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Sands Sydney Alphabetical Directory 1885
Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 1999
- Aaron,A - Abenethie,James
- Abercrombie,Hugh - Adamson,-
- Adamson,Alexander - Ainsworth,William
- Air,Jas - Alheit,Henry
- Ali,Alfred - Allison,Mrs Keziah
- Allison,L - Anderson,Charles
- Anderson,Charles - Andicott,Eli
- Andreoli,Augusto - Appleton,SH
- Appleyard,Wm - Arney,Mrs
- Arnheim,Edward - Ashton,Julian
- Ashton,Miss - Atkinson,G.
- Aubusson,M.A. - Australian Alliance Assurance Co.
- Australian Press Agency and Telegram Co. - Badman,Frederick
- Bailey,Henry - Baker,George
- Baker,William - Balmain Public School
- Bangal,F. - Barclay,Mrs
- Barker,Charles F. - Barnes,James
- Barnett,Mrs. Rosebank - Barrington,John
- Bartlett,Alf. - Bate,Charles
- Batten,Mrs. M. - Beacon,J.
- Beard,Wm. - Becker,Mrs. M.
- Beech,Annie - Bell,W
- Bell,William - Bennett,Joseph
- Bennett,J - Berncastle,J
- Berndt,Frederick&Co - Biggs,Stephen
- Biggs,W - Bishop,Edwin
- Bishop,George - Blaine,Anthony
- Blair,Cameron&Co - Bloomfield,Mathew
- Bloomfield,Mrs H - bond,CB
- Bond,Charles - Borton,John
- Bosch, Barthel&Co - Bowden,Richard
- Bowden,Thomas - Boyle,Robt
- Boyle,T - Brady, JV
- Brady,Lawrence - Brees,John
- Breese,Henry - Bridges,FT
- Bridges,Jackson - Broderson,Charles H
- Broderson,Jacob - Brown,Adolph F&Co
- Brown&Berry - Brown,J
- Brown,Rev. J - Brown,Simeon
- Brown,Solomon - Brush,John
- Brush,John - Buckley,John
- Buckley,John - Burchmore,Thomas
- Burchmore,William - Burns,J
- Burns,John - Bush,Herbert A
- Bush,JHW - Butterworth,Josp.
- Butterworth,Mrs - Cahill,Mrs
- Cahill,Patrick - Cameron RW&Co
- Cameron,A - Campbell,William
- Campbell,William - Carey,Jeremith
- Carey,John - Carroll,J
- Carroll,J - Cartwright,J
- Cartwright,James - Causton,HWL
- Cavanagh,F - Chambers,Thomas
- Chambers,WR - Chapman,Thomas
- Chapman,Thomas - Chidgey,Charles
- Chidgey,George - Chudleigh,CH
- Chudleigh,Edward - Clark,JW
- Clark,James - Clarke,Mrs
- Clarke,P - Cleveland,William
- Clewes,John - Cobb and Co
- Cobb and Co - Cohen,Mrs
- Cohen,Mosely - Collie,Mrs
- Collie,Rev - Colman,George
- Colonial - Congregational
- Congregational - Conway
- Conway,A - Cooke,James
- Cooking - Coote,William
- Cootes,John - Corrigan,BM
- Corrigan,E - Cousins,C
- Cousins,G - Crabb,Mary
- Crabbe,John - Crawley,D
- Crawley,Fred - Crocker,S
- Crocker,Walter - Crow,John
- Crow,John - Cummings,F
- Cummings,Francis - Curry,Miss
- Curry,Mrs - Dalgarno,Louisa
- Dalgety & Company - Dargin,S
- Dargin,T - Davies,John
- Davies,John - Davis,Mrs
- Davis,Philip - Day,E
- Day,Mrs Ann - Deely,John
- Deely,Mrs S - Denning,George
- Denning,J - Diamond
- Diamond,Fred - Distilleries
- District - Dolphin,Daniel
- Dolton,Arthur - Dornan,Thos
- Dorney,Eugene - Downey,J
- Downey,James - Drew,George
- Drew,George - Duffy,William
- Duffy,William - Dunn,Edward
- Dunn,Eliza - Dwyer,John
- Dwyer,John - East
- Eastway - Edwards,Mrs E
- Edwards,Elizabeth - Elderton,Harry
- Eldred - Ellis,S
- Ellis,Thomas - English,Joseph
- English,J - Evans,James
- Evans,Miss J - Ezold,Emil
- Ezold,William - Farley,Mathew
- Farley,Mrs - Favelle,Rignold
- Fawcett,Benjamin - Ferguson,George
- Ferguson,G - Field,Mrs
- Field,Samuel - Fish
- Fisher,Henry - Fitzpatrick,M
- Fitzpatrick,Michael - Fletcher
- Fletcher,A - Flynn,Lawrence
- Flynn,Mary - Foreman,H
- Foreman,J - Foster,S
- Foster,Stephen - Francis,James
- Francis,Jas - Freeling,Hugh
- Freeman & Co - Fry,WD
- Fryer,J - Gagan,James
