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Sands Sydney Alphabetical Directory 1915
Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales (pages 971 - 1881 ).Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 2009
A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z
- A. F. & P. Co. - Abel A. B.
- Abel A. W. - Acocks and Babidge
- Acocks D. - Adams John
- Adams John - Adler William
- Adlide W. - Ainsworth H.
- Ainsworth Harry - Alcock Thomas
- Alcock Thomas - Alexander H.
- Alexander H. A. - Allan Richard
- Allan Robert - Allen Ernest H.
- Allen F - Allen Rev William
- Allen William - Allum George
- Allum Harry - American Steam Laundry
- American Tailoring Depot - Anderson Albert
- Anderson Albert - Anderson H. J.
- Anderson H. J. - Anderson R
- Anderson R.A. - Andrew Hugh G.
- Andrew Miss J - Andrews R. T. B.
- Andrews Robert - Anker Mrs. Catherine
- Anker James - Applegate John G.
- Applegate Mrs R. - Arditto Angelo
- Arditto Oswald - Armstrong H.
- Armstrong H. - Arnold Mrs E.
- Arnold E. J. - Arthur John
- Arthur John - Ashfield Young Women's Christian Association
- Ashford F. R. - Assenheim J.
- Assenheim Mrs. M. - Atkinson Arthur
- Austin Thomas W. H. - Australian Alum Co. Ltd.
- Australian Amicable Assurance Association Ltd. - Australian Mattress Mills Ltd.
- Australian Meat Coy. (Ramornie) - Avonleigh Private Hospital
- Axam Henry E. - Backhouse R.
- Backhouse Samuel - Bailey Miss E.
- Bailey Mrs E. - Bainbridge W.
- Bainbridge William - Baker H.
- Baker Miss H. - Baldick Leslie A.
- Baldick Stephen T. - Ballantines
- Ballantyne & Co. - Banfield William
- Bang Mrs. M. - Bannon Edward
- Bannon William - Barker G. R. & Sons
- Barker Miss A. - Barlow Morris
- Barlow P.D. - Barnes Thomas
- Barnes Thomas - Barr Hugh
- Barr Hugh - Barrett Thomas
- Barrett Thomas - Bartels Henry
- Bartens Mrs. J. E. - Barton E.
- Barton E. A. - Bastian A.A.C.
- Bastian A. J. - Bath Henry
- Bath Herbert V. - Baxter Mrs Eliza
- Baxter Ernest - Beach A. E.
- Beach Alfred - Beare Mrs. Mary
- Beare Samuel G.W. - Beaumont Wm. A.
- Beauregard Francis - Beddy William
- Bedew Thomas - Beetham Charles
- Beetham Walter - Bell E.
- Bell Mrs. E. A. - Bell William
- Bell William - Benecke John
- Benecke Max B. - Bennett Denis
- Bennett Mrs. E. - Bennett Mrs. Sarah
- Bennett T. - Bentley George G.
- Bentley Mrs. Jane - Bernard Sister Mary
- Bernard Robert G. - Best A. S.
- Best Alfred - Beverley Charles
- Beverley Henry - Bignold Hugh Baron
- Bignold W. S. - Birchell Henry
- Birchell James - Bishop Joseph
- Bishop Joseph - Black W. H.
- Black W.T. - Blackwell H. Le T.
- Blackwell Henry J. - Blakeney Mrs. J.
- Blakeney J. J. - Bligh Erasmus
- Bligh Francis - Blunks Mrs.
- Blunno Professor M. - Bodley George
- Bodman Mrs. Emma - Bolton Mrs. Celia
- Bolton Chas. - Bonham Walter
- Boni Alex. - Booth James H.
- Booth John - Boss Joseph
- Boss Joseph - Bourke James
- Bourke James - Bowden Percy T.
- Bowden R.A. - Bowmaker Alfred K.
- Bowmaker Benjamin J. - Boyce William
- Bramble Mrs. Mary - Braton Fredk. C.
- Brauer Rev. Father E. - Breckenridge G.
- Breckenridge H.M. - Brennan John
- Brennan John - Brewer A. H.
- Brewer Arthur J. - Bridgman Mrs. E.D.
- Bridgman Henry - Brightwell T.W.
- Brightwell W. H. - British Immigration League
- British Imperial Oil Co. Ltd. - Brock H.
- Brock James - Bromley Richard
- Bromley T. - Brooks G.A.
- Brooks G - Brothwood H. C.
- Broue B. E. - Brown Alfred
- Brown Alfred - Brown Edward
- Brown Edward - Brown Harry
- Brown Harry L. - Brown John P.
- Brown John T. - Brown S.C.
- Brown S. G. - Brown William
- Brown William - Browning William T.
- Brownjohn B. J. - Brunt W. & F.
- Brunt A. - Bryant William A.
- Bryant William F. - Buching Mrs M.
- Buchli John - Buckley Thomas J.
- Buckley W. - Bulgin William
- Bull Henry & Co. Ltd. - Bullivant R. G.
- Bullivant S. - Burcham C.
- Burchan William - Burgess William
- Burgess William - Burke W. G.
- Burke Walter - Burns Club
- Burns E. & W. - Burns R. W.
