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Sands Sydney Alphabetical Directory 1890 Index
Reproduced from microform copies of the originals in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales (pages 474 - 974).Index Copyright © Internet History Resources 1997
- Aaron Charles - Abrahams Michael
- Abrahams Mrs - Adamson George
- Adamson George - Ainley Arthur
- Ainsley James - Aldridge James
- Aldritt Francis - Allen AE
- Allen Albert - Allington
- Allison Andrew - Anabel William B
- Anchor - Anderson John
- Anderson John - Andrews H
- Andrews H - Antill John
- Antilla Andrew - Armstrong Alfred
- Armstrong AB - Arping William
- Arrighi Louis - Ashton Samuel
- Ashton Samuel - Atkinson John F
- Atkinson John T - Austin WJ
- Austin William - Australasian Waygood etc
- Australasian Widows etc - Bagot Robert
- Bagot Thomas - Baker
- Baker - Baldick Mrs S
- Balding Henry - Balmain Wesleyan etc
- Balmain (Wes) school - Barber JS
- Barber Mrs Jane - Barling Joseph
- Barlolo Leo - Barnett L
- Barnett Leopold - Barrow Charles
- Barrow George H - Basett Julia Mrs
- Basford James A - Batten W Mrs
- Batten William - Beadford EA
- Beadman James - Beauregard John B
- Beavan Alfred - Beeson Henry
- Beeston Robert - Bell Moses
- Bell Nesbit - Bennett J
- Bennett S - Bennetts FA
- Bennetts Richard - Bernberg David
- Berndt Frederick - Bevan Miss
- Bevan Walter - Binnie R & H
- Binnie Alexander - Black & Co
- Black & Flohm - Bladon Thomas
- Bladon William G - Bligh WR
- Bligh William - Bodenham WW
- Bodimead Edwin W - Bonfield Richard W
- Bong George - Bordell Charles B
- Border Thomas - Bourke John
- Bourke Joseph - Bowes John W
- Bowes Miss - Boyd Thomas C
- Boyd U - Bradford Walter S
- Bradford William - Braham David
- Braham & Mutch - Bray William
- Bray William - Brereton RW
- Brereton Robert G - Brigden Richard H
- Brigden Sydney J - Broadleves Thomas
- Broadley Joseph - Brooks John
- Brooks John - Brown Alfred J
- Brown Alfred - Brown Henry J
- Brown Henry W - Brown Mrs
- Brown Mrs - Brown William
- Brown William - Brunton John S
- Brunton Peter - Buck Horace W
- Buck Richard - Bulgin Henry
- Bulgin William - Burdett WA
- Burdies Charles - Burnett Charles
- Burnett James - Burrows James
- Burrows James - Bushmayer Joseph
- Busine Sarah Mrs - Buttel Alfred
- Buttel Thomas - Byrne William
- Byrne William - Cain Joseph
- Cain Thomas - Callen JM
- Caller William - Campbell Charles
- Campbell Charles - Camperdown Wesleyan etc
- Camperdown police etc - Cape Mrs
- Cape Rollo A - Carnaby Joseph W
- Carne Benjamin - Carroll John J
- Carroll John S - Carter Thomas
- Carter WE - Cassidy Richard
- Cassidy Robert - Caves Thomas
- Caves Silver - Chamber of Manufactures
- Chamberlain Charles - Chapman CM
- Chapman Caroline E Mrs - Charlesworth FJ
- Charlesworth Francis - Chilcott HF
- Child Albert - Christie John
- Christie John - City of London etc
- City Mutual etc - Clark Henry
- Clark Henry S - Clarke Harry
- Clarke Henry - Clayton James
- Clayton Jane Mrs - Clifton John Rev
- Clifton John G - Coates William
- Coats J - Cohen and Bornstein
- Cohen David & Co - Coleman Albert
- Coleman Alfred - Collings Thomas
- Collings WG - Collins William W
- Collinson William - Con Lee
- Conacher James - Connolly William
- Connor James - Cook Edward W
- Cook Edward W - Coombe JJ
- Coombe Mrs - Cooper William
- Cooper William - Cormack Alexander
