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Sands Country Alphabetical Directory 1909
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Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales (pages 1B - 176B).Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 1997
- Aachen & Munich Fire Insurance Co. Newcastle - Ah Quan
- Ah Quong & Co. - Allen Bros.
- Allen Bros., Wolumla - Anderson R.J.
- Anderson Robert J. - Armidale School of Arts
- Armidale Tennis Club - Atkinson E.G.A.
- Atkinson F. - Baglee H.A.
- Bagnall W. - Ballina P. and H. Society
- Ballina Philharmonic Society - Barrengarry Dairy Co. Ltd.
- Barrenjoey Lighthouse - Bathurst Newsagency
- Bathurst Poor Relief Society - Bega District Hospital
- Bega District Jockey Club - Bennett J.G.
- Bennett J.J. - Betteridge Miss A.E.
- Bettison W.E. - Blackburn Norman
- Blackburn W. - Bluck N.
- Blue Mountains H. and I. Society - Bond W.
- Bond W. - Bowden W.J.
- Bowdich H. - Bradney J.
- Bradshaw A. - Brewis S.
- Brewster C. - Broken Hill Junction North S.M. Co. Ltd
- Broken Hill Licensed Victuallers' Racing Club - Brown D.
- Brown Rev. David - Bryant A.
- Bryant Bros. - Bungendore School of Arts
- Bunker D.J. - Burrows J.W.
- Burrows John Proprietary Ltd - Byrnes A.A.
- Byrnes B. - Camden School of Arts
- Camden Park Estate Butter Factory - Campbell Joshua
- Campbell L. - Carlton E.R.
- Carlton Thomas - Casino Grammar School
- Casino Gun Club - Chant and Bartlett
- Chant & Co. Ltd - Chisholm A.C.
- Chisholm Lieut.-Col. H.J. - Clarke Harris
- Clarke J. - Cobar-Gladstone Gold Mining Co.
- Cobar Gold Mines - Coleman Arthur
- Coleman Charles - Comins T.
- Comley H.H. - Conway Miss
- Conway R. - Cootamundra Grammar School
- Cootamundra Gun and Sparrow Club - Cotter P.J.
- Cotterell H.F. - Craig David
- Craig George - Crookwell Co-operative Butter Co. Ltd.
- Crookwell District Hospital - Cunningham W.J.
- Cunnington J.T. - Danes Miss C.E.
- Dangar Cottage Hospital - Davis Bros.
- Davis Bros. - De Boos C.E.
- De Boos Mrs. M.A. - Dewar James
- Dewar James - Donaldson L.
- Donaldson M.J. - Doyle George H.
- Doyle H. - Dunk W.C.
- Dunkley Rev. F.J. - East Phoenix Gold Mining Co.
- East H. - Eldershaw P.S.
- Eldridge G.J. - Emu Plains Progress Association
- Emu Photo Co. - Fagan Rev. Father Patrick
- Failes F.G. - Fennell Miss
- Fennell Mrs. - Fischer Bros.
- Fischer H. - Flintoft T.
- Flintoff Thomas - Foster J.
- Foster James - Freer Alfred E.
- Freer E.M. - Gale and Knox
- Gale and Paine - Gassman J.
- Gaston Charles A. - Gilbert Owen
- Gilbert Thomas - Glynn Thomas (Estate of late)
- Glynn W. - Gorman T.
- Gorman W.J. - Grainger A.
- Grainger D.A. - Greenwood J.
- Greenwood T.H. - Guest D.G.
- Guest Edward - Haiser G.
- Halbish Mrs. E. - Hankin Arthur
- Hankins Edward - Harkins W. Wallace
- Harland Mrs. - Hartley Frank
- Hartley Frank - Hay Athenaeum
- Hay Benevolent Society - Hedderman W.
- Hedditch E.H. - Herren J.
- Herrick H. - Hill A.
- Hill A. - Hobden A.H.
- Hobson J. & Son - Holmes J.B. & Sons
- Holmes R.W. and Co. - Hosking J.W. and Son
- Hosking J.E.F. - Hudson J.B.
- Hudson J.Y. - Hunter River Vineyard Co.
- Hunter Valley Distilly. Co. - Inglis T. and K.
- Inglis Wm., Garlick and Co. - Jacob John
- Jacob Joseph - Jenner Geo.W.
- Jenner H. - Johnston A.D.
- Johnston A.J. - Jones W.E.
- Jones W.F.L. - Keating T.
- Keating Thomas - Kempnish J.