- Burns Richard - Bursill Mrs. C
- Bursill Mrs. E. - Burwood Court of Petty Sessions
- Burwood District Friendly Societies' Dispensary - Butcher Fredk.
- Butcher G.S. - Butler W.
- Butler W. - Buxton G. A.
- Buxton George - Byrne P. J.
- Byrne P. J. - Cadden Robert
- Cadden Robt. - Cairncross F. G.
- Cairns Timber Ltd. - Callaghan A.
- Campbell John - Campbell William
- Campbell William C. - Cannon David
- Cannon Ernest - Carberry Mrs. Mary A
- Carberry Pauline - Carlisle Wilfred
- Carlisle William - Carney M.
- Carney Malcolm - Carratt J.
- Carratt Thomas - Carroll M. F.
- Carroll M. J. - Carter Alfred
- Carter Alfred - Carter Thomas
- Carter Thomas - Casey Patrick
- Casey Percival J. - Castles Herbert
- Castles Manufacturing Co. - Caux C.
- Chamberlain H. W. J. - Chandler E. L.
- Chandler Edward E. - Chapman Mrs. F. A.
- Chapman F. A. - Chappel George
- Chappel J. - Charr William
- Chartered Institute Of Secretaries - Chettins Capt. F.F.
- Chegwidden J. - Chilcott & Sayers
- Chilcott E.V. - China Inland Mission
- China Traders' Insurance Co. Limited - Chow Kum and Co.
- Chown Bros. and Mulholland Ltd. - Christie James
- Christie James- Churchward W. F.
- Churchwood C. - Clank Thomas
- Clank Thomas M. - Clark Mrs. C.
- Clark Mrs. G. - Clark William T.M.
- Clark William T. M. - Clarke Harry C.
- Clarke Harry O. - Clarke William
- Clarke William A. - Cleary G.T.
- Cleary George - Clergy Provident Fund (Sydney)
- Clerk of the Peace Office - Clifton Mrs. M.
- Clifton Mrs. M. - Clubb John
- Clubbe Charles P. Barlee - Coath Walter
- Coats Leslie - Codd Thomas
- Codey Mrs. A. - Cohen Alfred
- Cohen Alfred - Cole Mrs. E.
- Cole E. W. - Coleman I.
- Coleman Mrs. I. - Collier Bertram H.
- Collier C. H. - Collins James
- Collins James - Colloppy Thomas
- Collopy James - Combellack Henry
- Combellack Mrs. M. A. - Commonwealth Key and Property Register
- Commonwealth Marble Quarries - Condy Bros.
- Condy & Jarrett Ltd. - Connelly Thomas
- Connelly Thos. - Conroy J. M.
- Conroy James - Coogee Post and Telegraph Office
- Coogee Post and Telegraph Office - Cook Joseph
- Cook Jos. - Cooke Walter L.
- Cooke-Russell Capt. Albert - Cooper Alex
- Cooper Alex. - Cooper M.
- Cooper Mrs. M. - Coorey Anthony and Bros
- Coorey Michael - Corbett Richard
- Corbett Sydney - Cornell W. J.
- Corner F. - Coskrie James
- Cosmos Apothecaries Co. - Coulcher G.
- Couldery W. and Co. - Cousins Tom
- Cousins W. - Cowie Frank
- Cowin William - Cox John
- Cox John - Craddock George H.
- Craddock J. V. C - Crampton William
- Cramsie James B. - Crawford David
- Crawford David - Creed Miss E.
- Creed Mrs. E. - Crinson W.
- Crimston Wm. - Croft William
- Croft William - Cropley Mrs. R.
- Cropley R. - Crouch Thomas
- Crouch Thomas - Cruikshanks A.H.
- Cruise Bernard - Cullen-Ward R.
- Cullen-Ward Rex - Cummins Thomas P.
- Cummins Mrs. W. - Cunningham W.
- Cunningham W. - Currier Capt C. C
- Currin Thomas J. - Cusack John
- Cusack John P. - Dahlberg Adolph F.
- Dahlberg Alfred - Daley William M.
- Dalgairns John - Daly J. E. O.
- Daly J. J. - Daniels S.
- Daniels Samuel - Darley W.
- Darling Harbour Free Stores Ltd. - Daveron George
- Daveron John - Davidson Mrs. S. L.
- Davidson Saml. - Davies Henry R.
- Davies Herbert - Davis Alexander
- Davis Mrs. Alex. - Davis J. F.
- Davis J. H.- Davis W. J.
- Davis W. J. - Dawes W. O.
- Dawes William - Day Charles E.
- Day Charles E. - Dean Charles
- Dean Charles - Debord Stephen
- Debourne Mrs. Jessie - Delamotte Mrs. A.
- Delamotte Mrs. A. - Dempster Charles
- Dempster Chas. - Dennis Edwin
- Dennis G. W. - Department of Navigation
- Department of Patents - Detmold William Ltd.
- De Tocqueville F. - Dewar Robert
- Dewar Mrs. Ruth - Dick T. Hislop
- Dick Thomas - Dickson Herbert
- Dickson Herbert E. - Dilly John
- Dilworth Mrs. Annie - Dixon Albert E.
- Dixon Albert J. - Dobbin and Spier
- Dobbin J. H. - Dodds Mrs. Mary
- Dodds Michael - Domeny Joseph G.
