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Sands Sydney Alphabetical Directory 1910
Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales (pages 757 - 1461).Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 1998
- Aachen - Abercrombie
- Wood & Company Advertisement
- Abercrombie - Adams
- Adams TJ - Addison
- Addison - Aikman
- Aikman Robison - Alderson
- Alderson - Algie
- Algie John - Allard Horace
- Allard - Allen
- Allen - Allsopp
- Allsopp Oscar - Amor Thos
- Amor - Anderson
- WJ Amor Advertisement
- Anderson - Anderson P
- Anderson PF - Andrews
- Andrews AB - Angus Railway Carriage Company
- Angus and Sons - Antome
- Antoine - Arkell
- Arkell Mrs Kate - Armytage
- Arncliffe - Arthur
- Arthur Miss H - Ashton
- Ashton - Atkins
- Atkins FW - Audet JE
- Audet - Austral Orchestral Soc'ty
- Austral Whiting Co - Australian Historical Society
- Australian Home Journal - Avern
- Avern Miss M - Backhouse Jno
- Backhouse - Bailey
- Bailey Mrs Martha - Baker ES
- Baker Edward - Balchin
- Balcombe - Balmain Bowling Club
- Balmain Cemetery - Banks
- Banks Edwin - Barden
- Barden Mrs Emma - Barlow Fredk
- Barlow - Barnes William F
- Barnes - Barraclough Mrs M
- Barraclough - Barron John
- Barron - Bartlett John
- Bartlett - Bastard II
- Bastard - Batkin
- Batley - Baxter Wm
- Baxter - Bear Mrs R
- Bear - Beaumont WJ
- Beaumont Walter - Bedkober FJ
- Bedkober - Belisario
- Bell's Asbestos - Bell Thomas
- Bell Thomas - Benham Harold
- Benham - Bennett Henry W
- Bennett - Benson Sven J
- Benson - Bernard LH
- Bernard - Bethel
- Bethel Harry - Bidgood and Son
- Bidgood - Birch
- Birch Mrs RE - Bishop Walter
- Bishop - Blacklock W
- Blacklock - Blake PS
- Blake - Blinkhorne
- Blinman - Blythe George
- Blythe - Bohrsmann
- Bohun - Bone William
- Bone - Booth John T
- Booth - Botany Young Men's Christian Assn.
- Botcher - Bourne
- Bourne George D - Bowes Timothy
- Bowes - Boyd Alex
- Boyd - Brackenbrig
- Brackenbury - Bradshaw Paul
- Bradshaw - Bramwell and Vincent
- Bramwell A - Bray Wm
- Bray William - Brennan Jamees
- Brennan James - Brian William G
- Briant - Briggs William F
- Briggs - British Medical Association
- British Pianoforte Depot Limited - Brody
- Brodziak - Brookman
- Brooks Sheet Glass - Broughton
- Broughton Ernest A - Brown Chas
- Brown Charles - Brown George
- Brown Gilbert - Brown John A
- Brown John A - Brown Thomas
- Brown Thomas - Browne FW
- Browne - Bruell
- Bruggmann - Brydon
- Brydon - Buckland Thomas
- Buckland - Builder Printing Works
- Building Trades Directory - Bullow
- Bullow - Burgess
- Burgess and Rose Co - Burke WG
- Burke WS - Burns Edward
- Burns - Burraston
- Burrawong - Burton John
- Burton - Butcher F
- Butcher - Butt Henry J
- Butt - Byrne Henry
- Byrne Hugh - Cabman
- Cabot - Caldwell & Watt
- Caldwell & Watt Advertisement
- Caldwell and Co - Calnan
- Calow - Campany
- Campany - Campbell
- Campbell - Camperdown Gas Station
- Camperdown Horse Saleyard - Canterbury Public
- Canterbury Railway Station - Caplice