- Cormack AW - Costello Patrick
- Costello Thomas - Country Milk Co
- Coup Mrs - Cowie William
- Cowie William - Coyle John
- Coyle M Miss - Crane William
- Cranes Charles - Creft John
- Creegan John - Croft George
- Croft H - Crossley George G
- Crossley HG - Cuddy John
- Cudlipp George - Cummins Thomas
- Cummins Thomas J - Currie William
- Currie William - Daintrey Mrs
- Daisley John - Daly Patrick
- Daly Patrick - Darling George A
- Darling Henry - Davidson James
- Davidson James - Davis Charles
- Davis Charles - Davis S
- Davis S Mrs - Daws Mrs MJ
- Daws William - Dean Aaron
- Dean Alexander - De Jean Bertrand
- De Jersey William - Denison Albert
- Denison Alfred - Dessaix Peter
- Dessaix Peter - Dickens William
- Dickenson Charles E - Dillon Thomas
- Dillon Thomas - Dobbie John
- Dobbie Mrs - Dominey Thomas
- Domnish John - Donovan Thomas
- Donovan William - Doutty AC
- Doutty CGA - Downs Elizabeth Mrs
- Downs George - Drayton J
- Dreaper George W - Dudeney James
- Dudeney James - Dumble John
- Dumbrell David - Dunn James & Co
- Dunn & McKeown - Durmond Charles
- Durning John - Eade McH
- Eades Maria Mrs - Eaton JW
- Eaton James A - Edwards CA
- Edwards C - Egan William
- Eagan William - Elliott Brothers
- Elliott Brothers Ltd - Ellis John
- Ellis John - Empson Charles
- Empson F - Errington & Chapman
- Erskine Alexander - Evans John
- Evans John - Ewers J
- Ewers William - Fairbrother
- Fairbrother Frederick - Farley Philip
- Farley R - Farrelly Matthew
- Farrelly Mrs - Feinberg David
- Feldheim Gotthelf & Co - Ferguson Peter
- Ferguson RB - Field Henry
- Field Henry J - Finn Peter
- Finn William - Fisher Walter
- Fisher William - Fitzpatrick Michael
- Fitzpatrick Michael - Fleming Ernest
- Fleming GT - Flew John
- Flew Thomas - Fogarty David
- Fogarty Thomas - Ford James W
- Ford James - Fortune Madame
- Fortune John - Fowler RF
- Fowler Robert - Frank Antonio
- Frank Frederick - Fredounick John
- Fredenwald George - Friday George T
- Friberg Alexander - Fuller Frederick
- Fuller Frederick - Gaffin Robert
- Gaffney Bernard - Galvin James
- Galvin John - Gardner John H
- Gardner John F - Gascoigne Henry
- Gascoigne James - Geary John H
- Geary John - George James
- George James - Gibbs CO
- Gibbs Charles - Gilbert George
- Gilbert George - Gillespie -
- Gillespie Allan - Gladesville PO
- Gladesville Public School - Glennon John
- Glifford T - Goff Richard
- Goff Richard B - Gooda John
- Goodacre A Mrs - Goodwin William R
- Goodworth H Mrs - Gornall Robert
- Gornell Francis - Government Ordnance Stores
- Government Printing Office - Graham John
- Graham John - Grant Michael
- Grant Miss - Gray Mary Mrs
- Gray Milford - Green John
- Green John - Greenwood Charles
- Greenwood Edward - Grice E George
- Grice John - Griffiths William
- Griffths William - Grundman Frederick
- Grundy J - Guttridge Frederick H
- Guttridge William - Haigh John
- Haigh M Mrs - Hall John
- Hall John - Halmarick Henry
- Halmarick MA Mrs - Hamilton William
- Hamilton William - Handy Mrs
- Hanen James - Hansen Morris
- Hansen Peter - Harding Miss
- Harding Mrs - Harlick John
- Harling H - Harris & Ackman
- Harris P & Co - Harris Thomas
- Harris Thomas - Harrison Wesley
- Harrison Walter - Harvey Frederick
- Harvey George - Havenhand Georgs
- Havens Philip - Hay Robert
- Hay Thomas - Haymarket music hall
- Haymarket Permanent etc - Hearn John