- Gagan,James - Gardiner,Frederick
- Gardiner,George - Gascoigne,Capt.Henry
- Gascoigne,James - Gelding,J&W
- Gelding,J&W - Gibbons,Thomas
- Gibbons,Thomas - Giles,John
- Giles,John - Glassby,Walter
- Glasscock,Richard - Godeffroy,Rich
- Godfrey&Moon - Goodchap,W
- Goodin,A - Gordon,Horace
- Gordon,HL - Government
- Government - Granger,H
- Granger,W - Gray,T
- Gray,T - Green,William
- Green,Wm - Gribble,John
- Gribble,William - Grinham,HW
- Grinham,Thomas - Guthrie,James
- Guthrie,James - Hales,John
- Hales,Thomas - Halliday
- Halliday,A - Hammond,George
- Hammond,Henry - Hannan,Dennis
- Hannan,Eugene - Harding,JG
- Harding,John - Harper,Robert&Co
- Harper,A - Harris,Joseph
- Harris,Joseph - Harrison,W
- Harrison,W - Haslam,Cecilia
- Haslam,James - Hay,E
- Hay,Elizabeth - Hayward,John
- Hayward,Captain John - Hefferen,James
- Heffernan,Mrs A - Hendy,George
- Hener,Mathew - Herman,J
- Herman,J - Hickey,L
- Hickey,Margaret - Hill,Donald
- Hill,Mrs E - Hilton,J
- Hilton,James - Hobbs,CT
- Hobbs,E - Hogan,John
- Hogan,John - Holland,Edwin
- Holland,Frederick - Holt,Isaiah
- Holt,J - Hopson,Joseph
- Hopson,N - Hoskins,Rachael
- Hoskins,Thomas - Howell,Andrew
- Howell,Andrew - Huenerbein,August
- Huenerbein,Charles - Humby,John
- Hume&Co - Hunter,James
- Hunter,John - Hutchison,A
- Hutchison,George - Ingle,Fred
- Ingle,James - Isaacs,Solomon
- Isdale,Henry - Jackson,William
- Jackson,William - Jansen,Christopher
- Jansen,F - Jenman,Thomas
- Jennens,Charles - Johnson,Charles
- Johnson,Charles - Johnson,T
- Johnson,Thomas - Johnstone,WR
- Johnstone,William - Jones,JH
- Jones,JH - Jones,Wm
- Jones,Wm - Justice
- Juzot,Henry - Kebblewhite,AG
- Kebblewhite,Alfred - Kelly,James
- Kelly,JC - Kennedy,Bridget
- Kennedy,Catherine - Kerington,RR
- Kerins,Jas - King&Grant
- King&Popple - Kingsborough,C
- Kingsborough,Curran - Kitt,James
- Kittens,John - Krafft,Max
- Kranby,Charles - Lamb,Gregory
- Lamb,Henry - Lane,Nathaniel
- Lane,Thomas - Larry,Leopold
- Larsen,Gustave - Lawn,JJ
- Lawn,JJ - Leah,Mrs
- Leah,James - Lees,Catherine
- Lees,Charles - Leonard,William
- Leoni,Fiuravanti - Lewis,Benjamin
- Lewis,Benjamin - Lindeman,Charles
- Lindeman,Charles - Livingstone,JJ
- Livingstone,James - Logan,D
- Logan,Ernest - Lorking,Emma
- Lorking,GW - Lucas&Co
- Lucas - Lynch
- Lynch,Arthur - McAuley,John
- McAuley,John - McCarthy,Thomas
- McCarthy,Timothy - McCormack,Edward
- McCormack,George - McDiarmid,Allan
- McDiarmid,George - McDonnell,Roderick
- MacDonnell,Samuel - Macfayden,Donald
- MacFayden,Hugh - McGregor,William
- McGregor,Wm - McIntyre,Dugald
- McIntyre,Mrs - McKenzie,Elizabeth
- McKenzie,FA - Mackintosh,Sydney
- McKivett,John - McLenan
- McLennan,A - McMaster,George
- McMaster,George - McNeill,John
- McNeill,John - McTear,John
- McTernan,Mrs - Mahoney,John
- Mahoney,John - Malter,John
- Malthenins,Henry - Mantle,William
- Mantoba,Peter - Marsden,AE
- Marsden,Charles - Martin,Andrew
- Martin,Andrew - Maslam,Thomas
- Mason - Matterson,J
- Matterson,Thomas - May,W
- May,Wm - Melhuish,R
- Melia,P - Messmer
- Metcalf,C - Miles,R
- Miles,R - Miller,William
- Miller,W - Miners,W
- Mingay,Wm - Mobley,Richard
- Moclair,John - Monroe,GW
- Mont,Edwin - Moore,C
- Moore,David - Moran,T
- Moran,Thomas - Moeeis,Edward
- Morris,Ellen - Morse,Robert
- Morse,Thomas - Mountcastle,Benjamin
- Mountcastle,F - Mullins,JL
- Mullins,JT - Murphy,J
- Murphy,John - Murray,John
- Murray,John - Myers,Samuel
- Myers,Sarah - Neale,Mrs
- Neale,N - Nestor,Nora
- Nethercoat,John - Newell,R
- Newell,Walter - Nicholas,Henry