- Domestic Supply Co. - Donnan Thos.
- Donnell Miss Ellen - Donovan Albert
- Donovan Mrs. Andrew S. - Dorn J. F.
- Dorn Mrs. Jane - Douglas Miss M. J.
- Douglas Mrs. Marion - Dowling G. T.
- Dowling George - Downs William
- Downs William H. - Doyle W. A.
- Doyle W. A. - Drew H. S.
- Drew Harry - Drummond W. R.
- Drummoyne Bowling Club - Dudley Henry & Co.
- Dudley King Tie Co. - Dugan Thomas
- Dunk Reuben - Dunn James
- Dunn James - Dunstan W.
- Dunster Phillip - Du Vernet H. Stirling
- Duvil Albert - Dyke Miss E.
- Dyke J. - Eames James
- Eames Mrs. M. O. - Easton David H.
- Easton George - Ebsworth S. W.
- Eccles Frank - Edmonds Mrs. K.
- Edmonds Mrs. N. - Edwards D. S.
- Edwards David S. - Edwards Leslie M.
- Edwards Lewis - Eggers Emil
- Eggers Herman F. C - Eleanora Mines Ltd
- Electine Medicine Co. - Elliott, Maclean and Co.
- Elliott, Robert & Co. - Elliott S.
- Elliott Miss - Ellis John
- Ellis John - Elson William G.
- Elstob James - Empire Transport Co.
- Empire Typewriting Co. - English John R.
- English John S. - Erikson E.
- Erlamann A. E. - Evalyte Manufacturing Co.
- Evans Bros. - Evans Henry
- Evans Mrs. Henry - Eve Charles J.
- Eve George F. - Ewens Wm. J.
- Ewer Alfred - Fadden George
- Fadden J. B. - Fairlie Edward
- Fairlie James - Faram A.J.
- Faram Edward - Farnell Frank
- Farnell Frederick - Farrell Sarah E.
- Farrell T. J. - Favell William E.
- Favelle A. J. - Federal Hair Pad Co.
- Federal Hat and Cap Mills - Feltham F.
- Feltham James - Ferguson and Son
- Ferguson Mrs. A. - Ferguson William R.
- Ferguson Miss Winifred - Fesq and Co. Ltd.
- Fesq George - Fielding James
- Fielding J. & Co. - Finlay Miss C.
- Finlay Mrs. E. - Firmstone F. W.
- Firmstone H. A. - Fisher James H.
- Fisher Mrs. Jane - Fitzgerald Maurice
- Fitzgerald Morris J. - Fitzpatrick Mrs. Rachel
- Fitzpatrick Miss Rose - Flatman C. H.
- Flatman James - Flemming Michael
- Flemming P. - Fletcher Robert
- Fletcher S. - Flower John W. E.
- Flower K. A. - Fogwell William
- Fokes John T. - Forbes E.J. and Son Ltd.
- Forbes Mrs. Alice - Ford William
- Ford William - Forster Mrs. E.
- Forster Ernest - Foss Charles
- Foss Fredk. - Foster William J.
- Foster William S. - Fox Alfred
- Fox Mrs. Annie - Francis George H.
- Francis H. - Fraser Misses C. and M.
- Fraser C. W. & Co. - Frazer Mrs. E.
- Frazer Miss Emily - Freeman S. C
- Freeman Samuel R. - French Mrs. A.
- French A. - Froggatt Thos.
- Froggatt W. W. - Fullagar C. C
- Fullagar C. S. - Furlong J. W.
- Furlong Rev. James(R.C.) - Gager John
- Gaggin Leslie A. - Gallagher P.
- Gallagher P. - Gandy Robert
- Gane Milking Machines - Gardiner Mrs. W. H.
- Gardiner William - Garrad Alfred
- Garrad D. - Gascoigne H.
- Gascoigne Henry - Gay Henry
- Gay Henry - Geering Sydney J.
- Gearing W. - Geoghegan James J.
- Geoghegan J. J. - Gew Harry
- Gey Muller Adolph - Gibby George
- Giblett A. H. - Giddey J. C.
- Giddings Lance - Gilderthorp T. R. and Sons
- Gilderthorp H. J. - Gille (Louis) and Co.
- Gilleland Arthur C - Gilmore T. C.
- Gilmore Thomas - Glasheen Rupert
- Glasheen Wm. A. - Glendon A. T.
- Glenfield F. W. - Goddard H. C
- Goddard H. G. - Golden Edward J.
- Golden Frank - Gollan A.
- Gollan Andrew - Goodheim S.
- Goodhew Joseph - Goodwin Mrs. Eliz.
- Goodwin Erle N. - Gordon James
- Gordon James - Gosbell Henry W.
- Gosbell Mrs. J. - Gould Thomas
- Gould Thomas - Gowing Frederic
- Gowing Mrs. J. E. - Graham George
- Graham George - Grange John
- Grange John - Granville North Superior Public School
- Granville Police Station - Gray J. E.
- Greene Harold - Gregg Alfred
- Gregg Bertram - Grey Wm. M.
- Greycliffe Children's Hospital - Griffith John
- Griffith Miss M. - Griffiths Henry
- Griffiths Henry J. - Grimmond William
- Grimmond Wm. - Grout Mrs. E.