- Hearn William - Heinisch Carl
- Heinisch Charles - Henderson Thomas
- Henderson Thomas - Henry William
- Henry William - Hertzberg Nathan
- Hervey RA - Hickey William J
- Hickie John - Hilder H
- Hilder Joseph - Hill Robert
- Hill Roland - Hinchy Thomas
- Hincks Mark - Hitchnor William
- Hittmann Edward - Hodgkinson Elizabeth
- Hodgkinson George - Hogan William
- Hogarth John - Holland David
- Holland Edward - Holmes Jane Mrs
- Holmes John - Hook Richard
- Hook Walter - Hordern Anthony & Sons
- Hordern Brothers - Horton Thomas Rev
- Horton W - How John
- Howard J & C - Howell Richard
- Howell Richard - Hudson Henry
- Hudson Henry C - Hughes John H
- Hughes John - Humphreys William
- Humphreys William G - Hunter George
- Hunter George - Hutchins Antro F
- Hutchins George - Hynes WA
- Hyndes William - Inman Thomas
- Innes Alexander - Isaacs Mark
- Isaacs Michael - Jackson George F
- Jackson George J - Jaffray John W & Co
- Jaffray George - Jamieson W
- Jamieson W - Jeffress George
- Jeffress Henry R - Jennings Robert
- Jennings Robert L - Johnson Alexander
- Johnson Alfred - Johnson John
- Johnson John - Johnston A
- Johnston Adam - Johnstone William
- Johnstone William - Jones Evan
- Jones F - Jones Mrs
- Jones Mrs - Jordan W Rev
- Jordan William - Kahler Yucup
- Kaiapoi Woollen etc - Keane Michael J
- Keane Michael - Keep Leonard
- Keep Richard - Kelly John
- Kelly John - Kempner S Mrs
- Kempster William - Kenny JC
- Kenny James - Kerr Joseph
- Kerr Mattaniah - Kilder Julius
- Kilduff John - King Francis
- King Francis W - King William jun
- King William jun - Kirkham Mrs
- Kirkham Mrs - Knight Joseph
- Knight M Mrs - Krafft & Co
- Kramer Mrs - Ladies Typewriting Association
- Ladigan J - Lambourn Edward W
- Lambert William - Lane Thomas
- Lane Thomas - Lappin Henry
- Lapraik Charles - Lauren Anshelm
- Laurence & McLachlan - Lawrence C Mrs
- Lawrence C Mrs - Laycock M Mrs
- Laycock Robinson - Lee & Schupp
- Lee & White - Lee James
- Lees James - Lenehan Patrick
- Lenehan Patrick - Lethe Joseph
- Letherby Percy W - Lewis George
- Lewis George - Liggett William
- Liggins & Arnold Misses - Linnane Patrick
- Linney Charles - Litto Michael
- Liver Thomas - Locke Arthur
- Locke Caroline Mrs - Loney Gore W
- Loney Thomas S - Louden J
- Louden Matthew - Lowe D
- Lowe David - Ludwig Frederick
- Ludwig Hans - Lykke CN
- Lyle John & Co - Lyttle James
- McAdam Anna - McCabe James
- McCabe John - McCartin Miss
- McCartney Arthur - McConnell D & Co
- McConnell J - McCubbin John A
- McCue John - Macdonald Hugh O'N
- McDonald Isabella - McDonnell Mary Miss
- McDonnell Miss - McFarland M Mrs
- McFarland Mrs - McGolrick
- McGolrick William - McGregor Peter
- Macgregor Peter - McIntosh Alexander
- McIntosh Alexander - McKay J
- McKay James - McKenzie Alexis G
- McKenzie Angus - Mackey Frederick
- Mackey George S - McLaughlan John
- McLaughlan RC - Maclennan & Ellis
- McLennan Andrew - McManus Ellen Mrs
- McManus George - MacNamara Henry
- Macnamara Henry - Macpherson Alexander
- McPherson Alexander - McWilliams William J
- Maddams George - Maher Matthew
- Maher Michael - Malborough Walter
- Malcolm Brothers - Manly Building etc
- Manly Coal etc - Mantel Henry
- Mantell George - Marks Thomas
- Marks Thomas - Marshall Allan A & Co
- Marshall Brothers - Martin Alfred
- Martin Alfred - Martin Thomas
- Martin Thomas - Mason Joseph