- Cargill - Carney
- Carney John - Carrington
- Carrington Mrs AJ - Carson Mrs Minnie
- Carson Robert - Carter Miss E
- Carter WH - Cass Mrs K
- Cass - Catterall
- Catterall - Central Police Court
- Central Police Station - Chambers HB
- Chambers - Chaplin
- Chapman & Co - Chappel
- Chappell Bros - Chaucer
- Chauleur - Chidzey
- Chief Secretary's Department - Chown
- Chown Bros & Mulholland Limited Advertisement
- Chown Edwin - Christopherson
- Christopherson - Clancy
- Clancy Andrew - Clark Hedley
- Clark - Clarke Edmund
- Clarke Edward - Clarke WW
- Clarke WWB - Clegg
- Clegg Mrs Mary - Clifton Mrs M
- Clifton - Coady Edward
- Coady J - Cocks John
- Cocks - Cohen Arthur
- Cohen B - Cole George
- Cole Mrs H - Coles HW
- Coles Mrs J - Collins HN
- Collins HR - Colonial Fertilisers Co
- Colonial Fertilisers Co - Commercial Banking Company Of Sydney Ltd
- Commercial Building and Investment - Confectionary Supply Co
- Confoy - Connolly RJ
- Connolly - Conway Robert W
- Conway T - Cook Joseph
- Cook - Coombes Edward
- Coombes Fredk - Cooper Mrs J
- Cooper JS - Cootes John
- Cootie Dr - Corcoran William
- Corcoran - Cornish George
- John Sands Limited Advertisement
- Cornish Henry - Cotter
- Cotter Mrs C - Cousins A
- Cousins - Cowlishaw Reginald
- Cowlishaw W - Coyle JH & Co
- Coyle D - Crakanthorp
- Crakanthorpe - Crawford J
- Crane's Steel Ceilings Advertisement
- Crawford JA - Cremin William
- Cremo Coffee Co - Crockett
- Crockett J - Crooksy
- Cropley's Limited - Croucher CJ
- Croucher - Crump John
- Crumpton - Cumming Mrs HM
- Cumming J - Cunningham J
- Cunningham - Currie A
- Currie Archibald - Cuthbert EW
- Cuthbert Frank - Dale Herbert P
- Dale Hugh - Daly Augustine
- Daly - Dansey
- Dansey - Dartnell
- Dartnell - Davidson James
- Davidson - Davies JT
- Davies James - Davis Clement
- Davis Mrs Coleman - Davis Richard G
- Davis Robert - Dawes Alfred GN
- Dawes Arthur - Day Herbert
- Day J - Deane Harry
- Deane Henry M - Deer Lewis
- Deering Division International Harvester Co of America - Delprado F
- Delprado James - Dennis James W
- Dennis John - Derkenne
- Derkin - Devine Sydney
- Devine - Dickens W
- Dickens - Dignam
- Dignam JT - Dixon Edward
- Dixon - Dobroyde Golf Club
- Dobroyde Nursery Co - Dole Fredk
- Dole John - Donnelly and Co
- Donnelly J and Co - Dorahy PJ
- Dorahy W - Douglas Percy
- Douglas R - Down Mrs GA
- Down George A - Doyle Ernest
- Doyle - Dreis
- Dreis - Drummoyne Council Chambers
- Drummoyne - Duff David
- Duff Frank W - Dulwich Hill Post Office
- Dulwich Hill Public School - Dundon
- Dunford - Dunn Sylvester
- Dunn T - Durham Wm
- Durie - Dyer AE
- Dyer - Eagar George
- Eames - Eather Mrs Emma
- Eather John - Edkins
- Edler - Edwards EH
- Edwards EP - Edwards Thomas
- Edwards Thomas - Ekerick
- Ekin and Co - Ellery William
- Elles - Elliott Robert
- Elliott S - Ellison Joseph
- Ellison - Emery W
- Emery Walter - English F
- English Henry - Erskine Lemuel
- Erskine Robert - Evans Mrs EE
- Evans EF - Evans William
- Evans William - Ewing John P