- Grout Frederick - Gulick and Co.
- Gullan James - Gutteride John
- Gutteridge William - Hadfield William
- Hadley Albert - Haines Mrs. A. E.
- Haines Miss Annie - Hall A. R.
- Hall A. S. - Hall John
- Hall John - Hallinan Jas.
- Hallinan John - Halse James
- Halse James - Hamilton Isaac
- Hamilton J. A. - Hammond John
- Hammond John - Handcock F.
- Handcock F. W. - Hanna George W.
- Hanna H. M. - Hansen Valdemar
- Hansen W. - Hardie H. J.
- Hardie Harry - Hardy Thos. & Sons
- Hardy A. D. - Harkness William J.
- Harkowith Israel - Harper John
- Harper John - Harris Alfred J.
- Harris Alfred L. - Harris Joseph
- Harris Joseph - Harrison C.
- Harrison C. - Harroway Miss J.
- Harroway T. - Hartley Mrs. E. H.
- Hartley Mrs. Emily - Harvey William
- Harvey William G. - Hatten William
- Hattensen Andrew - Hawkins B.
- Hawkins C. - Hay William
- Hay William - Hayes Robert
- Hayes Robert - Hayward Mrs. S.
- Hayward Mrs. S. - Hean's Essence Proprietary
- Hean Arthur E. - Heazlewood Walter
- Hebblewhite Mrs. C. J. - Heinisch Carl
- Heinke W. T. - Henderson Alex.
- Henderson Alex - Hendron James
- Hendry James and Co. - Henry Benj.
- Henry Mrs. C. - Herbert Mrs. T.
- Herbert Thomas - Heslewood Frederick
- Heslop G. - Heys William
- Heyward Bertram S. - Hickson John
- Hickson John H - Hilda C
- Hildamere Nursery Co. - Hill Henry A.
- Hill Henry F. - Hilliard A. V.
- Hilliard G. D. - Hind Cecil
- Hind Charles J.- Hird Edward J.
- Hird Henry S. - Hobden H. W.
- Hobden Robert H. E. - Hodgins Arthur
- Hodgins C. - Hogan Mrs. E.
- Hogan E. - Holborow Capt. Grantley A. H.
- Holborow Herbert - Holland F. E
- Holland Rev. Father (R.C.) - Holloway E. W.
- Holloway F. J. - Holmes William
- Holmes William E. - Honin Thomas
- Honisett Albert - Hope George
- Hope George - Horder Thomas
- Hordern, Anthony & Sons Limited - Horner A. J
- Horner Alfred J. - Horton Rowland J.
- Horton Sydney - Hondley Harry
- Hough and Freeberg - Howard Arthur J
- Howard Miss C. - Howe J.
- Howe J - Hoy Robert
- Hoy Robert - Hudson Thomas
- Hudson W - Hughes Henry W
- Hughes Herbert - Hull Edward A
- Hull Elbert - Humphries J. C
- Humphries J. H. - Hunt R. C
- Hunt Ralph R - Huntley J.
- Huntley J. - Hutchings Alfred
- Hutchings Mrs. E - Huxley Miss
- Huxley Miss - Hyslop Thos.
- Hyslop William C. - Industrial Brick Company Ltd.
- Industrial Act Time Sheets - Innes W. H. C.
- Innes-Noad S. R. - Iron Ore Paving Co.
- Iron Trades Employers Association - Isles Charles
- Isles Chas. - Jackson Alick
- Jackson Arthur - Jackson T. S.
- Jeffery William - Jenkins W
- Jenkins W. - Jessep Thomas
- Jessep Thomas - Johns William
- Johns William - Johnson Frederick
- Johnson Frederick - Johnson Percy
- Johnson Percy R - Johnston Alex.
- Johnston Alfred - Johnstone Chas. M.
- Johnstone D - Jones A. S.
- Jones A. T. D. - Jones F. A.
- Jones F. - Jones John
- Jones John - Jones Mrs. Susan
- Jones Sydney - Jordan Mrs. Ellen
- Jordan and Rogers - Joseph Louis
- Joseph Louis - Joyce Bros. Ltd.
- Joyce W. R. and Co. - Justice Alex.
- Justice Alfred C. - Kavanagh J.
- Kavanagh J. E. -Kearns Francis
- Kearns Fredk. - Keenan Sydney
- Keene J. F. and Co - Kellett Henry de C.
- Kellett Mrs. Jane - Kelly Joseph
- Kelly Joseph - Kemister L. H.
- Kemister Thomas - Kennedy and Gallagher
- Kennedy J. & Co. - Kennerdale G.
- Kennerdale N - Kentwell George E
- Kentwell Herbert - Kerr Norman
- Kerr Pearl - Keys S. and C
- Keys Andrew - Kilners Ltd.
- Killen William - King M. and Sons
- King and Morrison - King Henry
- King Henry B. - King Robert L.
- King Robert W - Kinred A. W
- Kinross Andrew - Kirkby Vaughan
- Kirker, Greer and Co. (Australasia) Ltd. - Kitching Henry
- Kitching James - Knight Mrs. E.
- Knight Mrs. E - Knowles F.
- Knowles Francis E. - Kong Sing
- Kong Sing Mrs. Ellen - Kussman Mrs. S.
