabriel Adolphe
- Gabriel Edward A. - Gamble Michael
- Gamble Robert - Garner Joseph
- Garner S. - Gauld Samuel
- Gauld Sydney - Geoghegan Jas.
- Geoghegan J.L. - Gibbs Peter
- Gibbs W. - Gilchrist, Watt and Co.
- Gilchrist Mrs. A. - Gillham H.K.
- Gillham J.J. - Gledhill C.
- Gledhill I. - Godden Frank
- Godden George - Gommesen Joseph
- Gommesen J. and Co. - Gordon A.
- Gordon and Gotch - Gough H.
- Gough J. - Grace Edward
- Grace Edwin - Grant Charles
- Grant D.T. - Gray Thomas
- Gray W. - Green S.S.
- Green S.T. - Gregory W.
- Advertisement for John Sands
- Gregory W. - Griffiths Charles
- Griffiths Charles - Grout Albert E.
- Advertisement for The Grosvenor Hotel
- Grout Edwin - Guthrie Frederick
- Guthrie F.B. - Haigh William
- Hailes A.C. - Hall Thomas
- Hall Thomas - Hamilton A.
- Hamilton A. - Hancock Mrs. Sarah
- Hancock S.H. - Hanslow Alfred
- Hanslow Alfred J. - Hardy George
- Advertisement for John Sands
- Hardy H. - Harper John
- Harper John - Harris John C.
- Harris John H. - Harrison W.
- Advertisement for Harrison & Attwood, Wine and Spirit Merchants
- Harrison W. - Harvey M.
- Harvey M.L. - Hawkins Mrs. J.
- Hawkins J. - Hayes Michael
- Hayes Mortimer - Henney A.
- Heaney Edward - Hellawell J.E.H.
- Hellemann W. - Hendren Jas. D.
- Hendrick J. - Heptonstall Isaac
- Hepworth H.B.P. - Hewitt R.J.
- Hewitt S.M. - Higgs James
- Higgs James - Hill Robert
- Hill Robert - Hindwood S.
- Hindwood William C. - Hockings F.J.
- Hockings H. - Hogan Michael
- Hogan Michael - Holland and Langkop
- Holland and Twomey - Holmes William
- Holmes W.O. - Hope Charles
- Hope Charles J. - Horniker Bernard
- Horniman F.S. - Houghton E.
- Houghton G. - Howarth Robert
- Howarth Robert - Hudson Brothers
- Hudson F.W. and P. - Hughes Mrs.
- Hughes M.A. - Hungerford Thos.
- Hunley Thomas E. - Hunwick A.E.
- Hupton Jas. - Huxtable H.
- Huxtable Mrs. L.R. - Industrial Blind Institution
- Industrial Life Assurance Society - Irvine M.
- Irvine Mrs. M. - Jackson C.J.
- Jackson C.R. - Jacques William
- Jacquet J.B. - Jamieson S.
- Jamieson Samuel - Jelfs William
- Jelfs W. - Jessop Oliver
- Jessop W.J. - Johnson J.P.
- Johnson J.T. - Johnston K.
- Johnston L. - Jones Charles
- Jones Charles - Jones L.
- Jones L.C. Russell - Joseph Alfred
- Joseph C.E. - Kane Annie
- Kane Edward - Keeffe James
- Keeffe John - Kelly James
- Kelly James - Kendrick Thomas
- Kendrigan E. - Kent Charles
- Kent Charles - Kerwick John
- Kerwick Michael - King Mrs. A.F.
- King A.J. - Kingsbrough Miss
- Kingsbury and Co. - Kirk Patrick W.
- Advertisement for Charles Kinsela, Undertaker
- Kirk R.N - Knight James
- Knight James - Kruce Harry
- Krueger Dr.H. - Lamb John
- Lamb John - Lane A.P.
- Lane Mrs. Ada - La Perouse Post and Telegraph Office
- Lapham H.T. - Laurence G.M.
- Advetisement for John Sands Ltd.
- Laurence F. - Lawrence T.H.
- Lawrence Thomas - Lear George
- Advertisement for Lawrence, Caro and Co. Ltd. Auctioneers
- Leard Miss S. - Leech Thomas
- Leech William - Lemon Joseph
- Lena Andrew - Leverton W.J.
- Leves T.B. - Lewis L.
- Lewis Leo - Lincoln William
- Lincott W.H. - Little James and Co.
- Little Frank and Co. - Lloyd E.
- Lloyd Mrs. E. - Lomas John S.
- Lomax George - Lord-Lee Mrs.
- Lording Edward E. - Lowe David
- Lowe David - Lukeman D.
- Advertisements - Lucasia Soap, John Sands
- Lukeman James - Lynott Mrs. T.