- Ewing Robert - Fahey W
- Fahl - Fall
- Falla - Farmilow
- Farncomb - Farrelley
- Farrelly Bros - Fayle
- Fayle - Feldheim Gotthelf and Co
- Feldheim - Ferguson Alex
- Ferguson Alex - Ferrier Emile
- Ferrier FW - Field Leslie L
- Field Mrs MA - Finigan and Son
- Finigan - Fischer F
- Fischer Fredk - Fisk Gibbon L
- Fisk James - Fitzmaurice W
- Fitzpatrick A - Flannery George
- Flannery - Fletcher Fletcher and Co
- Fletcher George & Son - Flint Samuel
- Flint - Flynn Mrs MacArthur
- Fynn PJ - Footman
- Foott - Ford Sydney
- Ford Sydney - Forrest HC
- Forrest Harry - Fortescue and Sons Ltd
- Fortescue AJ - Fotheringham Jas
- Fotheringham J - Fox James
- Fox James - Frankel
- Frankfurt Sausage Co - Fraser Mrs J
- Fraser J - Freeman and Co Ltd
- Freeman's Journal Newspaper - French William T
- Frend - Fry GB and Co
- Fry JS and Sons Ltd - Fulljames
- Fullwood - Gabey
- Gable - Gall FJ
- Gall - Gambrill
- Gamby - Gardiner Joseph
- Gardiner - Garnsey Mrs ML
- Garnsey Thomas A - Gash
- Gash - Gazal
- Gazal - Gelling Bros
- Gelling BR - George William
- George - Gibbons Edward J
- Gibbons Francis C - Gibson E
- Gibson Mrs EC - Gilbert Mrs M
- Gilbert - Gillam Henry W
- Gillam John - Gilman RJ
- Gilmartin - Glanz
- Glanz - Glenfield FW
- Glenfield WH - Goddard Henry
- Goddard Henry - Golding Mrs Ellen
- Golding F - Golledge W
- Gollin and Company - Gooding John
- Gooding John J - Goodyear Leslie
- Goodyear WH - Gordon William
- Gordon William - Gough C
- Gough Charles - Government Railway Printing Office
- Government Railway Stores - Graham Mrs E
- Graham Mrs E - Grant Alfred
- Grant - Gray C
- Gray CE - Greaves J
- Greaves James - Green R
- Green RAW - Greenwood WJ
- Greer - Grice W
- Grief - Griffith & Edwards
- Griffith and Hassel - Griggs Samuel
- Griggs TS - Grove
- Grove CG - Gunningham
- Gunns - Haddon Albert E
- Haddon Arthur - Hainsworth G
- Hainsworth H - Hall Fritz J
- Hall GH - Hallett
- Hallett Bertram - Hambly FW
- Hambly Francis - Hamilton Thomas
- Hamilton Thomas - Hampson Wright
- Hampstad - Hanlan Miss Ellen
- Hanlan - Hanrahan Michael
- Hanrahan Thomas - Harden James
- Harden John - Hardy F
- Hardy Mrs G - Harmer John
- Harmer WJ - Harrington P
- Harrington R - Harris John
- Harris John - Harrison Ernest A
- Harrison F - Hart James
- Hart James - Harvey George
- Harvey George - Hathorn
- Hatley - Hawksley Mrs M
- Hawksley RBS - Hayes Jas
- Hayes James - Hayward Robert
- Hayward SJ - Hearne EW
- Hearne George - Hegerty JF
- Hegerty Michael - Henderson Mrs E
- Henderson EC - Hennah
- Henne - Heraty
- Herbert HJ & Co - Herrod Alfred J
- Herron - Hibble
- Hibble - Higgs
- Higgs AA - Hill George
- Hill George - Hillier HJP
- Hillier H - Hingley
- Hingston A - Hobbs Edward J
- Hobbs FD - Hodgkinson
- Hodgkinson A - Hogan Mrs T
- Hogan T - Holdsworth JH
- Holdsworth - Holloway Percy
- Holloway S - Holt William E
- Holte - Hooper Chas
- Hooper Daniel - Hordern A & A
- Hordern - Hornsby South Public
- Hornsby R and Sons - Hoskins Thomas