- Nicholas,John - Nixon,D
- Nixon,GC - North
- North - Oaks,John
- Oates,Edward - O,Connell,Jeremiah
- O'Connell,John - Ogaard,Carl
- Ogden,Alexander - Ollerenshaw,J
- Ollerenshaw,Thomas - Ord,George
- Ordnance - Oswald,Henry
- O'Tool,Michael - Page,GW
- Page,Henry - Parcel,T
- Parcell,Hny - Parkhill,Thomas
- Parkhill,William - Partridge,T
- Partridge,Thomas - Paul,J&G
- Paul,Adolph - Pearce,W
- Pearce,W - Pemell,James
- Pemell,James - Perry
- Perry,W - Pettitt,Henry
- Pettit,Henry - Phillips,WH
- Phillips,William - Pilkington,Alfred
- Pilkington,William - Plumridge,Henry
- Plunkett,William - Porter,Edward
- Porter,Edward - Power,Marcus
- Power,Mary - Preston,William
- Precious,Robert - Prisons
- Pritchard,HJ - Purcell,Miss
- Purcell,Mrs - Quinlan
- Quinlan,Ann - Rainford,Thos
- Rainger,J - Ray,Eliza
- Ray,James - Redmond,Thomas
- Redmount,Thomas - Reid,John
- Reid,Mary - Rhodes,John
- Rhodes,Thomas - Richardson,John
- Richardson,John - Riles,R
- Riley - Roach,WH
- Roach,Wm - Robertson,Alexander
- Robertson,Alexander - Robinson,B
- Robinson,Mrs - Robson,James
- Robson,John - Rogers,W
- Rogers,W - Rosebray,Albertus
- Roseby,Ann - Row,William
- Rowan,Andrew - Rubber
- Ruben,Edward - Russell,Mrs
- Russell,Mrs - Ryan,Mat
- Ryan,Mathew - St.James's
- St.James's - Salisbury,Mrs
- Salisbury,Robert - Sands,James
- Sands,John - Sawkins,Frederick
- Sawtell,A - Scholes,Richard
- Scholey,George - Scott,T
- Scott,Thomas - Selater,John
- Selby - Shannon,Thomas
- Shannon,William - Sheaves,John
- Sheaves,John - Sherlock,Albert
- Sherlock,Richard - Shortland,Richard
- Shortland,Richard - Simmons,Thos
- Simmons,Walter - Sinclair,W
- Sinclair,W - Slater,Thomas
- Slater,William - Smirl,CW
- Smirl,R - Smith,Francis
- Smith,Francis - Smith,James
- Smith,James - Smith,Mrs
- Smith,Mary - Smith,William
- Smith,William - Solomon,Lionel
- Solomon,M - Spall,Jas
- Spangenberg,William - Spouncer,Augustus
- Spouncer,William - Stanley,Mrs
- Stanley,M - Stedwell,Miss
- Steed,Charles - Stephens,W
- Stephens,W - Stewart
- Stewart,J&R - Stockman,F
- Stockton - Stralan,Charles
- Straney,Paul - Sturrock,William
- Sturt,Albert - Sun Quan Sing
- Sun Sum Kee - Swarzes,George
- Sweatman,W - Sydney
- Sydney - Tanner,E
- Tanner,E - Taylor,Edward
- Taylor,Lieut - Taylor,Walter
- Taylor,William - Thatcher,Richmond
- Thane,D - Thomas,Thomas
- Thomas,T - Thompson,Martin
- Thompson,Mrs - Thornton,Hon
- Thornton,Henry - Timms,Charles
- Timms,Mrs - Toohey,John
- Toohey,John - Traner,Joseph
- Transatlantic - Troy,William
- Trudgeon,Thomas - Turner
- Turner - Twight
- Twine,AF - Usher,Mrs
- Usher,Robert - Venables,William
- Veness,Charles - Vine,A
- Vine,Margaret - Waite,George
- Waite,George - Walker,Joseph
- Walker,Joseph - Wallace,WM
- Wallace,William - Walter,William
- Walter,William - Ward,John
- Ward,John - Warrick,George
- Warrington - Watson,Edward
- Watson,Edward - Watts,William
- Watts,William - Webster,John
- Webster,John - Wells,John
- Wells,John - West,James
- West,James - Wheeler,C
- Wheeler,Charles - White,J
- White,John - Whiting,James
- Whiting,J - Wiggleton,F
- Wight - Wilkinson,Robert
- Wilkinson,Robert - Williams,George
- Williams,George - Williams,T
- Williams,Thomas - Willoughby,George
- Willoughby,JW - Wilson,H
- Wilson,H - Wilson,William
- Wilson,William - Wise,BR
- Wise,Edward - Wood,RF
- Wood,RJ - Woolcott,Mrs
- Woolcott,Thomas - Wright,Edward
- Wright,E - Yanz,Ludwig
- Yard,George - Young,Isabel
- Young,J - Zucker,Charlotte
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