- Lyon, Cottier and Co. - McCauley Thexter
- McAuley William - McCarthy M.A.
- McCarthy M. A'Beckett - McCormick M.
- McCorquodale Brothers - McDonald Allen
- McDonald Andrew - McDonough P.F.
- McDonough Patrick - McFarland M.
- McFarlane P. - McGrath John
- McGrath John - McInnes Donald
- McInnes E. - McKay William
- McKay William - McKenzie Walter
- McKenzie William - McLaren Alexander
- McLaren Alex. - McLeod James
- McLeod James - McMinn Samuel
- McMonigal - McNiece H.
- Macnish Mrs. J. - McVicar Mrs. M.
- McVicar Mrs. Mary - Maher Wm.
- Maher W. Odillo - Mallingford John
- Mallinson F. - Manners William
- Mannex John - Marine Club
- Marine Board - Marsh A.E.
- Marsh Brothers Ltd. - Martin A.
- Martin A.F. - Martin William
- Martin Rev. William - Masterman Bros.
- Masterman Mrs. E. - Matthews W.
- Matthews W. - Maze H.H.
- Mazey David - Meldrum H.
- Meldrum J. - Merrifield Mrs.
- Merrifield W.A. - Michael L.
- Michael P. - Miller Alex.
- Miller Alexander - Milligan Joseph jun.
- Milligan Joseph - Mingay William C.
- Mingays J.C.H. - Mitchell Thomas
- Mitchell Thomas - Moloney Michael
- Moloney T.J. - Moody J.E.
- Moody John - Moore Julian
- Moore Mrs. K. - Morgan Charles H.
- Morgan D. - Morris Henry
- Morris Henry E. - Morse William
- Morse Thomas - Moss H.A.
- Moss H.C.G. - Mudge J.
- Mudge James - Munday Robert
- Mundelius C. - Murphy Rev. L.
- Murphy Luke - Murray Patrick
- Murray Peter - Nacken H.
- Nada and Lemaire - Neal George
- Neal Herbert - Nelson John
- Nelson John - N.S.W. Magic Soap Works
- N.S.W. Master Bakers Association - Newling Arthur
- Newling H. - Neylon John
- Niass John - Nightingale C.
- Advertisement for Nicholson & Co. Pianos
- Advertisement for Nicholson & Co. Pianos
- Nightingale Daniel - Norman R.L.
- Norman W. - Norton Robt.
- Norton Thomas - O'Brien Mrs. C.
- O'Brien Charles - O'Connor Cornelius
- O'Connor D. - Ogaard H.V.
- Ogaard C.L. - Oliver James
- Oliver James - Oram Miss Murray
- Oram Robert - Osbourne E.
- Osbourne John - Owen Moses
- Owen Capt. P. - Paine Albert
- Paine Alfred - Paradise G.
- Paradon Jules - Parkes Edward
- Parkes F. - Parry J.H.
- Parry James - Paterson Charles
- Paterson, Laing and Bruce Ltd. - Patton Mrs. E.
- Patton J. - Peaker Thos.
- Peakhurst Post Office - Peck John W.
- Peck William - Penson J.
- Penson James - Perry Mrs. M.
- Perry M. - Pettigrew Mrs. M.
- Pettigrew James - Phillips R.
- Phillips R.J. - Pigg John G.
- Piggott C.G. - Pitt G.N.
- Pitt George - Pollard H.J.
- Pollard J.H. - Porter Frederick
- Porter George - Powell Miss M.L.
- Powell Mark - Preshaw Mrs. G.O.
- Presland C.W. - Prince Fredk.
- Prince G.W. - Public Works Department
- Public Weighbridge - Pye Mrs.
- Pye Thomas H. - Quinn Mrs. E.
- Quinn C. - Raine and Horne
- Raine Mrs. Ann - Raper Miss Jane
- Advertisement for John Sands
- Raper Sidney - Read Joseph
- Read Miss - Rees J.S.
- Rees John - Reilly George
- Reilly Herbert - Reynolds Arthur J.
- Advertisement for Jules Renard & Co.
- Reynolds C. - Richards W.W.
- Richards Walter - Rider John
- Ridge Edward - Riordan Mrs. S.
- Riordan T. - Roberts George
- Roberts George - Robertson Harry
- Robertson Henry - Robinson H.E.
- Robinson H.E.C. - Rockler C.
- Rockley Wall - Rohrmann C.
- Rohrmann Fredk. - Rose William
- Rose William - Rosston John
- Rossy August - Rowley William
- Rowlin R. - Rummell W.