- Hoskins Thomas W - Howard AA
- Howard AF - Howes Frank and Co
- Howes and Howes - Hudson Henry
- Hudson Herbert - Hughes Hon John
- Hughes - Hume WM
- Humfrey TS - Hunt J
- Hunt JG - Hurdis Edward
- Hurdis - Hutchinson W
- Hutchinson WJ - Hyne Patrick
- Hyne Thomas - Industrial Blind Institution
- Industrial Court - International Plasmon Ltd
- International Socialists - Irwin Samuel
- Irwin T - Jackson and Mason
- Jackson and Turner - Jackson Thomas
- Jackson Thomas - James Miss E
- James Mrs E - Jaques AE
- Jaques CA - Jeffress FC
- Jeffress Mrs G - Jennings Fredk
- Jennings G - Joel Mo
- Joel T - Johnson FH
- Johnson FH - Johnson Ralph
- Johnson Reginald - Johnston James
- Johnston James - Jones David
- Jones Bros - Jones Evan
- Jones Evan O - Jones John R
- Jones John R - Jones William
- Jones William - Joyce John
- Joyce John - Juliff
- Julius GA - Kavanagh Arthur
- Kavanagh C - Keary Herbert
- Keary Thomas - Keep Mrs Emma
- Keep Frederick - Kelly FF
- Kelly EF - Kelman
- Kelman - Kennedy Arthur
- Kennedy Arthur - Kenny Michael
- Kenny Michael - Kerr and Bingham
- Kerr Bros - Key Edward W
- Key Mrs Emma - Kilmore Charles
- Kilners Ltd - King George A
- Kilners Ltd Advertisement
- King George BG - King William
- King William - Kinsela
- Kinsela Arthur - Kirkpatrick John
- Charles Kinsela Advertisement
- Kirkpatrick John - Kneale
- Kneaves - Knowles W
- Knowles Mrs WA - Kraushaar
- Kraushaar - Lacy
- Ladbrooke - Lamb JG
- Lamb James - Lance JH
- Lance - Lane Thomas
- Lane Thomas - Langley John
- Langley Joseph - Larkin James
- Larkin James - Latty
- Latty Ernest - Law Ernest
- Law Frank - Lawrence James
- Lawrence James - Laycock John
- James R Lawson & Little Advertisement
- Laycock Justin - Leavers PJ
- Leavy - Lee Richard
- Lee Richard - Leggett Mrs E
- Leggett - Lemhan
- Lenn - Leslie William
- Leslie - Levy Samuel
- Levy Sidney - Lewis Sydney
- Lewis TH - Likely
- Likely - Lingen
- Lingham Importing Company - Little CW
- Little Charles E - Lloyd CFW
- Lloyd CJ - Lockwood James
- Lockwood Mrs - Long Bay Penitentiary
- Long Bay Post Office - Lord James
- Lord Joseph - Lovell John
- Lovell John H - Luby
- Luby - Lumsdaine
- Lumsdaine - Lynch James
- Lynch James - Lysaght
- Lysaght HR - McAuliffe Michael
- McAuliffe T - McCarney
- McCarroll - McClafferty
- McClarkin - McCorquodale
- McCorquodale Mrs Lena - McDermid
- McDermott - McDonald Donald
- McDonald Donald - McDonald Peter
- McDonald R - Macdougall WC & Co
- Macdougall A - McEwan
- McEwan Alex J - McFaul
- McFayden - McGee Joseph
- McGee Laurence - McGowen William
- McGown - MacGregor WJ
- McGregor - Macindoe S
- Macindoe - McIntyre J
- McIntyre J - McKay SP
- MacKay Sarah - McKenzie Andrew
- McKenzie Arch - Mackenzie WA
- Mackenzie WH - McKinley Henry
- McKinley Herbert - McLaren Mrs Emma
- McLaren - McLean James
- McLean James - Maclurcan
- Maclurcan - McMichen
- McMiles - McNamara John
- McNamara John - McNee
- McNeely - McPhillimy
- McPhillips - McWilliam Fredk
- McWilliam J - Magnus S