- Kussmann Mrs. S. - Lain Frederick W.
- Laing A. D - Lamb George J
- Lamb Gregory - Lamont Mrs. Francis
- Lamont G. E. - Landinger C
- Landles S. W. - Lang Edelbert
- Lang Edward - Langley Edward
- Langley Ernest - Larba-Leister E. R. S.
- Larbalastier John - Lasker Mrs. F.
- Lass Gowrie Ltd. - Launge William
- Laurance A. E. - Lawes Arthur H.
- Lawes Benjamin - Lawrence Mrs. M.
- Lawrence Mrs. M. - Lawson James R.
- Lawson Miss A. - Lazarus Debra
- Lazarus E - Leathard R
- Leathart F. J. - Lee H. W.
- Lee Harcourt - Lees A. F.
- Lees A. J. - Leichhardt Town Hall
- Leichhardt West Superior Public School - Lennon Mrs. M
- Lennon Mrs. M. - Leslie S.
- Leslie S. J. - Levien Casper J.
- Levien Leslie - Lewis Clement
- Lewis Clement J - Lewis W. T.
- Lewis Walter - Lickiss C.
- Lickley B. B - Limburg and Michael
- Limburg Louis - Linkenbagh T.
- Linklater and Bannister - Little Arthur
- Little Mrs. C. - Ljunggren J. P.
- Llewellen G. E. - Lobb Frank
- Lobb John - Loewenthal A. M.
- Loewenthal C. J. - Lonergan Mrs. M. S
- Lonergan Mrs. Mary J - Longueville Post and Telegraph Office
- Longueville Public School - Loudoun D. E
- Loudoun John - Loveridge Frederick
- Loveridge George - Lowrie James
- Lowrie Miss M. - Ludzen Ludwig
- Lue Mrs. Amy - Lussenhoff F.
- Lusted Miss C. S. - Lynch V. G.
- Lynch W. - Mabbett George
- Mabbett Wm. - McAteer William
- Macaulay A. J - McCaffrey Thomas
- McCaghern W. J. - McCarthy John
- McCarthy John - McClelland W. C.
- McClelland William - McCorquodale Brothers
- McCorquodale A. - McCulloch Alex.
- McCulloch Arch. - McDonald Alec.
- McDonald Alec. - McDonald Mrs. J. E.
- McDonald J. H. - McDonald Rev. S. A. (Bapt.)
- McDonald Mrs. S. J - Macdougall W. C. and Co.
- McDougall and Son - McEuen and Co.
- McEulay Mrs. K. - McFarlane A. G.
- McFarlane Alex. - McGarvey W. J.
- McGarvey W. J. - McGlynn G. L
- McGlynn Hugh B. - McGrath Patrick
- McGrath Patk. - McGuigan Malcolm
- McGuigan Mary F. - McIlroy Mrs. C.
- McIlroy E. J. - McIntosh Hugh D.
- McIntosh Hugh - McIver Valentine D.
- Mclver W. - Mackay Mrs. Mary
- McKay Mrs. Mary - McKenna Arch.
- McKenna Mrs. C. - McKenzie H.A.D.
- McKenzie H. V. - McKeown Mrs. Agnes
- McKeown Miss Annie - MacKinlay William
- McKinley Alexander & Co. - McLachlan Alex. J.
- Maclachlan Andrew - Maclay James
- Maclay Mrs. Marion - McLelland R. A.
- McLeman George - McMahon Andrew
- McMahon Miss Ann - McMaster Mrs. H.
- McMaster Hugh - McMurtrie William
- McNab Donald - McNaught John
- McNaught M.T. - McNelly James
- McNeilly John - McQuade Henry
- McQuade Henry - McTaigue Hugh
- McTavish Allan - Maddocks Mrs. M.
- Maddocks Miss M. - Maher Miss Emily
- Maher Miss F. - Mair and Brown
- Mair Andrew - Malley Francis
- Malley George - Manfred Mrs. M.
- Mangan Mrs. Charlotte - Manning Henry E.F.
- Manning Mrs.J.C. - Marceillene Madame
- Marcel Bros. - Marks B. F.
- Marks Barnett - Marrickville Crucible Steel Foundry
- Marrickville Estates - Marshall A. J.
- Marshall A. J. - Martin George H. and Co.
- Martin, Hall & Co. Ltd. - Martin Herbert
- Martin Herbert - Martin William
- Martin William - Mason John
- Mason John E. - Masters F. J.
- Masters Frank - Matterson Alfred
- Matterson Chas. - Matthews Drew C.
- Matthewson A. - May Francis
- May Francis - Meader William
- Meades E.F. - Medler Alfred
- Medler Mrs. Charlotte - Melrose John
- Melrose Joseph - Mercer W. J.
- Mercer William - Messenger H. H.
- Messenger Harry - Meurant T. A.
- Meurer E. - Middleton George
- Middleton George - Miles Wm. J.
- Milewsky Myer - Miller Mrs. C.
- Miller C. B. - Miller John
- Miller John - Milligan D.
- Milligan G. - Mills William
- Mills William - Minister W. G.
- Miniter Andrew - Mitchell E. E.