- Rumpf Mrs. A. - Russell William
- Russell-Jones G.E. - Ryan Michael
- Ryan Michael sen. - St. Andrew's Presbyterian College
- St. Augustine's Primary Girls' School - Salkilld Benjamin
- Salkild H.T. - Sandon H.
- Sandon Henry - Saunders W.
- Saunders W. - Scates C.D.
- Scates Mrs. - Schumacher John
- Schumacher T. - Scott Miss R.
- Scott Mrs. R.H. - Searle James
- Searle John W. - Seward Charles
- Seward Henry - Sharples Cream Separator and Dairy Supply
- Shauman F. - Sheerin Joseph I.
- Sheerin and Hennessy - Sherwood E. and Co.
- Sherwin William - Shoults Francis
- Shoultz Robert - Simmons W.J.
- Simmons Mick - Sinclair Annie
- Advertisement for Mick Simmons, Tobacco Merchant
- Sinclair A. - Skipper John
- Skipper Mrs. J.B. - Small Jesse J.
- Small John sen. - Smith Arthur
- Smith Arthur - Smith George
- Smith George - Smith John
- Smith John - Smith Thomas
- Smith Thomas - Smythe Mrs. P.R.
- Smythe R.S. - Sorensen R.F.
- Sorensen Soren - Sparrow Herbert
- Sparrow F. - Spithill John
- Spithill John - Stalker Dugald
- Stalker Mrs. E. - Starkey Edward
- Starkey Bros. and Co. Ltd. - Stehr B.
- Advertisement for Starkey Bros. and Co. Ltd.
- Stehr F.A. - Stevens G.J.
- Stevens G.W. - Stewart J. Brown
- Stewart J.D. - Stone Walter
- Advertisements - W.Stone, John Sands
- Stokes D. - Strand Electric Lighting Co. Ltd.
- Strand Mercery Bazaar - Stuckey Mrs. E.
- Stuckey D.G. - Sundquisd W.
- Sunlight Gold Mining Co. - Swan William R.
- Swanborough Jas. - Sydney Exchange
- Sydney Express Messenger Co. - Sydney Wool-scouring Co.
- Sydney Wool-selling Brokers' Association - Tanner and Co.
- Tanner J. and Co. - Taylor Alfred
- Taylor Alfred - Taylor P.T.
- Taylor Owen - Terrill S.
- Terrill S.H. - Thomas Fredk.
- Thomas Frederick - Thompson G.C.
- Thompson G.C. - Thompson William
- Thompson William - Thornton W.
- Thornton W. - Tillock James T.
- Tillon Henry - Tomley J.
- Tomlin A.G. - Town and Country Land, Building and Investment Co. Ltd.
- Town Hall - Treen Vincent
- Treeve William - Trueman Robert
- Truer G. - Turnbull H.
- Turnbull George - Turrall John C.
- Turramurra Post Office - Union Importing Co. Ltd.
- Union Box and Packing Case Company - Van Breda F.C.
- Van Brakkel Miss - Vert Philip
- Veseys Mrs. M. - Virgo T.C.
- Advertisements - C.B. Vintiner, John Sands
- Virgoe,Son and Chapman - Wainwright Mrs. Jos.
- Wainwright J.S. - Walker Frederick
- Walker Frederick - Wall and Molesworth
- Wall and Son - Walsh E. jun.
- Walsh E.M. - Wannell George
- Wansey Henry - Ware Joseph
- Ware Leo - Waterhouse John
- Waterhouse John - Watson George J.
- Watson H. - Watts F.
- Watts F.M. - Webb D.W.
- Webb Mrs E. - Weeks Mrs. R.A.
- Weeks Edward - Wells Stephen
- Advertisement for John Sands
- Wells T. - Westgarth, Nathan and Co.
- Westgarth G.C. - Whitchard G.
- White A.J. Limited - White T.
- White T. - Whitney W.P.
- Advetisement for Whitehead's Sydney Parcel Delivery Company
- Whito John - Wilcox John
- Advertisement for W.H. Wigzell, Ornamental Hair Worker
- Wilcox John P. - Wilkinson T.
- Wilkinson T.B. - Williams George
- Williams George - Williams W.
- Williams W. - Willoughby Public School
- Willoughby A. - Wilson George
- Wilson George - Wilson W.
- Wilson W. - Wise and Fuller
- Wise H. and Co. - Wood F.
- Wood F.E. - Woodford W.O.
- Advertisement for Wood & Company, Undertakers
- Woodgate Edward - Wooller John
- Woollett George - Wright Charles
- Wright Charles - Wylie John
- Advertisement for The Wunderlich company
- Wylie John - Young Bros.
- Young Folks' Temperance Advocate - Younger Mrs. K.
- Younger L.D. - Zwicker, Tod and Co.
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