- Mason Margaret Mrs - Mathews Lionel
- Mathews Mary Mrs - Maxted Sydney
- Maxton W - Mead Montague
- Meade Peter - Melhado Daniel
- Melhuish Thomas H - Meredith John P
- Meredith Maurice - Meyn WJ
- Miatt Joseph W - Milford Herman
- Milgate James - Miller John G
- Miller John C - Mills Edward
- Mills Eliza Mrs - Minell Charles
- Minell Richard - Mitchell Mark
- Mitchell Marklow - Molenaar Phoebe
- Moles Alfred - Monroe Barbara Mrs
- Monroe George W - Moor John
- Moorbank Estates Co - Moore Thomas
- Moore Thomas - Morgan FA
- Morgan Francis S - Morris Edward
- Morris F - Morrison Mrs
- Morrison Mrs - Mosely Mary Mrs
- Moser Thomas - Mountover Joseph
- Mountover MA Mrs - Mullens Josiah & Arthur L
- Mullens Arthur L - Munro M Miss
- Munro ML Miss - Murphy John
- Murphy John F - Murray James
- Murray James - Mutton James R
- Mutton Miss - Nash Edward
- Nash Frederick - Neehan E Mrs
- Neely James - Nerricker T
- Nesbet M Mrs - New Zealand Insurance Co
- New Zealand Loan etc - Newman Walter L
- Newman William - Nichol Mrs
- Nichol William - Nickles James
- Nickles Rickmer - Noice William
- Nolan - North Shore Gazette
- North Shore Hospital - Nugent Joseph
- Nugent Michael - O'Brien Emma Mrs
- O'Brien Francis - O'Connel James
- O'Connell James - O'Donnell Patrick
- O'Donnell Patrick - Ohlson George R
- Ohm George & Co - Olsson Peter
- Olston August F - Orchard S Mrs
- Orchard WB - Osborn William
- Osborne Wallsend Colliery - Ould Hugh H
- Ould Samuel - Padden James
- Paddington Brewery Fire Brigade - Palmer E Mrs
- Palmer E Mrs - Parke Mrs
- Parke Samuel J - Parkinson George
- Parkinson George Y - Parry Walter
- Parry William - Paterson James
- Paterson James - Pattison William
- Pattle Henry D - Peapes and Shaw
- Peapes George - Pearson Robert M
- Pearson S Mrs - Pemell JE
- Pemell James - Perkins Mrs
- Perkins Thomas - Peters Thomas
- Peters Thomas - Phelan Daniel
- Phelan Ellen Mrs - Phillips Robert
- Phillips Robert - Pidcock William
- Pidcock William - Pinkerton Miss
- Pinkerton WJ - Pleace William
- Pledge Amelia Mrs - Pomeroy Thomas
- Pomfrett Alfred - Porter John
- Porter John - Powell Glendower
- Powell Henry - Prendergast John
- Prendergast John T - Price Thomas
- Price Thomas - Probert Thomas
- Proberts Thomas - Purcell Catherine Mrs
- Purcell David - Quayle William
- Quayley Thomas - Quong Hing Chong
- Quong Hing - Ramage Mrs
- Ramage Robert - Rattle WG
- Rattray James - Ready Morrice
- Real & Personal Mortgage - Rees Albert
- Rees Alfred - Reid William C
- Reid William G - Reynolds
- Reynolds John - Richards Mrs
- Richards Mrs - Richardson William
- Richardson William - Rigg Samuel
- Rigg Theodore - Ritchie John
- Ritchie John - Roberts David
- Roberts E - Robertson Donald
- Robertson Donald - Robinson Alexander
- Robinson Alfred T - Robinson Richard T
- Robinson Robert - Rodd James
- Rodd James "Bantry" - Rogers Tom
- Rogers Thomas - Rose Henry
- Rose Henry - Ross Joseph
- Ross John T - Rowe Harry
- Rowe Henry - Roylance John
- Royle Charles J & Co - Russell Charles
- Russell Charles H - Rutledge George
- Rutledge George - Ryan Nicholas
- Ryan Owen - Saile Robert
- Saile William - St Kilda's Hospital
- St Lawrence Mission etc - Sainty Brothers
- Sainty Charles W - Samuels Sam
- Samuels William - Sargent WH
- Sargent William - Sawyer William H
- Saxby Amos - Schetrumpff John
- Scheven Carl Von - Schulze E