- Mitchell Mrs. E. E. - Mitchell Thomas
- Mitchell Thomas - Moffatt J. B
- Moffatt John - Moloney Patrick
- Moloney Patrick - Mont George
- Montagu N. W. - Moon Alfred
- Moon Charles - Moore Edmund A
- Moore Edward - Moore Nicholas
- Moore Norman - Moran Michael
- Moran P. J. - Morgan Jolm P.
- Morgan John S. - Morland C.
- Morland E. T. - Morris George
- Morris Goorge - Morrisey Thomas
- Morrish J. J. - Morrissey John
- Morrissey John J. - Morton Henry J
- Morton Herbert - Moss George
- Moss George - Mount Cooper Estate Ltd.
- Mount Keira Colliery - Moynahan W.
- Moynan C - Mulhall Thomas
- Mulhearn Bros. - Mulligan James F.
- Mulligan John - Munn Mrs. O
- Munn William - Murdoch T. W.
- Murdoch Thomas - Murphy John T
- Murphy John W. - Murray and Lanman's Florida Water
- Murray's Limited - Murray Fredk.
- Murray Frederick S. - Murray Thomas M.
- Murray Tom - Mutton W. H
- Mutton Walter - Nadin B.
- Nadin Louis H. - Nash Mrs. F.
- Nash F. A. - National Union Society Ltd.
- National Wool Institute and Sheep Shearing Co. - Needham Robert
- Needham Robert - Nelson Mrs. Albert
- Nelson Albert - Nesbitt Hamilton
- Nesbitt J. - N.S.W. Baking Co. Ltd.
- N.S.W. Bookstall Co. Ltd. - N.S.W. Powell Wood Process Ltd.
- N.S.W. Presbyterian Widows' and Orphans' Association - Newell Mrs. Ellen
- Newell Ernest - Newman H. J.
- Newman Mrs. Hannah - Newton Fredk
- Newton Fredk. - Nicholas Mrs. Gregory
- Nicholas H. C. - Nichols J. F.
- Nichols Mrs. J. J. - Nicoll Angus N.N.
- Nicoll Bruce - Nixon John
- Nixon John W. - Nolan Miss Julia
- Nolan Mrs. K. E. - Norris Arthur
- Norris Mrs. B. - Northern Suburbs Building and Investment Co. Ltd.
- "Northern Suburbs" Starr-Bowkett Society - Noviski Louis
- Novitiate for the Little Sisters of the Poor - Oakes Leslie M.
- Oakes N. C. - O'Brien James C.
- O'Brien James G - Ockenden Mrs. E. I.
- Ockenden H. J. - O'Connor R.
- O'Connor Mrs. R. - O'Donohue Markham
- O'Donovan John - O'Halloran Mrs. M.
- O'Halloran Mrs. M. A. - Oldroyd Mrs. B.
- Oldroyd W. C - Olsen L.
- Olsen Miss - O'Neill James
- O'Neill James S. - O'Reilly Vincent J.
- O'Reilly W - Osberg Charles F.
- Osboldstone S. - O'Sullivan D. L.
- O'Sullivan Daniel - Overton James
- Overton John - Ozanne Miss C. A.
- Ozanne T. - Page R. A.
- Page Reuben E. - Palmer A. G.
- Palmer A. J. Howard - Pantlin F. W.
- Pantlin George - Parker Ben
- Parker Benjamin - Parkes George
- Parkes George - Paroz H. R.
- Parr Mrs. A. - Parsons Charles
- Parsons Charles L. - Pasquill Harry
- Pass Albert - Paton, Burns and Co.
- Paton and Co. - Patterson T. J.
- Patterson T. W. - Pawley Harold
- Pawley John - Peacock Walter
- Peacock William - Pearce William
- Perkins E. J. - Perry George
- Perry George - Peters Mrs.
- Peters Peter - Pettersen Frederick W.
- Pettersen George - Philip George B. and Son
- Philip Alexander O. - Phillips Henry J.
- Phillips Henry K - Phipps H. E.
- Phipps Harry - Picton Edwin
- Picton George - Pilcher F. E.
- Pilcher Frank H - Piquet Rev. P.
- Pirani Edgar - Platt Albert
- Platt Alfred - Pocock Frederick
- Pocock George - Polski Mrs. A.
- Polsne John - Pope John
- Pope John - Porter Rev. Dr. Thomas
- Porter Thomas R. - Poulter Reg
- Poulter Richard C. - Power John J.
- Power John M - Prentice Mrs. E.
- Prentice E. A. R. - Price D.
- Price David H. - Priestly T
- Priestley W. H. - Pritchard Gilbert
- Pritchard H. - Pryme D.
- Pryor Arthur G. - Purcell George
- Purcell Gerald - Pyke A. B
- Pyke A. B. - Quigley Albert
- Quigley Alexander - Quinnell Arthur F.
- Quinnell Mrs. C. - Raffan George
- Rafferty Mrs. A - Ramage Alec
- Ramage Mrs. E. - Ranger A. W.
- Ranger Fredk. - Ravens A. and Sons
- Ravens George - Rayward Percy A.
- Rayward R. - Reay William S.
- Rebay Mrs. Louisa - Reed Clifton
- Reed David. - Regan Michael C.
- Regan Patrick - Reid Mrs. Rebecca
- Reid Reg. - Rendall James
- Rendall Robert - Reynella Wines
- Reynett Mrs. A. A. - Rice C. Court
- Rice Charles F. - Richards Henry R.