- Magnussen - Mailley
- Maillie - Malm
- Malmgren - Manly Motor Garage Co
- Manly(North) - Mansfield W
- Mansfield W - Marks AA
- Marks AA - Marsden Mrs JE
- Marsden JG - Marshall Percy
- Marshall Peter - Martin George
- Martin Mrs George - Martin William
- Martin William - Mason William
- Mason William - Matheson R
- Matheson T - Matthews Walter
- Matthews William - Maybury
- Maybury - Mearrick
- Mears - Melly
- Melly - Meredith GW
- Meredith George - Metropolitan Accident Fire and General Insurance Co Ltd
- Metropolitan Board of Water Supply - Middleton Rev G
- Middleton - Millard Charles
- Millard - Miller Jas
- Miller James A - Millington W
- Millington - Milton John
- Milton Joseph - Mitchell CW
- Mitchell Charles - Mitchell William
- Mitchell William - Molesworth Edmund W
- Molesworth FH - Monk Thomas
- Monk Thomas - Moon Joseph
- Moon Mrs M - Moore JR
- Moore JS - Moran James
- Moran James - Morgan Thomas
- Morgan Thomas - Moroney TP
- Moroney TS - Morris Patrick
- Morris Patrick J - Morrison Mrs S
- Morrison Mrs S - Morton BK
- Morton CM - Moss Henry
- Moss Henry J - Moutrie
- Moutton - Muir Sydney
- Muir Thomas - Mullin
- Mullin - Munro Mrs James
- Munro James - Murphy Henry
- Murphy Herbert - Murray D & W Ltd
- Murray Bros - Murray George
- Murray George - Murrin
- Murtagh - Mutual Life and Citizens' Assurance
- Myers Fredk - Napier Thomas
- Napier W - National Supply Co
- National Union Society - Neich
- Neich Harry - Nelson Robert
- Nelson Robert - NSW Branch British Medical Association
- NSW Brick Co - New TS
- Newail and May - Newman HJ
- Newman Henry - Newtown Steam Brickworks
- Newtown Cemetery - Nicholson and Co
- Nicholson's Music Studios - Nisbet Miss M
- Nisbet - Noller
- Noller - North Sydney Grammar School
- North Sydney Lime and Cement Co - Nott Mrs A
- Nott Alan - Oates Joseph
- Oates Mrs M - O'Brien Patrick
- O'Brien Patrick - O'Connor John
- O'Connor John - Oeding
- Oelrichs and Martin - O'Keefe Denis
- O'Keefe Denis - Ollis
- Olliver - O'Neill Louis
- O'Neill M - Orme Keigwin and Co Ltd
- Orme - Osborne Miss S
- Osborne SJ - Outred
- Outridge - Pacey
- Pacey - Paine Francis
- Paine Eli - Palmer Mrs M
- Palmer Matilda - Parker Mrs Annie
- Parker - Parkes John
- Parkes John - Parramatta School of Arts
- Parramatta Starr-Bowkett Society - Partridge Mrs M
- Partridge Mrs M - Pateson Mrs H
- Patey - Pattinson & Co Ltd
- Pattinson A - Payne Thomas A
- Payne Vincent - Pearce Samuel
- Pearce Mrs Sarah - Peddie James
- Pedemont - Penfold George
- Penfold George - Perkins Miss A
- Perkins AE - Perry Robert
- Perry SJ - Peterson Andrew
- Peterson Mrs Annie - Phelps George
- Phelps George - Phillips John E
- Phillips John J - Pickering Mrs H
- Pickering Mrs H - Pike Mrs Isabella
- Pike James - Pitfield Mrs E
- Pitfield R - Plumb WE
- Plumb WT - Pollock David
- Pollock GAW - Pople Mrs E
- Pople EJ - Potter E
- Potter E - Powell Walter
- Powell William - Prenter
- Prentice Bros - Price Henry R
- Price Herbert - Pringle John
- Pringle Mrs Jane - Provident Life Assurance Co