- Schumack EJ - Scott John
- Scott John - Seagrave TH
- Seale Mrs - Selwin Charles
- Selwood EW - Shannon Archibald
- Shannon David - Shaw Joseph
- Shaw Joseph - Sheil Maud Mrs
- Sheldon J & Co - Sherlock James
- Sherlock Mrs - Short Eliza Mrs
- Short G - Sidwell Mrs
- Sidwell Thomas - Simon John
- Simon L Mrs - Simpson William B
- Simpson William H - Skelsey Harry
- Skelsey William - Slater John H
- Slater Joseph - Small Peter
- Small Robert - Smith Alfred
- Smith Alfred - Smith Edward T
- Smith Edwin - Smith Henry
- Smith Henry - Smith John
- Smith John - Smith Octavius
- Smith Owen F - Smith WB
- Smith W Barnett - Smyth Charles S
- Smyth Charles J - Solway F
- Somerville Archibald J - Southwick Charles T
- Southwick George B - Spence Thomas
- Spence William - Springett Robert
- Springfield Thomas - Standish George
- Standly H - Starkey George
- Starkey John - Steele Robert
- Steele Robert J - Stephens Mrs
- Stephens Mrs - Stevens Mary
- Stevens Matherson - Stewart James
- Stewart James - Stockwell B
- Stockwell John R - Storr S Mrs
- Storey OF - Strong Mrs
- Strong Peter - Stynes O Miss
- Suburban Independent - Summerville Francis
- Summerville JL - Sutton John
- Sutton John C - Sweetman Maria Mrs
- Sweetman William - Sydney Mutual etc
- Sydney Night Refuge - Tackhall John H
- Taft Harvey - Tarr William
- Tarran Alfred - Taylor Charles
- Taylor Charles - Taylor Joseph
- Taylor Joseph - Teighen Mrs
- Teiney Edward - Thiering Mrs
- Thies John - Thomas Matthew
- Thomas Michael - Thompson Henry
- Thompson Henry - Thompson TJ
- Thompson TS - Thornthwaite Henry
- Thornthwaite JC - Tidswell Wilson & Co
- Tidswell FC - Tipping Mark
- Tipping William F - Tonge Thomas
- Tongue Thomas - Townend Fred S
- Townend George W - Trebeck PN
- Trebilcock William S - Trott J Mrs
- Trott TW - Tunks Charles
- Tunks Charles R - Turner Joseph
- Turner Joseph - Tyce Wilson
- Tydeman HE - United States Consulate
- Unitt Alfred R - Vandenburgh Charles
- Vandenvord Susanna - Venn James
- Venn James - Vincent George
- Vincent George - Wadell Robert
- Waddell William - Waldron RK
- Waldron Edward - Walker James H
- Walker James W - Wall John
- Wall John - Walsh George
- Walsh George - Walton Isaac
- Walton Isabella - Ward MA Mrs
- Ward Mary Mrs - Warre George
- Warrell Robert - Waters WG
- Waters WF - Watson John
- Watson John - Watts Sydney
- Watts Sydney - Webb Norman
- Webb RW - Weekley W Mrs
- Weekley William - Wells Colonel
- Wells Albert C - West J & Son
- West Alexander - Westpfahl C
- Westphal & Clark - Whelan Mrs
- Whelan Mrs - White Henry
- White Henry - Whitehead
- Whitehead & Donovan - Whittaker Joseph
- Whittaker Robert - Wigley George H
- Wigley George H - Wilkinson AJ
- Wilkinson AJ - Williams Alfred E
- Williams Alice Miss - Williams Henry
- Williams Henry D - Williams Richard M
- Williams Richard - Williamson Magnus
- Williamson Mark A - Wilshire Miss
- Wilshire Miss - Wilson Irwin W
- Wilson Isabella - Wilson Thomas
- Wilson Thomas - Wingrove George
- Wingrove Jabes E - Withers & Callaghan
- Withers F Mrs - Wood Joshua
- Wood Leslie - Woods George
- Woods HR - Woolloomooloo police station
- Wooloomooloo police station - Wright Frederick
- Wright Frederick - Wylie Charles
- Wylie Charles - York Mrs
- York Mrs - Young Robert
- Young Robert - Zurbano Bonifacio
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