- Kempsey Agricultural Society - Kiama Benevolent Society
- Kiama Blue Metal Co. - Kinred Frederick
- Kinross R.M. - Kritsch Bros.
- Krohn J.J. - Lancaster H.
- Lancaster H.J. - Laverty Stewart
- Laverty W.A. - Lee H.
- Lee H.H. - Lewis & Thomas
- Lewis A. - Lithgow Poor Relief Society
- Lithgow Progress Association - London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co.
- London Tailoring Depot - Luff E.J.
- Luff R. - McBurney Mrs.
- McBurney W. - McCullum A. & H.
- McCullum Jas. - McDonough Mrs. Mary
- McDouall R. - McGregor J.L.
- McGregor John - McKeachie D.
- McKechnie Lachlan - McLaughlin A.
- McLaughlin A. - McMurtrie and Co. Ltd.
- McMurtrie Bros. - Mafeking Colliery
- Maffey T.W.H. - Manilla Racing Club
- Manilla Tailoring & Mercery Co. - Marshall E.E.
- Marshall F. - Mather Adam
- Mather Alexander - Meers Robert
- Meers W.R. - Milgate J.
- Milgate J. - Mitchell E.
- Mitchell E. - Moore and Co.
- Moore and Glee - Morgan T.R.
- Morgan W. - Moses James
- Moses T.A. - Muncey Mrs. R.
- Mun Chong And Co. Murray W.
- Murray Rev. W.A. - Narrandera Public Hall Co.
- Narromine Convent School - Neville Peter
- Neville Robert - Newman J.B.
- Newman J.H. - Noller C.
- Noller Mrs.C.G. - Nye Richard
- Nyhaus R. - O'Donoghue Rev. Father John
- O'Donoghue M.J. - O'Neill Thomas
- O'Neill W. - Oxley F.N.
- Oxley G. - Parker N.M.
- Parker O. - Patterson Jno.
- Patterson John - Peevers Bros.
- Peevers Wm. - Peterson L.B.
- Petherbridge T.S. - Pile & Roger
- Pile and Wheeler - Pope W.
- Popilarie P. - Priest John
- Priest John - Queanbeyan Hospital
- Queanbeyan Observer - Rankin George
- Rankin H.R. - Reid A.E.
- Reid A.G. - Richardson E.E.
- Richardson F.A. - Robbins E.E.
- Robberds R.O. - Robinson George
- Robinson Graham - Rollins S.
- Rolph Rev.L.H. - Rowlands E. Propty. Ltd.
- Rowlands James - Ryan James
- Ryan John - Sanders Mrs.
- Advertisement for John Sands Ltd.
- Sanders W.G. - Schafer Leonard
- Scharenberg H. - Scottish Australian Mining Co. Ltd.
- Scottish Union and National Insurance Co. - Shakespear A.
- Shakespear Miss B. - Shepard E.
- Shephard J.R. - Silverspur Mining Co.
- Silverthorne S. - Sisters of St. Joseph
- Sivell J. - Smith W. & Co.
- Smith & Woodbury - Smith Mrs.L.
- Smith L.A. - Snow T.
- Snow W. - Spencer Sen. Constable
- Spencer Ven. Arch. George - Steele W. & A.
- Steele A.B. - Stewart R.W.
- Stewart R.W. - Strong S.
- Strong Stephen - Swan John T.
- Swan L.W. - Tattersall H.J.
- Tattersall's Jockey Club - Tenterfield Hospital
- Tenterfield I.P.A and M. Society - Thompson C.A.
- Thompson C. Faber - Thorsby F.W.
- Thursby F.W. - Toohey E.J.
- Toohey J. - Tuck H.A.
- Tuck Rev.E.J. - Tweedie H. & T.
- Tweedie F.W. - Vaughan J.
- Vaughan J.G. - Wagga Wagga Monumental Co.
- Wagga Wagga P. & A. Association - Walkom O.
- Wall Bros. - Walsh W.H.
- Walsh W.H. - Warrington A.E.
- Warrington George - Wearne Edward C.J.
- Wearne F. - Wells Bros.
- Wells Bros. - Whatman S.E.
- Whatsom Percy - Whitfield W.
- Whitford and Meek - Wilkinson G.
- Wilkinson H.F. - Williamson J.S.
- Williamson John - Windsor L.
- Windsor Mrs.S. - Wood Miss
- Wood Miss - Wright C.H.
- Wright Cecil - Yates R.W.
- Yaupaling Miss A. - Zlotkowski A.B.F
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