- Provincial Press Agency - Purcell Patrick
- Purcell Percy R - Quail J
- Quail - Quinn George
- Quinn Harry - Rae Jas
- Rae James P - Ramsay Alan J
- Ramsay Allen - Rapp James
- Rapp Miss M - Rayner G
- Rayner Mrs G - Reddaford A
- Reddall Osborne H - Rees William J
- Reeve AE - Reid John
- Reid John - Rennie George E
- Rennie George E - Reynolds W
- Reynolds William - Richards J
- Richards Mrs J - Richardson Mrs SE
- Richardson Mrs SF - Riedy John J
- Riedy PF - Rintoul Louis H
- Riola Anthony - Robberds CEF
- Robberds CEF - Roberts Jeremiah
- Roberts John - Robertson D
- Robertson - Robin Alfred
- Robin HD - Robinson James
- Robinson Jas - Roche Timothy J
- Roche Redmond - Roger Henry
- Roger J - Rolands Frank
- Roles JA - Rosa
- Rosa - Rose and Graham
- Ross - Rostron
- Rostron Alex - Rowe William
- Rowe Wm D - Royal Naval Depot
- Royal Naval House - Ruff
- Ruff - Russell Henry
- Russell H - Rutter NA
- Rutter R - Ryan Michael
- Ryan Michael - Sabey
- Sabiel Costley and Co - St John's Church Clothing Depot
- St John's College - Salkeld & Wallace Ltd
- Salkeld Mrs A - Sander Mrs Emil
- John Sands Systems Advertisement
- Sander Mrs Mary - Sanitarium Health Food
- Sanders and Coy Advertisement
- Sanitary Supply Co - Saunders TGF
- Saunders Thomas - Saywell and Saywell
- Saywell's Tramway and Estates Ltd - Schmidt E
- Schmidt Mrs F - Schwarz Mrs T
- Schwarzel - Scott James
- Scott James - Scrutton RL & Co
- Scrutton - Seeley
- Seeley FCS - Setchell
- Seton - Shard
- Shard - Shaw George W
- Shaw Mrs H - Sheehan John T
- Sheehan Joseph - Shepherd Alex
- Shepherd Alex - Sherwood Roofing Tile Co
- Sherwood Abraham - Shoppee W
- Shorden - Sidney WC
- Sidney Walter - Simmons Mrs Mary
- Simmons Mick - Simpson John
- Mick Simmons Advertisement
- Simpson John - Sinclair William
- Sinclair William - Skinner D
- Skinner Donald - Slayter William
- Sleath Mrs Jane - Smart CN
- Smart Charles - Smith Alex M
- Smith Alex T - Smith David
- Smith David - Smith George
- Smith George - Smith James
- Smith James - Smith Mrs Julius
- Smith Mrs Kate - Smith Stephen
- Smith Stephen - Smith William
- Smith William - Snow Francis H
- Snow GE - Somes John
- Sommer JF - Southern Cross Soap Co
- Southern Sales Limited - Speare S
- Spearman EH - Spencer Percy
- Spencer Percy - Spragg John E
- Spragg WA - Stack John
- Stack Mrs Mary - Standard Typewriting
- Standard - Waygood Ltd - Staples EH
- Staples Edward - States Cereal Milling Company
- States Felt Hat Co - Steel Miss B
- Steele Mrs AM - Stephen Miss Minnie
- Stephen Miss - Stephenson T
- Stephenson T - Stevenson Mrs Jane
- Stevenson John - Stewart George
- Stewart George - Stiefvater and Co
- Stiefvater - Stokes ES
- Stokes Edward - Stoneman George
- Stoneman William - Storkey Frederick
- Storm - Street Miss
- Street His Honor Judge PW - Stubbs Mrs MA
- Stubbs Mrs Martha - Sullivan Mrs M
- Sullivan Mark - Surtees Fredk
- Surtees J - Svenson
- Svenson John - Sweeney Henry
- Sweeney Hugh - Sydney Broom Manufacturing Co