- Richards Henry S. - Richardson Frederick
- Richardson Fredk. - Rickard Arthur
- Rickard Edward - Rien W. C.
- Rienzi Madame - Riley William T.
- Rily and Borgogni - Ritchie William G.
- Ritchie William H. - Roberts A. W.
- Roberts Mrs. Adeline - Roberts John C.
- Roberts John E. - Robertson Bertram C.
- Robertson Benjamin - Robertson Thomas
- Robertson Thomas - Robinson Mrs. Catherine
- Robinson Cecil - Robinson Joseph
- Robinson Joseph R. - Robson Stuart
- Robson T. - Rodman P.
- Rodner Solomon - Rogers J. W.
- Rogers J. W. C. - Rolls & Murphy
- Rolls C. F. - Rose G. H.
- Rose George - Ross and Bowman
- Ross Brothers Ltd. - Ross Thomas A.
- Ross Thomas B. - Rouy Gaston
- Row Cecil C. - Rowlands E. Propty. Ltd.
- Rowlands Miss E. M - Royal Life Saving Society
- Royal London Auxiliary Insurance Co. Ltd. - Rudder's Limited
- Rudder A. E. - Russell Alex
- Russell Alex. - Russell Sydney S.
- Russell T. - Ryall Percy
- Ryall Percy B. - Ryan Leo
- Ryan Miss M. - Ryde Railway Station
- Ryde School of Arts - St. Andrew's Residential Chambers
- St. Andrew's Presbyterian College - St. Leonards (North) Public School
- St. Leonards Railway Station - Salisbury William
- Salkeld & Wallace - Samuels B. and H
- Samuels Henry and Co. - Sands John Ltd.
- Sands' Map of Sydney and Suburbs - Sarger Francis H.
- Sargood Brothers - Saunders William G.
- Saunderson Mrs. A. - Sayer William H
- Sayers Allport Proprietary - Scharti and Schulz
- Schatzman J. - Scholer Oscar
- Scholes Mrs. E. - Schwer E. and Co.
- Schwer Chas. F - Scott George E.
- Scott George F. - Scott W. F.
- Scott W. H - Scurrah T. B.
- Scurrah Walter - Sebbins Mrs. A.
- Secakmund R - Selman Mrs. Anna
- Selman G. - Seymour Herbert
- Seymour J. - Shardlow F.
- Shardlow John - Sharrah Thomas G.
- Sharratt Amos E. - Shaw T. W
- Shings Misses - Short Percy
- Short Percy G. - Sidery Fredk.
- Sides George - Simmons Mick Ltd.
- Simmonds Carlos H. and Sons - Simpson's Free Stores
- Simpson H. & Son - Simpson Peter
- Simpson Peter - Sinclair James
- Sinclair James - Sisters of Mercy
- Sisters of Mercy (R.C.) School - Skinner W. S.
- Skinner Walter - Slavin C. E
- Slawson L. C. - Small H. H.
- Small Harold - Smiles Miss Ada
- Smiles James T. - Smith Alexander W.
- Smith Alex. W. S. - Smith Charles
- Smith Charles - Smith Eric O.
- Smith Ernest - Smith George
- Smith George A. - Smith Hugo
- Smith Mrs. I. - Smith John
- Smith John - Smith Percival
- Smith Percival L. - Smith Sydney E.
- Smith Sydney F. - Smith William
- Smith William - Smyth Rupert
- Smyth Samuel - Sogeri Para Rubber Co. Ltd.
- Sohan John - Sommers G. P.
- Sommers Henry - South Thomas A.
- South Tom - Spanos S. A.
- Spanswick Mrs. A. - Speed Frederick
- Speed George - Spencer Richard
- Spencer Robert K. - Spora Frank
- Spora John - Spurway J. S.
- Spurway James S. - Staley Thomas
- Staley William G. - Stanley Henry A. and Co
- Stanley Motor Co. - Staples D. E.
- Staples David - Starrat James T
- Starrat William - Stedman Herman
- Stedman James - Steer Chas.
- Steer Charles - Stephen Miss Minnie
- Stephen Rev. P. J. - Stephenson G. C.
- Stephenson G. C - Stevens John
- Stevens John - Stewart Alex. and Sons Ltd.
- Stewart and Cropp - Stewart Edward
- Stewart Mrs. Ellen - Stewart W. C.
- Stewart W. F. - Stock John and Sons
- Stock Journal Newspaper Ltd. - Stollery Joseph
- Stolley Albert - Stonehouse T.
- Stonell J. R. - Strachan James
- Strachan James - Street Snelling F.
- Street Sydney - Stuart Robert and Son
- Stuart Mrs. A. - Sturrock A.
- Sturrock A. - Sullivan Miss N
- Sullivan O. A. - Sumner C.
- Sumner Edward - Sutherland W.
- Sutherland W. - Swadling John
- Swadling Leslie - Swanston E. W.
- Swanston G. - Swinbourne Mrs. A.
- Swinbourne C. F. - Sydney Crucible Cast Steel Works
- Sydney Dinghy Club - Sydney Municipal Library and Newspaper Reading Room
- Sydney Nautical Academy - Sydney Theosophical Society
- Sydney Tie Co. - Szarka Bros.' Theatre
- Szarka Mrs. A. - Tamm Richard H.