- Sydney Business Agency - Sydney Importing Agency
- Sydney Industrial Blind Institute - Sydney Wool Sale Room
- Sydney Wool and Stock Journal - Taite
- Takuma - Tappin
- Tapping - Taylor and Wearing
- Taylor Miss A - Taylor George
- Taylor George - Taylor Richard
- Taylor Robert - Teddiman
- Teddiman - Tetley William
- Teudt - Thomas A
- Thomas A - Thomas John
- Thomas John - Thompson C
- Thompson C - Thompson Jack
- Thompson Jacob - Thompson W
- Thompson W - Thomson Thomas
- Thomson Capt Thomas - Thorpe Mrs A
- Thorpe Miss A - Tiernan Richard
- Tiernan Mrs SC - Tindale
- John Toder Advertisement
- Stirling Boiler Co Ltd Advertisement
- Tindale Chas - Todhunter Mrs M
- Todman - Toohey Mrs M
- Toohey M - Towner James
- Towning - Travers AB
- Travers Andrew - Trevor-Jones
- Trew - Truscott E
- Truscott Godfrey - Tung War Times Newspaper Co Ltd
- Tung - Turner Ernest
- Turner Ernest - Turton Rev WF
- Turvey - Tyter
- Tyter - Unwin Frederick
- Unwin George - Vandenbergh
- Van Denbergh - Veitch Thomas
- Veitch Walter - Victoria General Insurance
- Victoria Lodge - Vines Edward
- Vines REH - Wade John
- CB Vintiner and Co Advertisement
- Wade John T - Waldie
- Waldon Charles - Walker Frank
- Walker Frank B - Walker Thomas
- Walker Thomas A - Wallace James
- Wallace James - Walsh Fred
- Walsh Fred - Walters Robert
- Walters Mrs S - Ward E
- Ward Mrs E - Wardrope
- Ware Mrs Agnes - Warren John
- Warren John - Watkin - Brown
- Watkins RG and Co - Watson Henry
- Watson Henry - Watson William
- Watson William - Watts TG
- Watts TS - Weatherill George E
- Weatherill R - Webb William
- Webb William - Weeden WS
- Weedon CJ - Weitzel and Kent
- Weitzel Mrs M - Wells WHB
- Wells WK - West Charles
- West Rev Charles - Westgarth Ronald
- Westheinder - Whatmore John J
- Whatmore Mrs SB - Wheway Percy
- Wheway Tom - White CJ
- White Mrs Caroline - White Jane
- White Jane - White William
- White Mrs William - Whiting JS
- Whiting James S - Whyte RD and Co
- Whyte AS - Wilby Robert G
- Wilby William - Wiles William
- Wiles William J - Wilkinson Edward
- Wilkinson Edward H - Williams Photographic Studio
- Williams RP & Co - Williams Mrs Esther
- Williams Evan - Williams Mrs J
- Williams J - Williams Percy C
- Williams Percy E - Williamson Croft and Co
- Williamson H - Willis Mrs AE
- Willis Adam J - Willson G
- Willson John - Wilson Chas
- Wilson Charles - Wilson Rev Hugh
- Wilson Hugh - Wilson Robert
- Wilson Robert - Winchester George
- Winckler Augustus R - Winter James
- Winter James - Withey Mrs BE
- Withey George - Wonnocott Mrs SA
- Wood & Company - Wood J
- Wood and Company Advertisement
- Wood Mrs J - Woodger RA
- Woodham G and Son - Woods Thos
- Woods Thomas - Wooff Harry
- Wooff Miss M - Worrall George
- Worrall JF - Wright GA
- Wright GH - Wundenberg
- Wunderlich Limited - Yanz
- Wunderlich Advertisement
- Yanz - Youdale
- Youdale - Young James
- Young James - Younghusband
- Younghusband - Zwicker Tod and Co
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