- Tammins George - Tarleton W.
- Tarleton William - Taunton Mrs. M.
- Taupin Mrs. M. J. - Taylor Capt. Charles
- Taylor Capt. Charles - Taylor Henry F.
- Taylor Henry G. - Taylor R. C.
- Taylor R. D. - Teachers' Central Registry
- Teachers' Guild of N.S.W. - Temple-Smith A
- Temple-Smith J. R. - The Dairy Chemical Co.
- The Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Co. - Thomas Albert
- Thomas Albert C. - Thomas Harold
- Thomas Harold F - Thomas William
- Thomas William - Thompson E.
- Thompson E - Thompson J. P. B
- Thompson J. S. - Thompson Mrs. R.
- Thompson R. - Thomson A
- Thomson Mrs. A. - Thorn John J.
- Thorn Thomas - Thornton Willis
- Thorogood Arthur Y. - Tibbey A. E.
- Tibbey Mrs. A. E - Tillam, Boehme and Ross
- Tillam George - Tipler Daniel
- Tipney Henry A - Todman Charles
- Todman Charles - Tonks F. W.
- Tonks Frederick - Toomey John
- Toomey M. E. - Townes R. D. W.
- Townley G. H. - Traill Walter W.
- Train J. and Co. - Tremain Mrs. C.
- Tremain E. H - Trinder W. G.
- Trinder William - Tubridy James
- Tubridy Miss M. - Tully Michael
- Tully Mrs. S. M. - Turner A. E.
- Turner Mrs. A. Foster - Turner Miss Mabel
- Turner Mark - Twine A. F.
- Twine Alfred - Uhr William G. L.
- Veitch Robert - Vickary Edward
- Vickerman Miss A. - Vincent N.
- Vincent Owen B. - Voyt Mrs. M.
- Vrachnas J. - Wagstaff C. H.
- Wagstaff C. W. - Wale W. H
- Wales Mrs. C. - Walker E. J. K.
- Walker E.L. - Walker Joseph
- Walker Joseph - Wall Mrs. E.
- Wall Edmund - Wallace Percival
- Wallace Percy - Walsh Arthur B.
- Walsh Bernard - Walshaw Lionel
- Walshe & Co. - Wane John
- Wane R. A. - Ward George
- Ward George - Wardle George T.
- Wardle Harry - Warns William
- Warr & Co. - Warwick George R
- Warwick J. A - Watkin A. R
- Watkin Mrs. E. - Watson E. Oliver
- Watson E. P. - Watson Mrs. Mary
- Watson Mrs. Mary - Watt James
- Watt James - Waugh T. and Co.
- Waugh A. G. - Weatherill Mrs. Agnes
- Weatherill Geo. E. - Webb John
- Webb Mrs. John - Webster David
- Webster David L - Weeks W. T.
- Weeks Walter - Welby John J.
- Welby Robert - Wells Frederick
- Wells Frederick - Wennholm Bros.
- Wennholm A. H. - West Mrs. G.
- West George - Westcott W.
- Westcott W - Weyman Edward
- Weyman Frank - Wheeler A. J.
- Wheeler Albert E - Whicher Alfred E.
- Whicker A. T. - White Albert E.
- White Albert E. - White Mrs. George
- White George - White Patrick
- White Paul - Whitehead Mrs. C
- Whitehead C. - Whitfield H.E.
- Whitfield H. R. - Whittaker Mrs.
- Whittaker O. - Whyte R. D.
- Whyte Samuel - Wight Mrs. W.
- Wightman A. W. R. - Wildman Thomas
- Wildman William F. - Wilkins Arthur
- Wilkins C - Wilkinson John H.
- Wilkinson John J. - William Street Post
- William Street Superior Public School - Williams C. R.
- Williams C. T. - Williams Frank
- Williams Frank - Williams Humphrey S.
- Williams J. - Williams Miss M
- Williams Mrs. M. - Williams Thos.
- Williams Thos. - Williamson H.
- Williamson H. - Willis A. D.
- Willis Abe - Willow George
- Willows E. - Wilson and Roberts
- Wilson's Steam Laundry - Wilson Edward
- Wilson Edward - Wilson Herbert
- Wilson Herbert - Wilson Kendrick
- Wilson Miss L. - Wilson W. A.
- Wilson W. B. - Winders Mrs. C
- Winders George - Winstanley Mrs. M. E.
- Winstanley Mrs. Mary - Wiseman Harold E
- Wiseman Mrs. H. - Wollaston John A.
- Woollcott V. B. - Wood Mrs. Ellen
- Wood Mrs. Emily - Wood Patrick
- Wood Reuben - Woodford Mrs. L. A.
- Woodford Leonard - Woods Mrs. E.
- Woods Mrs. E. - Woodward George
- Woodward Henry - Woolwich Dockyard
- Woolwich Police Station - Wotton John
- Wotton R. - Wright George C.
- Wright George E. - Wright William
- Wright William - Wyly Reginald
- Wyly Robert F - Yates Fredk.
- Yates George - Youll John
- Youll William - Young Henry
- Young Henry - Young William J.
- Young William L - Zwicker T. and Co.
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